
New Cybercrime Study Identifies Top Nations at Risk, Calls for Targeted Action

After researching for years, a team of researchers have made a World Cybercrime Index which talks about the top hotspots of cybercrime on a national level. The index was published in the journal called PLOS ONE and shows the countries which have the biggest cybercrime threats. Russia is at the top of the list, followed by Ukraine, China, Nigeria, US and Romania. The UK is also one of the countries with the biggest cybercrime threats but it comes at the eighth spot.

Dr. Miranda Bruce who is the co-author of this study says that their research will help the people to identify and locate these threats so that they can end the cybercrime hubs from their roots. This means that organizations will take less interest in implementing measures to be safe from cybercrimes as their hubs will be completely wiped out. Any type of cybercrime, whether profit driven or small scaled will be fought off with the help of the study published by them.

Dr. Bruce also added that they will continue to collect more data on cybercrime hubs. The data will help locate any new cybercrime hubs so authorities can stop them before they get any bigger. It will especially aid countries that are on cybercrime risks as their hubs will be shut down before they get developed.

The data that made the Index was obtained by surveying 92 experts of cybercrimes from all over the world who are directly linked with investigations of cybercriminal activities. These experts were asked questions like writing down five biggest types of cybercrimes and the name of countries that they deem at the biggest risks of cybercrimes according to how dangerous these cybercrimes are.

Another author of the study, Jonathan Lusthaus, says that cybercrime is pretty much a hidden activity where the criminals fake their identities and profiles, hence, they are hard to locate. They hide well but also perform their activities smoothly. Technical data cannot help locate cybercriminals but finding the exact location of their hubs can. Professor Federico Varese, one of the many co-author of the study, says that the World Cybercrime Index is the first step to understand different shades of cybercrimes. As the study will further expand, more facts about cybercrimes will come to surface.

Read next: Study Claims Almost One In Three Parents Have Never Spoken To Their Kids About Cybersecurity And That’s Alarming

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