
Parents Are Revealing The Good, Bad, And Ugly Truths Of How Their Relationship Shifted After Having Kids

Having a baby is one of the most monumental life changes, and there’s no doubt that bringing a child into the world changes the dynamics of a marriage. Well, over on Quora, someone asked, “After having a baby, how did your relationship with your spouse change?” And people started getting really candid about the subject. Here are some changes people felt with their partners after welcoming a new baby into the world.

1. “I won’t paint a fake picture of love here. The dynamics of an intimate relationship change 180 degrees after having children. It’s not about you two now. Romance, sex, free time, chats, cuddles, all these activities take a comfortable backseat (also because they had become routine and you don’t crave them)…”

2. “I loved my husband less after having a baby. He also lost my respect, trust, and perception of him as an adult and man. It started when he wanted to play video games at his cousin’s house immediately after the baby was born. He mentioned it while I was delivering the placenta and was gone before the APGAR came back; he didn’t even stick around to make sure the baby was healthy and didn’t come back until the next day. Then, there was the refusal to parent, with every excuse imaginable…”

“He didn’t change a diaper for the first time until the baby was six months old. He did zero night feedings and barely even held the baby, not even long enough for me to take a shower. It was always ‘I don’t know what to do’ or ‘What am I supposed to do? Babies don’t do anything.’ Dude, just sit on the couch like you were going to anyway, but with the baby in the crook of your arm. He rebuked and guilted me for asking for or expressing the need for a break; I was, according to him, ‘a bad mom who should be grateful to spend every second with my child.’  He never stepped up and got promoted to ex a long time ago…”

Hellen C.

3. “People are fond of saying, ‘Your first year of marriage is the hardest’. For me, that was not even close to the truth. My wife and I did not live together before we were married, so our first two years of marriage had a few adjustments to which any couple living together can relate. It wasn’t too bad, though…”

“…Spontaneity kept our marriage lively. When we wanted to visit friends, we visited friends. When we wanted to travel, we traveled. Just over two years later, our first child was born. That was when our lives really changed. The first night we brought him home from the hospital, I had to work. I got a call from my wife a couple of hours later. She was in the bathroom changing the baby’s diaper when the power went out. This was a shadow of things to come. 

He was very colicky and did not sleep through the night for the better part of a year. Of course, he could only tolerate the most expensive non-dairy formula our doctor could recommend. The spontaneity was gone from our relationship. All of a sudden, we had to plan everything. Money was tighter. We had to arrange child daycare and occasionally arrange for a sitter. Our closest family member was over 1,000 miles away, so no help there. In an instant, the dynamic of our whole marriage changed. It was worth all the changes our relationship experienced, but that was the year of our biggest changes. If I had to do it all over, I would happily do it again, but without as many novice mistakes.”

Robert T. 

4. “My husband and my relationship has changed in many ways since having our 15-month-old daughter. For one, we don’t go out as much. This isn’t because we can’t find the time or someone to babysit or even because we are exhausted. It’s just the fact that going out costs money, and when you have a kid, you start to think about their needs more than your own. Sure, we still go out for a meal or a pint, even as much as once or twice a week, but we’ve wrangled in on the splurging. Thankfully, Portland is pretty kid-friendly, and most of our favorite brewpubs have a play corner; score!”

5. “Hell, I felt disconnected from myself after having a baby. I had a C-section nine months ago and am still numb in the area, so that adds to the disconnection in my body. Once you have a baby, the shock that you are now responsible for another life is mind-blowing. Not having had an actual human growing in him for nine months, a man has no idea what a woman is feeling or needs. Once I gave birth, all I wanted was some sympathy and hugs. He tried to do chores and errands and care for the baby while I healed. He thought he was doing everything, but I felt he wasn’t giving me what I needed most: personal attention and care…”

6. “My wife and I are still in love after having two sons and two daughters. I think that we are more in love now than when we were first married 64 years ago.”

