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New Study Proves Quarter Of Shoppers More Likely to Purchase Products Online After Seeing Ads On Retailer Websites

The power of ads and how they influence shoppers can never be underestimated. And if you fail to believe us, you might wish to look at this next study that’s trending as we speak.

Brands who market products across retailer websites are twice as likely to experience a purchase by the buyer than those who don’t, new research proves.

This particular study conducted by Intellias dives down deep into the era of digital ads and it was rolled out by experts arising from the world of software engineering and digital consultancy. Their intelligence proved how 25% of American buyers were more likely to buy a good online that was marketed to them in the form of an ad found across a particular retailer’s webpage. And that was in comparison to 13% found at various other marketplaces.

Meanwhile, the study also proved that 54% of American shoppers were more likely to purchase products advertised by trusted retailers. And then 55% were more likely to experiment with newer brands in case they were sent out as recommendations by another retailer whom they might be shopping with on a more regular basis.

So what does all this information mean? Well, for a brand, it’s quite pivotal to take advantage of such insights when making stat-specific decisions on where and how to place ads strategically to attain the most gains. Only then can they optimize the greatest outcome of their campaign’s performance while making the most of ROI.

This particular survey in question featured close to 1,000 different shoppers located across the country where 25% were more likely to buy products they saw as ads on the website of the place where it was on sale. Meanwhile, close to 15% were influenced by the ads seen on the seller’s app.

This was in comparison to close to 13% who were influenced by ads found across various markets owned by third parties and then 14% were likely to be influenced by branded advertisements found through social media when potentially thinking of making a purchasing decision.

As seen in the Intellias study, this study highlights the rise in opportunities for retailers to make the most of ad experiences they own via DTC channels. Only through this means, they can ensure better client engagement and build up huge returns for the amount spent on ads for advertisers and brands owned by third parties.

A lot of American retailers are focusing more on an expansion of Retail Media Networks and giving rise to omnichannel opportunities to make the most of engagement with potential buyers. As the authors of this study predict, retailers are bound to make the most of such media than those regular ads we see across a television channel.

The VP at Intellias mentioned more on this front including how the role of retail media in influencing people’s purchasing power cannot be underestimated as they present great opportunities for buyers. This includes greater engagement and chances to link with third-party sellers and ads that make sure a view is converted into a sale.

It becomes even more likely when a particular retailer links data from different digital channels and overlaps this with stats provided by loyalty programs to ensure hyper-segmentation arises.

By entering this domain and exciting customers along the way, we can see how retailers could deliver enhanced engagement and better campaign performances that greatly raise returns for spending on ads.

Image: DIW-AIgen

Read next: State of PPC Global Report 2024 Shows the New Trends in Ad Campaigns with AI Becoming the Top Priority for Many Advertisers

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