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Multichannel Marketing versus Omnichannel Marketing for SaaS – Wishpond Blog

Firstly, let’s define Software as a Service. SaaS is a cloud-based service model where software is provided over the Internet. It enables users to access applications remotely without needing internal infrastructure or hardware. Different multichannel marketing strategies are used to promote SaaS, but omnichannel strategies are also important.

Have you ever wondered what sets apart successful SaaS (Software as a Service) companies in terms of customer engagement? 

The secret often lies within their marketing strategy. Usually, a SaaS business allocates anywhere between 7%-15% of its annual budget to marketing activities.

Consider the story of a SaaS startup that may have found itself in troubled waters a few years back. The growth might stall despite employing multiple channels from social media, emailers, and even webinars. This can be the classic case of effort without direction. 

However, it is possible to transform by shifting to an omnichannel approach. Integrating and streamlining the customer experience across all platforms is critical to achieve this. Adopting such an approach leads to a significant surge in engagement and customer acquisition.

If you are up to exploring the two key SaaS marketing techniques and their impact on the SaaS journey, we have loads of actionable takeaways.

Let’s begin.

Multichannel Marketing & Omnichannel Marketing: A Simple Breakdown

The bustling world of SaaS often witnesses nearly similar products. So, the real differentiator is the customer experience.

Understanding both the Marketing Approaches

Multichannel marketing uses multiple channels to engage with customers. This might include email, social media, webinars, and more. Each channel operates independently, with its strategy and goals. The key here is diversity in the channels used to reach a varied audience.


Omnichannel marketing is all about creating a seamless customer experience across all channels. This approach requires connecting the dots between each channel to provide a cohesive, integrated experience. Focus on building a consistent brand presence so that whether a customer interacts with your SaaS product via social media, your website, or customer support, the experience is uniform and interconnected.

Adopting either is a must to overcome acquisition woes and pivot toward retention. That’s because every user retained is a nod to the product’s value and the brand’s resonance.


The graph shows the Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) range and percentage of customer retention in a typical SaaS business. This means that the 80% customer retention rate is a realistic goal for businesses in the $3-8m ARR range. Top-quartile client retention rates increase to 84% when companies expand from $15-30 million in annual recurring revenue.

So, how do you ensure such high rates of retention?

It boils down to choosing multichannel vs. omnichannel for SaaS marketing, where outreach meets engagement. These techniques don’t just amplify acquisition, they craft memorable user journeys, fortifying SaaS customer retention in the long term. Essentially, they ensure that users are drawn in and continually captivated, fostering lasting customer relationships.

What Is Multichannel Marketing?

At its essence, multichannel marketing is akin to having multiple entrances to a store. For instance, if you’re marketing software, you’d not only promote it on your website but also leverage social media, email, events, and more.


The Ascend2 report suggests that the majority of marketers, 86%, believe that the efficiency of multi-channel strategies is improving.

Each platform —  your website, social media, email, and events represents a separate channel. 

And, what’s the idea behind operating in so many channels?

Well, I’d say simply to reach your audience wherever they are.

Key points

  • Multiple platforms to promote products or services
  • Each platform operates independently
  • The aim is to cast a wide net and reach as many potential customers as possible

What Is Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel takes the multiple doors idea and adds interconnected hallways inside. So, while you have those same doors (or channels) as in Multichannel, they all connect inside, giving your customers a seamless experience.

McKinsey reports that 83% of B2B executives consider omnichannel marketing and sales more effective than “face-to-face only” sales strategies. This is especially to find and close new business deals.

If users start their journey on one channel, like a website, and switch to another, like a mobile app, the experience flows smoothly from one to the other.

Key points

  • Integrates multiple platforms for a unified customer experience
  • Ensures consistent messaging and branding across channels
  • Focuses on the customer’s journey and seamless transition between channels

Multichannel vs. Omnichannel in SaaS

As SaaS solutions move to the cloud, it becomes essential for teams to prioritize both functionality and security. For instance, UI/UX design should offer seamless user interaction and a lag-free experience. Likewise, adopting CSPM or Cloud Security Posture Management, becomes essential to safeguard customer data against vulnerabilities by maintaining ideal cloud configurations. 

Strategizing customer outreach in SaaS marketing requires businesses to choose between multichannel and omnichannel approaches. Here, each holds its unique advantages, and just as UI/UX and CSPM cater to different facets of SaaS excellence, so do these outreach methods. 

Both are paramount for the success of your SaaS business, demanding a thorough analysis of needs, opportunities, and challenges. Implemented correctly, these strategies can propel your SaaS product forward, but missteps can stall growth.


Let’s pull back the curtain and explore the pros and cons that can help you make informed decisions tailored to your specific SaaS objectives.