Stephan C.

7. “Though research suggests that satisfaction with the marital relationship decreases after the birth of a child, for me, it was entirely the opposite. I had just witnessed my wife nearly sacrifice her life to give birth to our twins. Then, after some recovery in the ICU, she totally rocked it as a totally awesome mom. Through some miraculous process, she created these amazing beings, and then she just got busy taking care of them…”

8. “When we got home, my wife had zero interest in sex, mostly because she had had a C-section. After that, she developed an infection, so they had to open her up again and leave a tube in. And she came home with it. Still open. Which rather reminded me of a gutted fish. So you could hardly blame her if she felt less than sexy. Then there was the fact that for the last two weeks before birth, we weren’t sure our son was going to make it. He did, but it was a close thing. So psychologically, she was still pretty freaked out…”

“….Now, my wife was a premature baby herself. She had been given a five percent chance of living. But she made it. In later years, she had health issues. When it came time actually to get pregnant and deliver a baby, she wasn’t sure she could do it. She was a nervous wreck both during and afterward. 

So when we got home, I had to be her nurse to make sure that her open belly wound healed properly and didn’t over-tax herself. Plus, I had to cheer her up and tell her how marvelous she was and what a great mother she was. I knew she was. But someone had to constantly tell her often enough until she finally believed it herself. She loved our son, and she loved me. But it was a while before she was well enough to take on the responsibilities of mother and wife. And I don’t regret a minute of it. Because I loved her. In short, it wasn’t about me; it was about her and about getting my family on its feet. All other considerations, including my own, came last. Because that’s what you do.”

Ken K.

9. “After the birth of my first child, I found that I absolutely hated my husband. I was Googling divorce attorneys. It was terrible. What I learned was that he was a complete and total jerk when he was sleep-deprived, and honestly, I was probably less than awesome myself…”

10. “It does change, but it can be in a good way. My wife and I are not the same people we were 30 years ago. Physically, spiritually, and emotionally, we are different. Raising our three children was the hardest part of our years together. It is a very tough job that is rewarding but also can add stress. We grew apart during those years because we didn’t handle the stress correctly…”

“…But, we never gave up. We grew together, prayed together, kept loving each other, kept forgiving each other, and got intentional about spending time together. We grew closer together because we decided to grow closer together. Yes, our lives and our love are different today. We are still best friends. I pray for all marriages to stay strong and stay committed.”

Eric H

11. “Before becoming parents, we hung on to our egos. After becoming a parent, my ego went for a toss. I had no energy to fight or argue with my spouse. Before becoming a parent, my world and attention centered around my spouse. After becoming a parent, a tiny bundle became the center of attention in my life…”

12. “I joke, somewhat, that my marriage started with a child. We had a honeymoon baby, so only a few weeks of marriage before the morning sickness set in. I mean, then, that I never really knew my wife before the baby came…”

13. “My love grew enormously after seeing how my husband was as a father. I didn’t think it was possible to love him any more than I already did, but how wrong I was; he just amazes me every day.”

14. “I feel more love for my spouse after having kids. A deeper bonding took place with the event, and then we raised them, and we had a lot of communication. When we had grandchildren, there was even a deeper bond between us. I can’t explain it; carrying on the legacy is beautiful.”

Beverly C.

15. “There is now a very demanding little third person when you have your first child. The time and attention you have both been lavishing upon each other now needs to be lavished on someone else, the someone you have created together. It tends to be difficult for A LOT of men. I was so lucky. It did not change our relationship much, just the time available to concentrate on each other. But we had been married almost nine years when we had our first child, so we were more than ready for the change. Now that our children are 38 and 26 and completely out of our homes, we have finally gotten back to being able to concentrate totally on each other and our interests, dreams, and goals. It’s great!”

How did having a child change your relationship with your spouse or partner, either for the worse or for the better? Tell us all about it in the comments, or drop your thoughts into this anonymous form.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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