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The Rising Trend of Dream scrolling Among Americans

Americans are increasingly spending their time engaged in an activity known as “dream scrolling.” This involves browsing through items or experiences they aspire to own one day. According to research by Empower, the average American spends about two and a half hours each day on this activity. This adds up to roughly 873 hours or about 36 days annually.

Dream scrolling is particularly popular among different age groups, with Gen Zers leading at over three hours daily. Boomers, on the other hand, spend about an hour each day. Interestingly, half of the people surveyed engage in dream scrolling even while at work, with one in five admitting to spending three to four hours doing this during their work hours.

Many find that looking at potential purchases motivates them to manage their finances better. About 56% of Americans believe that dream scrolling helps them make smarter financial decisions and avoid unplanned spending. Around 30% think it keeps them from going into debt, and 25% say it aids in planning their financial goals. Furthermore, a significant number of people view dream scrolling as an investment in their future aspirations.

When it comes to financial goals, 42% of the respondents spend time envisioning their ideal retirement. This includes their age of retirement, where they will live and their expected monthly expenses. The trend of dream scrolling also reflects on the current economic landscape. About 34% of people feel they have bought fewer items from their dream list than they should have. Millennials feel the most pressure in this regard.

The study also highlighted that economic factors like rising prices, the inability to save money, and increasing debt are major hurdles. Despite these challenges, dreamscrolling remains a hopeful activity for many. Half of the respondents noted that they are spending more time dreamscrolling than in previous years and plan to buy something from their dream list before the end of the year.

People dreamscroll for various reasons. Some browse for homes or vacations, while others look at beauty products, items for their pets, or technology. Despite the challenges, 65% are optimistic about eventually purchasing everything on their dream list. However, nearly a quarter believe they might never be able to afford most of their dream items. More than half of the respondents think that owning their dream items would enhance their financial security, and nearly half see the value in working with a financial professional to achieve their goals.

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