
Sit-In Protests At Google’s Offices Get Ugly As Nine Employees Arrested For Voicing Concerns About Israeli Cloud Deal

We heard yesterday that a host of sit-in protests were taking place across various Google workplace locations in the US.

This was regarding many workers voicing their opposition to Google’s billion-dollar cloud deal with Israel amid the ongoing war in Gaza.

Offices seen in New York and California had people sitting for long hours as they voiced strongly against the act of giving easy cloud services to a country it felt was doing injustice and taking part in genocide against humanity.

The contract dubbed Project Nimbus is worth a staggering $1.2 billion and has arisen between Amazon and Google Cloud to ensure all those in the country’s ministries can access to the complex infrastructure but workers had other thoughts about that.

As per reports from NoTechApartheid, the massive sit-ins arose on Tuesday at the firm’s offices in both California and New York City and it’s safe to say that the turnout is not what many had anticipated to begin with.

We’re talking hundreds attending and nearly five chose to overtake the office located in California which belonged to the Cloud CEO. The message was clear, people were not happy and they wanted Google to realize the consequences of its actions were beyond acceptable.

As far as the office in New York is concerned, a total of four different employees proved while entering the 10th floor of this office that it’s not okay to behave in this way. And they started to get a little bit aggressive. As expected, cops were on standby to deal with the issue and as four workers chose to disobey the orders from the police, the event that followed was inevitable.

Protesters seen in both these areas were put into jail after they occupied the office for nearly eight hours. Moreover, workers even began to lose their cool and get super aggressive about the technology being used at the firm and how that would give rise to more harmful apps like mass surveillance of innocent Palestinians who are already being killed by specific targeting.

It would similarly give rise to the start of more military operations in that part of the world. Today, nearly 600 employees working at Google ended up signing a new open letter that urged the firm how its leadership is now going to reconsider the terms of the new involvement.

Search engine giant Google mentioned how Project Nimbus is only covering some of the most non-sensitive ordeals belonging to the government and its Cloud rep reaffirmed that perhaps a lot of information is being wrongly directed toward the deal due to misunderstanding.

A new statement was also generated by the firm in this regard about how the latest contract is solely for those workloads working on the commercial cloud by ministries run in Israel that are in full compliance with the search engine giant’s Terms of Service and Use Policy.

Moreover, such works aren’t directed toward anything that’s very sensitive or deemed to be related to military or weaponry or even destruction, let alone intelligence. But the doubts are greater on this front more now than ever in regards to how much truth these statements have and if they’re just designed to trick the masses.

We’re similarly hearing more reports about how the country’s military forces are making use of cloud services. There are plenty of leaked contracts witnessed by TIME that display how Israel’s defense sector got consultation assistance as well as discounts from the search engine giant regarding such a deal.

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