
Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Mind-Body Connection

Unique Health And Fitness • Sep 04, 2019

The idea of the connection between our mind and body is that our beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, and feelings can negatively or positively affect our biological functions. You need to know that our mental activity and our physical body are deeply interlinked and we can’t separate them even if we tried. If you want a healthy life then you should work on strengthening your mind and body connection. Here are a few simple ways to do that.

Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Mind-Body Connection

  • Prioritize sleep. You shouldn’t make a compromise when it comes to sleep. Humans need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night for staying healthy. And this is not the kind of sleep which you get by a few after-work beers. You should try to get a solid night’s sleep after naturally falling asleep on your own.
  • Body movement. You should wake your body up by a quick stroll to the water cooler at least once an hour. You should try sitting on an exercise ball for engaging your abs throughout the day. You should even consider doing shoulder circles a few times a day, you can set an alarm for this. While doing all of these, you need to be mindful of your posture. Doing this will tune up your body and you won’t feel much fatigue.
  • Limit screen time. You often tune out of your body and mind by tuning into your phone. Screen time and social media can be the ultimate distractors. You should set daily time limits for certain apps on your phone. Also, you need to avoid any screen use an hour before you go to sleep.
  • Spend time outside. Spending some time outdoors and the fresh air will help you connect back to reality. This will also allow you to soak up much-needed vitamin D. You can go for jogging on your own or you can simply walk your dog for 10 minutes before work. Don’t let the weather stop you for even a walk in the rain can be refreshing.
  • Get a massage. Massage is one of the best things you can do for yourself. There are many benefits of massage which include, stress reduction, improved blood circulation, and tension relief. If you can’t find the time to go to a masseuse then you should find a masseuse who will come to your home. You should enjoy this and shouldn’t hesitate to take care of yourself.
  • Laugh a little more. Laughter can be the best medicine. It boosts your mood and quickly stimulates your heart, muscles, and lungs. It also leaves long term positive effects on your immune system. Hence, you should spend more time with family & friends, and go to your favorite comedian shows.
  • Keep your mind active. You should keep your mind engaged in different activities so that it keeps functioning well. You should try learning a new language, solve crosswords or read a good book. The more active your mind will be, the healthier will be your body and you will feel better.

The Takeaway

People who have good emotional health are generally more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They have learned healthy ways to cope with the stress and problems that are a normal part of life. They feel good about themselves, have healthy relationships, and can affect how healthy your body is as well.

Unique Fitness offers 3 locations here on Long Island, each with their own style and focus, attracting people of all different ages, fitness levels, and abilities. Contact us today to claim your free 3-day trial membership .

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