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TikTok's U.S. Ad Spending Surges to 18% Post-Biden Bill; Twitter Plummets to 2% After Musk Ownership: Guideline Data

The sudden decision of TikTok being banned in the US after an overwhelming majority of votes in Congress led President Biden to sign the bill into law.

This gave rise to the launch of new stats and estimates by Guideline which spoke about the American social media ad spending that every single leading platform in the American markets was receiving in the recent past.

But you wouldn’t be surprised at the results at all. ByteDance’s popular social media app TikTok’s share went from 2% to 18% in just one year. This is for the period between April and March of 2020-2021 to where it stands today.

On the other hand, we saw the data speak about a non-stop decline in the leading X app that was once known as Twitter, ever since it was under the ownership of tech billionaire Elon Musk.

As per estimates released by Guideline, the share for social media X’s ad spending dropped from 13% in the past (before Musk took over) to just 2% at the moment. How’s that for a massive drop? We’re sure Musk would never like or agree to the sound of that.

In the same way, estimates from Guideline are curated from a huge pool of real media-buying stats that were compiled from a top agency holding firm. This is where you can see some huge independent media firms in action so it doesn’t reflect some long-tail advertising spending from little to medium-sized firms that could be making the most from advertising revenues from this X app and a host of other apps. What do you think?

As far as the market leaders are concerned, there are no surprises here. It’s Meta Platforms that continue to reign supreme with its house of popular apps.

Read next: New Lawsuit Against Meta Could Pave The Way To Users Switching Off Algorithmic Feeds

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