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The Impact Of The US TikTok Ban: New Study Proves Less Than Half Of The Nation Supports The Decision

The cat is out of the bag and it’s no surprise that the US Congress just voted in favor of a complete TikTok ban (or force selling of the platform) across the country.

President Biden signed the bill into law and has given the social media giant nine months to separate itself from Chinese parent firm ByteDance or face a complete shutdown in the American market.

While the company promises to fight back against the accusations hurled in its direction by US lawmakers, new studies are glaring into the mindset of Americans and how they feel about the country-wide ban.

Many critics are referring to the decision as a major one in terms of digital privacy as well as international relations. But interestingly, less than half of the country shows support for the government on this front.

They feel it’s controversial for obvious reasons with close to 42% being in agreement while the rest showing disapproval.

The study in question featured 2,000 American adults who took part in Talker Research’s latest initiative to find out what American mindsets were feeling about the bold decision. 31% of individuals felt they did not care while 23% showed great opposition.

What was interesting is how 42% of Gen Z and close to 35% of millennials generated a response in the app’s favor and spoke about using it regularly. But 36% voiced support for this ban.

The study was rolled out actually before the American President signed the bill into law on official grounds and warned that the only way out was to sell off algorithms elsewhere instead of turning back to Chinese roots.

25% feel they would be affected by the decision while 45% said it would have no effect on their daily lives. Meanwhile, 39% added how barring this app across America can be so uneventful for them while more than 50% reported about their kids using the platform.

21% always worry about the popular platform impacting their young kids’ minds and that was something they wish they didn’t have to deal with. The biggest concern on this front had to do with rolling out the most inappropriate content that was disturbing for underage viewers and could impact their minds.

Meanwhile, close to 45% of Americans felt their data privacy would be at stake while others had an issue with matters like cyberbullying. To generate concerns about what kids were posting did not seem to be a major concern here as only one in five parents spoke out about that.

With that being said, plenty of research is available that proves how TikTok is worrisome for Americans who feel strongly about it being the major source of misinformation online.

Other than top security issues, other researchers have delineated more about the app and its misinformation woes. Moreover, one study went as far as to reveal how nearly 50% of the content linked to health had fake data. Influencers were giving out incorrect health advice instead of doctors and that again was worrisome.

Playing with health was not something any user would wish to do at any cost and TikTok not doing enough to stop this act had users concerned despite them being avid fans of the leading digital app.

While plenty of factual data of great quality is seen online today including the likes of TikTok, it’s not easy to decipher what’s right from wrong because it’s portrayed so convincingly. Meanwhile, another study also shed light on how people were concerned about their kids meeting strangers through TikTok. While another 29% had the fear it would reduce attention spans and impact mental health.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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