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The Growing Impact Of AI In Search: SEO Job Listings Experience 37% Decline In Q1 Of 2024

The world of SEO hiring is taking a major hit as recent reports proved that SEO job listings had witnessed a 37% decline during the first quarter of this year.

The change is significant when you compare results during the same period last year. And experts claim the increased use of AI in search has resulted in this change to SEO hiring.

The news comes to us thanks to a recently launched analysis carried out by SEOJobs who compiled the information from more than 80k job listings. These were published by 4700 workers in 2023 and the start of 2024.

So which roles were impacted the most? As per the report, it was the mid-level ones. Meanwhile, senior SEO roles witnessed a 3% YoY rise during the first quarter of this year. Similarly, data entry-level roles saw a 1% rise but mid-level positions had the biggest hit with a 6% fall when compared to results from the first quarter of 2023.

The owner of SEOJobs also spoke about the impact of AI automation linked to the handling of commonly conducted routine tasks. This means firms now need experts who are capable of carrying out work on a higher level.

Remember, work that was once designated to be an entry-level position is now considered or done quicker and more cost-effectively via the use of AI. Hence, such entry-level SEO positions are believed to work around basic level facts related to search and any soft skills needed to compete with rivals at the middle level who entail close to three or more years of experience.

So many organizations wish to do a lot more with fewer resources and that means saying hello to the hiring of cheaper staff with less experience and then paying out for great results through senior-level SEOs.

When you look at things more positively, you will understand how more remote opportunities are present in the world of SEO and how they’re peaking as we speak, when compared to results from last year.

We cannot forget how there’s a certain lack of transparency for salaries of employees as highlighted in the report so more needs to be done on this front. As per recently published stats, just 18% of all job listings gave out pay details while there is a lot more disclosure for wages as many states are now requiring this to occur legally.

Other than the disruptions linked to the world of AI, there is a bigger picture featuring mega economic challenges that seemingly impact SEO employment.

As per data from the US, the pulling of listings for these job positions coincides with the slower growth in jobs across the American labor market. Employment didn’t change a lot in the past month across several industries. This includes those offering both business as well as professional services. And remember, most SEO positions do tend to come under this domain.

Read next: Frustrated with Google’s AI Overview in Search Results? Here’s How to Disable It With A Chrome Browser Hack

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