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Who's Really on Board with AI: Youngsters or Boomers?”

Over the last decade, Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken over the world with its super fast and highly capable processing power in the intellectual and humanly functional domain by proving that many tasks that a human usually known to perform can now also be done by AI at a significantly faster and improved rate. AI is being implemented and deployed in several different industries like education, pharmacy, manufacturing, agriculture, and tech, one of the most important implementations of AI due to its Natural Language processing models to think like humans is in chatbots.

To give a broader understanding, AI chatbots are like software applications that talk to other humans for information and suggestions while making the person feel that they are talking to another person. The text generated by these AI chatbots is more or less like human text, and an average person can’t differentiate between human text and AI text.

The wave of AI is growing at an exponential rate and can’t be stopped; the only matter is how well it is controlled by the governments and how quickly it is accepted by the public. In fact, an interesting conclusion was reached when Genesys did a study of 1,000 US citizens aged 18 and older. It was found that the people who belonged to the age group of 57 to 75 years old were the most resistant to the acceptance of AI bots, with only an approval rate of 42% in favor of AI bots. The people from the age group 44 to 59 (Gen X) showed approval of 52%, the people from the age group 28-43 (Millennials) showed acceptance of 61%, and last, youngsters of ages 12 to 27 (Gen Z) showed the support of AI bots by a staggering 73%.

Through speculation and logical assumption, we can conclude that the more distant an age group was during their growing years from technology, the less likely they were to accept AI and its different roles. That is why older people who barely had technology in their lives while growing up show more resistance to AI. Another reason can be tech bias, which is a term that defines the bias some people have towards anything, even if they are given proof of it happening. Bias happens when someone for a long time believes in certain ideas that are true (even if they are wrong rationally and scientifically), and when those ideas are proven wrong, those same people will stick to the old ideas. Similarly, older people above 50 never believed that such a thing as AI even existed, and now, over the last decade, when AI is growing at an exponential rate, it is almost impossible to change the years upon years of thinking as no such thing will happen over few years. Thus they carry a tech-progression bias.

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