
The Power of Purple Fruit and Vegetables!

The deep purple color of fruits and veggies is usually a sign they contain potent plant chemicals that have big health benefits!

A particular type of polyphenol called anthocyanins gives plants their vivid violet colors. (They also give red foods, like tomatoes, and blue foods, like blueberries, their colors.)

Anthocyanins protect purple vegetables from sunlight damage, cold temperatures, and other stressors. And they attract pollinators, like bees and butterflies.

They also can help protect and heal your cells from damage and protect you from many lifestyle diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

For centuries, people have used anthocyanins in herbal medicines (from dried leaves, berries, roots, and seeds).  Anthocyanins have been used for a wide range of health conditions including everything from hypertension and liver disorders to kidney stones and urinary tract infections — and the common cold.

Anthocyanins Provide some Big Benefits

Anthocyanins consistently reduce inflammation which is an underlying cause of many diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, allergies, diabetes, arthritis and joint pain, depression, some types of cancer and obesity.

Consuming high levels of anthocyanins on a regular basis have been proven to improve many cardiovascular risk factors – including the ability to lower artery stiffness and lower blood pressure.

Anthocyanins help prevent age-related mental decline and can cross the blood-brain barrier and support brain regions involved in learning and memory.

Anthocyanins from Elderberry and proven viral fighters and have been shown to dramatically reduce the length of respiratory viruses like colds and flus!

Purple Vegetables to Include in your Diet

Purple Cabbage – easy to find and inexpensive yet has the highest level of anthocyanins per dollar spent.

Purple Onion – is probably the most affordable and easiest-to-find purple vegetable out there.

Purple Carrots – carrots were originally purple and yellow, and purple carrots are becoming available again because scientists discovered that purple carrots are more resistant to diseases and pests!

Purple Cauliflower – has 15% more antioxidants than the world-famous superstar food kale.

Purple Potatoes – try substituting purple potatoes to get a bigger anti-inflammatory effect and they taste great!  Research has shown that they can help lower blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Purple Asparagus – makes the healthy and delicious food asparagus even healthier!

Purple Brussel Sprouts – hard to find but takes the many benefits of brussel sprouts to another level.

Eggplant – the anthocyanins are in the skins so make sure to keep the skin on when preparing!

Blueberries – everyone knows they are healthy – now you know one of the big reasons – they are high in anthocyanins!

Elderberry – anthocyanins from Elderberry are proven immune stimulants and fight viruses.

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