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Snap Inc. Displays Better Revenue Performance In Q1 2024 With Steady Growth In Users

Snap Inc just released its latest quarterly performance results for Q1 of 2024 and it’s safe to say that the company is really working hard to ensure all of its business elements are on track.

The company which owns the popular social media platform Snapchat made it very clear how the new performance update entails better revenue generation with a steady growth in users.

For starters, the company spoke about the figures for daily active rising to 422 which is a stark rise of close to 8 million people from what was seen during the same time last year.

The news sounds great but it might be a little worrisome for executives at Snap because it’s yet to get the traction that it hoped to attain in leading revenue markets such as the EU and the USA.

Growth here remains flat despite it being a key region for the company’s future as more people certainly give rise to better opportunities.

However, we must mention that those regions are not bringing in profits for the company that we once saw take center stage before. The US and EU are where the most money lies for Snap Inc so to have that doing well means big things.

This is one of the major reasons why we saw the tech giant mention that its goal was to put greater focus on these parts of the world and their respective audience as compared to other parts of the globe. But despite numerous attempts, they are yet to remain successful.

As far as particular behaviors are concerned, we’re seeing the company speak about how its TikTok-like feature called Spotlight Video has a feed that rises by more than 125% YoY.

This just goes to show how popular TikTok is in general in terms of attracting the masses as its look-alike offering is doing great. The landscape is wonderful and many feel this might add to the firm’s profits when an actual TikTok ban arises in the US.

Remember, something similar arose in 2020 when we saw TikTok being banned in India and that gave rise to Snapchat flourishing by miles. Its figures for downloads nearly doubled in this part of the world.

While we feel the situation is so much more different in America right now with Meta’s Instagram taking center stage with its Reels offering or Google’s YouTube having fans who cannot get enough of Shorts. So we cannot expect it all to go to Snapchat alone.

But any attention would be wanted by Snap as TikTok just made it clear how its parent firm would much rather prefer a shutdown in the US than a sale of its core algorithms.

Another point worth a discussion from Snap’s report was Snap Stars. This gives rise to a host of features including the chance for influencers and stars to make more funds online and drive greater engagement via their profiles. Today, the total time people spend on Snap Stars is much more than what we first saw at the start. So with time, the growth has risen by 55%, if not more.

Snap says it managed to onboard 1500 stars in the first quarter alone and that has helped in generating profits of all kinds of QoQ thanks to Story Posts and its Spotlight ones.

The goal is to make sure high-profile names in the world of creators continue to stick to the app as that gives rise to more engagement.

Read next: Microsoft Boasts 20% Profit Growth In Q1 As Company Positions Itself As AI Market Leader

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