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Owner Of A Skateboard Company Saw A Skater Bullying Kids At A Park, So He Captured It All On Video And Got Him Arrested

It’s a fact…some kids who skateboard can be total jerks!

And the kid you’re about to meet is a real doozy named Kyle!

Unfortunately for him, some folks got his rude and bullying antics on camera.

Read this story from Reddit and check out what happened.

Yell at me for skating, get arrested.

“Yesterday, June 21st, was national go skate day.

As such a lot of skateparks around the states were hosting competitions for various reasons.

Parks were overcrowded, people who don’t normally skate were getting out.

Typical holiday stuff.

This shop I’ve been trying to get to carry my skateboards happened to be hosting one such contest, at one such skate park.

I was going to tell you guys which but then I thought someone might go to the park and look for the kid I’m writing about.

This place isn’t for the weak.

Anyways this park has some of the notoriously worst skaters.

Absolute jerks.

They cut each other off, yell at each other, fight, and if the shop I wanted to see was not there I would never skate this park.

So being me, I decided to arrive early, maybe it wouldn’t be too busy and I could skate around for a bit without any trouble?

I was so terribly wrong. I had collisions with four different skaters.

Maybe those were my fault, maybe I wasn’t paying attention very well.

Maybe it was their fault?

I’m ready to let it go, but I’m on edge.

I decide to drop into the pool because it is one of very few spots at a skatepark you go one at a time.

So I get in there, I started skating in circles just trying to get the feel for this pool.

Warming up too.

Then this kid, who we’ll call Kyle starts yelling at me from the top of the pool.

Whatever I’ve only been in the pool for a moment I know it’s still my turn.

Still though, this kid I can clearly make out every word he’s yelling.

Kyle: “Get out of the pool you jerk! This park is for good skaters! I need to warm up so I can win the contest that Local Board Shop is hosting! You suck! You clearly can’t do any tricks! You have no shot at winning!”

Whatever I think. I don’t like it here.

Time to stop skating and just socialize.

I pop out of the bowl by Kyle and he pushes me.


**Kyle: “**Locals only! Don’t let me see you step on that board again in my park.”

Me: “Whatever kid I’ll leave you to it.”

I go to put my board away when my revenge plan kicks into gear.

I own a skate company, and everyone seems to think skate companies sponsor anyone who can kickflip.

So I figure, I’m going to let it leak around the park that I’m here scouting talent to recruit to my team.

I go and cheer a few kids as they do their super basic tricks.

Call them over one at a time to tell them I’m here scouting talent.

Sure enough, within half an hour kids all over the park are coming to me to introduce themselves.

Asking me to pay special attention, what company I represent, what sponsorship requirements are, that kind of stuff.

At this point even if my plan fails I’ve just created a ton of buzz at this contest and everyone is talking about me and my company.

Of course, Kyle showed up…

Somewhere in the mix though, Kyle comes to talk to me.

Kyle: “Hey look, man, I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I was excited that’s all.”

Me: “Look I get it, so I’m going to give you another chance. You said you’re competing right?”

Kyle: “Yeah I’m here to destroy these losers.”

Me: “Alright listen, I saw you skating around a bit while I was talking to people. You’re really good, exactly the level of skating we need for someone on our team. I plan on keeping on eye on you, don’t disappoint me. What’s your name by the way?”

Kyle: “My name is Kyle, and yeah bro. You know I got this on lock!”

Kyle actually was a very talented skater in case you’re wondering. I had no plans of actually recruiting him or anybody, but he was good.

A little time goes by and the contest starts. We start by doing “Best Trick” on the A-Frame. This is an A-Frame so you can visualize.

There is absolutely no coordination on who goes when the guys from the shop just tell them to go and start calling out tricks they see on their megaphone.

I start closely filming Kyle.

What a creep!

Sure enough, he’s skating the contest like the jerk he was being earlier.

Yelling at people, pushing people out of the way, and he even hit a guy with his board.

I get every single confrontation on video.

I thought about sharing the video, but again we don’t need a witch hunt.

Kyle ends up doing pretty well, landing 3rd place with a big flip over the A-frame.

I couldn’t find a video of a big flip, but here is a bigger flip.

A big flip is a kickflip with a 360-degree board rotation and a 180-degree body rotation.

It’s an impressive trick. Somehow he got beat by a kid that did a tailslide, and someone who did a kickflip into a boardslide with a shuv out.

Me: “Hey Kyle, I saw your big flip over the A-Frame. That’s a hard trick and I’m impressed. You got anything special planned for the next contest?”

Kyle: “LOL, it’s called S.K.A.T.E. you idiot. It’s like H.O.R.S.E. but for skateboarding. Yeah, I got something.”

Me (Annoyed because I know exactly what a game of S.K.A.T.E. is) “Yeah… Anyways I’m excited to see what you can do.”

The rounds of S.K.A.T.E. start and we do a single elimination bracket. I’m still aggressively watching and filming everything Kyle does.

This kid didn’t know when to quit.

Every time his competitor misses a trick he makes fun of them, every time they go to throw a trick he yells something totally obscene to throw off their concentration.

Every time he makes a trick he does a mini-celebration, and every time he misses a trick he blames his competitor and pushes them.

You know, because it’s their fault he couldn’t land it.

He ends up getting knocked out in the third round.

He throws his board across the park, and it almost hits someone, and storms off for a bit.

When he comes back I congratulate him on getting so far.

Me: “Good job getting to the third round. I really liked some of those tricks you had. I got a lot of them on camera, I’ll edit all the film from the day and show you later.”

Kyle: “Whatever that idiot that beat me cheated. Everybody knows you’re not allowed to do body varials.”

