
Quantum physics.. Its every where

Today it is very easy to understand about universe like twinkling of stars, sunrise sunset and why Sky looks blue but there are many things which have been discovered but they are not easy to understand. Similarly there is one field of confusion called quantum physics. Quantum physics is used every time in our life and even in the universe but it is very difficult to explain it.

What is quantum physics? It is is the branch of Physics in which subatomic particles like neutrons protons electrons and many more are distracted from their original place.

Quantum physics was founded by Max plank on 14 December 1900

What is quanta – small energy packets discovered by Max planck is called quanta. Every quanta has fixed energy and is dependent on sky. Formula of quantum is
-E = HV

Quantum physics is used everyday in our life. Everything that is happening is due to quantum physics. The toaster we use is made by quantum physics Technology, computers are made by quantum physics only.

Is quantum physics had not discovered then you would have not be able to read this article.

Some more examples of quantum physics Technology are:-
Mobile phones
 Laser technology
 and LED
are made by quantum physics.

The communication signal is provided by quantum physics.

The most important GPS we use is made by quantum physics Technology.

Quantum physics play an important role in medical field, nuclear power plant formation and making of human technology is part of quantum physics.

By reading about you must have understand how important quantum physics is

Many concepts are based on quantum physics Technology:-

1) dual nature – every action and work is done using waves and particles. This means that every object is made of particles and waves at same time.

2) uncertainty and probability – it is very important concept of quantum physics this states that every particle in our world is present in form of small particles like electrons neutrons and protons.
In this condition it is not possible to know exact location of quantum particles so we use probability to check their locations.

3) quantum entanglement – this concept makes Bond between two particles for examples ifttt take one particles on earth and other on Neptune then also if one particle gets destroyed the second will also be destroyed at same moment.

This was the the easy concept of quantum physics.

Fact – it was very difficult for Einstein to understand this topic it took around 4 weeks to understand this topic for Albert Einstein.

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