
New Research Shows People’s Usage of Smartphones in Bed in Morning and at Night

There was a time when we used to wash our face or brush our teeth first thing in the morning. But now, the first thing we do after waking up is to check our phone. NordVPN commissioned a survey to find out how much we use our mobile phones in bed. According to the survey, it was found that 83% of the people in the world use their mobile phones in bed for different purposes like watching Netflix or catching up with news. Out of all the countries which participated in the survey, it was found out that Mexicans were the people who use their digital devices in bed the most with 97% claiming to do so. On the other hand, Swiss people use their digital devices in bed the least (75%).

88% of the respondents in the survey use their mobile phones in bed, 43% watch TV, 34% use their laptops while 29% use tablets in bed every night. There is also a difference in mobile usage among morning birds and night owls. 89% of people who stay up most of the night use their mobile phones in bed in the evening or at night while only 38% of the early risers engage in digital activities upon waking up. 90% of the people in Nordic countries use their mobile phones at night while 40% do so in the morning. 46% of the people in the US use their mobile phones in bed in the morning while 89% do so at night.

Mobile alarms are the main reason over half of the respondents of the survey wake up in the morning. After waking up in the morning, 72% of Mexicans check their media, 54% Germans check news and 73% Polish people check emails, messages and SMS while in bed. 51% of the people in the US check the weather forecast on their devices first thing in the morning, 57% check the emails and 51% watch videos. Only 27% of Americans are interested in reading and listening to news after waking up.

The research also says that out of 89% of respondents between the ages of 18-74 who use their mobile phones in bed, only 46% of them are satisfied with their screen times. 42%-45% of people in English speaking and Nordic countries admit that they spend more time on their digital devices than they want to. Residents of Spain, Mexico and Japan say that they use their mobile phones less than the intended times (25%-28%).

More than half of the respondents of the survey admitted to not using bedtime mode on their smartphones while 30%-40% of people living in Australia and Mexico use bedtime mode frequently. 63%-68% of Japanese, American and Polish do not use bedtime mode because they want to be available even when they are sleeping.

There is also a factor of doom scrolling while in bed. 39% of the respondents agreed that they doom scroll in bed while 31% weren’t sure if their scrolling could be categorized as doom scrolling. 44%-50% of Americans, Mexicans and Norwegians admitted to doom scrolling. 40% of the respondents also admitted that they doom scroll on their devices when they are next to their loved ones. 47%-52% of Brits, Australians and Mexicans didn’t find it odd to use their smartphones next to their loved ones in bed.

51% of the respondents admitted that using smartphones in their beds is a waste of their time while about 48% of them admitted that doom scrolling affects their sleep negatively. In the US, the percentage of people admitting the negative effects of using smartphones in bed was 58% while 54% use them next to their significant others.

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