Me: “Get him in the next event.”

Kyle: “Oh yeah bro. I got that race on lockdown.”

It seriously irritates me when people use cuss words as filler for normal conversation.

I just want to say I’m annoyed with him and how he speaks.

I’m sure he chalked up my visible frustration to him losing though because that’s how Kyle’s are.

The next event is a race around the park, simple.

Best time wins.

Kyle isn’t even close to being a contender on this one.

He’s slow, he isn’t hitting obstacles correctly, and it seems like all this pressure I’m putting on him is really getting to him.

He shoved some people out of the way so he could be one of the first to go too, so he has to watch as 10-15 people just crush his time.

Every time someone looks like they’re going to be doing better than him, he starts yelling at them and screaming. He even threw sand on the course.

Probably so people would slide on it. I’m not really sure what his goal was but it failed.

I decide I’m going to make an excuse for him on this one so he has an easy cop-out, but also thinks I’m on his side.

He knew how to push his buttons.

Me: “Bro, looks like you need some new bearings. You kept losing all the speed, but your form was great.”

Kyle: “Yeah bro, but my mom is being a ***** and won’t replace these bad bearings. **** her!”

Me: “Well listen, man, I gotta go grab something real quick, company emergency, will you be here in like an hour when I get back?”

Kyle: “Of course dog.”

There’s one more event, I didn’t bother to watch I already had what I wanted. So I start going through all these videos of Kyle, and I make an edit of every time he screamed at someone, cheated in an event, or had poor sportsmanship.

There’s like 10 minutes of him yelling at people and being a jerk all edited into one super edit. I also grab lunch, because of food.

I get back to the park and I grab a brand new deck out of my car. Just a prop.

As I walk into it, I wave Kyle to come over to me.

Looks like all the events are over, and the shop I came to see is just socializing with skaters.

Kyle: “Oh no way. Is that for me? I got the spot!?! I got the spot!”

Me: “Hey yeah so come check out this video. I want to show you exactly what I was paying attention to the entire time you were skating.”

This was gonna be good.

I show Kyle the video, it opens with his bigger flip, then it proceeds to show him just being a jerk.

He makes excuses throughout the whole video.

He tells me at several points he didn’t mean it. It was a mistake. Typical loser stuff.

Me: “Here’s the deal. I love how you skate. but I expect better behavior out of any rider the might come ride for DJ Skate. If you go find all of these skaters and make up with them before I leave, we have a spot on the team for you.”

Kyle: “These losers worship me. They’ll all be ecstatic to see me on your team.”

Me: “Alright well, when you make up with them tell them to come to see me. I want to hear it from them that they’re cool with you.”

I go hang out with the shop owners for a bit, I point out everyone at the contest riding one of my boards and how they should carry my deck because their audience is skating them.

After a few minutes, Kyle comes up holding this little kid by his ear.


Kyle: “Tell him we’re cool right now or I rip your ear off.”

Poor kid: “Yeah what he said. We’re cool. We’re cool.”

I wave him off and he goes back out, but now I’m watching him bully all these kids into coming over and saying we’re cool.

The shop asks me what it’s about and I tell them how I said we couldn’t sponsor anyone that behaves that way, and he wanted to be sponsored.

They agree, and we just watch in awe as Kyle gets worse and worse.


Finally, one of the kids bigger than him seems to refuse the apology and a fight breaks out.

I rush over to break it up, but Kyle has already had his face beaten in by this kid.

The kid yells about how no one likes him and how there is no way he would ever tell anybody for any reason to sponsor him.

Kyle (Crying and sniffling): “Look DJ Skate, I tried to apologize and he beat me up. I didn’t do anything wrong to him.”

**Me: “**Oh don’t worry I saw the whole thing. The guys at the shop saw too. We know exactly what happened.”

I didn’t know yet, but that very familiar sound of sirens goes off in the background.

I didn’t think anything of it until police rushed past me and start pinning guys to the ground.

Police officer: “What happened. One at a time.”

Kyle (Lying): “I was just skating minding my own business and this guy beat me up. I didn’t do anything to deserve it.”

The kid who beat up Kyle: “Not even you came over here shoving us, telling us how we have to apologize to you for cheating in the contest and go tell that guy we’re cool so you can get sponsored.”

They go back and forth and the police finally come to me.

Police: “Is that true? Did you tell him you’d sponsor him if he made up with everybody here.”

Me: “Oh boy do I have a video for you guys…”

Here’s the evidence!

I show the police how he’s been pushing people and yelling at everyone all day, and I explain how this kid just decided he had enough and fought back to protect himself.

They walk Kyle out in cuffs, and I don’t even need to tell him he didn’t get the sponsorship.

The police check with everybody who came to tell me they were cool with Kyle to make sure he didn’t hurt them too badly.

They also check with some people in the video and get everyone’s contact info.

They start asking people older than 18 if they want to push charges, and start calling the parents of the younger kids to ask if the same thing.

A few people let it go, but at least 10 people want to press charges on Kyle.

The police ask for my video, as well as the raw footage, and I email it all to them.

He also spends a painstaking amount of time recording my phone while the video plays using his chest cam.

Took like an hour of me just waiting to get my phone back.

At this point the shop is packed up and heading out, promising once again to answer my email with whether or not they want to buy.

I’m not going to bother to keep up with Kyle, but I’m sure he’ll be getting some jail time for that fight.

The kid that beat him up seemed to be in trouble too.”

Check out how Reddit users reacted.

This person weighed in.

Another reader made a funny comment.

This Reddit user chimed in.

Another person nailed it.

And one Reddit user asked a question…

This kid needs some anger management classes…

Or some more involved parents.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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