
Report by Adobe Shows New Trends in Fonts, Colors and Other Elements on Websites in 2024

The 2024 small business branding report by Adobe analyzed 930 websites to determine which colors, fonts and features are getting popular in 2024. All of the websites which were analyzed were all from small businesses which made it easy to study all the designs and features in detail. When the font colors were analyzed on those websites, the report found out that many brands are now opting for natural background colors like white (85%) and gray (34%). Other preferred colors were blue (22%) and black (9%). These were also the preferences for font colors as having neutral colors on the website makes readability easier. When you are choosing fonts for a website, it is important to have a background and font color contrast that is easier on eyes.

Adobe’s report also talked about the font styles which are getting popular in 2024. The font style that is dominating the websites is Open Sans. The top font family is San-Serif which 90% of the websites are using nowadays. Other fonts that are being widely used include Roboto and Montserrat. A little drawback of using serif fonts is that they have to be adjusted according to the resolution and screen size. They, undoubtedly, add a touch of elegance to the blog but if there is a long reading material, it is advised to not use this font because it can affect the readability of the readers.

Other things that should be included in websites in 2024 are photographs (87%), Call to action button (86%) and illustrations (47%). Contact information, place to enter the email and zip code should also be a part of a website. The website should also give information about its Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages so that users could follow it on social networks. This whole report by Adobe shows that small and new businesses would try to make a website that is easy to access and has all the information and visitor wants. Only then can these businesses and websites increase their digital presence and attract customers.

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