Multichannel Marketing


Reach a broader audience

Ensure your SaaS brand remains present on multiple platforms. This requires casting a wider net and reaching diverse segments of your target audience. You’re there whether it’s email, social media, or events.

Flexibility in strategy

Each channel can have its unique marketing strategy that helps drive tailored campaigns based on platform-specific insights.

Diversified risk

With multichannel marketing, you are not putting all your eggs in one basket. This helps lessen the risk associated with a single platform’s potential downturn.

Challenges in Multichannel Marketing

Inconsistent messaging

Withessaging can sometimes become disjointed or inconsistent with a cohesive and consistent unified strategy. As per Gartner research, 40% of marketers cited the timing of their messaging as their biggest multichannel marketing difficulty.

Resource intensive

Managing multiple and distinct strategies can be resource-heavy regarding time and money. This can negatively impact your marketing ROI.

Omnichannel Marketing


Unified customer experience

Connecting all platforms can help your customers leverage a seamless and consistent experience regardless of where (and how) they engage with your brand.

Increased customer loyalty

Omnichannel marketing ensures a smoother customer journey. This means, there’s a higher chance of SaaS customer retention and building lasting brand relationships.

Data integration

Centralized data from all channels can give SaaS marketers richer insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends.

Challenges in Omnichannel Marketing

Complex implementation

Setting up an integrated experience across all channels can be technically challenging and may require specialized tools.

Higher initial investment

While it promises better retention, the upfront cost for tools, integration, and strategy alignment can be higher.

Demanding maintenance and updates

Omnichannel marketing relies on continuous system updates and regular maintenance. These are imperative to ensure all channels function harmoniously. Also, it’ll provide you with additional time and resources ensuring consistency across evolving platforms and technologies.

These advantages and challenges give a clearer picture of what each strategy entails. However, the best choice often hinges on your SaaS business’s specific goals, resources, and customer expectations. 

Remember, choosing any method is not a solution. Instead, consider aligning the method you opt for with what your brand stands for and what your users value the most.

Which One to Choose?

SaaS marketing is dynamic, so the tactics often evolve as the business scales or enters a new market. Therefore, finding the right marketing strategy remains a constant quest that often yields different results based on how you implement one. 

So, as opposed to the conceptual differences we discussed above for Multichannel vs. Omnichannel marketing, the answer isn’t black and white. It’s draped in layers of strategic nuances, business specifics, and customer expectations.

So, let us explore when to choose which technique for outstanding results.

Where Multichannel Approach Triumphs?

Here’s when you might choose multichannel marketing for your SaaS.

Budget-friendly: Multichannel works well for startups or small businesses with tight budgets. It lets you reach different audiences on various platforms without blending everything perfectly.

Improved reach: Imagine young travelers and experienced office workers using your software. They might be on different sites like Reddit, LinkedIn, or Instagram, wanting different things. With multichannel, you can tailor your messages to fit each group.

Quick changes: The online world changes fast. With multichannel, it’s easier to adjust your approach to fit new trends or platform updates.

When the Omnichannel Approach Shines

Is omnichannel for your SaaS? 

Consistent brand story: If your SaaS is well-known or moving from growing to being big, you want the same message everywhere. Omnichannel does this best.

All-in-one analytics: Omnichannel isn’t just about making customers happy. It gives a full picture of how they interact with your brand, something you might miss with Multichannel.

Putting customers first: The key to SaaS success is keeping customers happy. Adopting an omnichannel approach lets them move between platforms easily, making them feel special and involved.

Final Take?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for multichannel marketing or omnichannel marketing. 


Because the key is to assess – 

  • Where your SaaS business stands today
  • Where you want it to be
  • Which approach aligns best with your roadmap?

Therefore, any of these marketing approaches are about more than just reaching users but connecting with them meaningfully. 

The omnichannel approach paves the way for an integrated experience. But, implementing it demands a meticulous blend of technology, strategy, and resources. Conversely, Multichannel, with its segmented approach, offers more tactical flexibility. 

The crux? 

It’s not a battle of superiority but a strategic alignment. The decision hinges on factors like how your SaaS business is positioned, the depth of customer insights, and the breadth of your strategic aspirations.

Whether through multiple channels or a unified omnichannel experience, the goal remains — to provide value, build trust, and foster lasting relationships.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the choice between multichannel and omnichannel marketing in SaaS depends on various factors like budget, brand story, customer focus, and analytics needs.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

Multichannel marketing uses various platforms. It offers tailored strategies for each channel. This approach is budget-friendly. It’s flexible, adapting to different needs. So, startups and bootstrapped businesses can go for this to target different audience segments.

On the other hand, omnichannel marketing provides a seamless experience for customers across all channels. It ensures consistent messaging and branding wherever customers interact with the brand. This approach includes integrated data analytics for deeper customer insights. So, it is ideal for well-established brands that prioritize customer retention by communicating a unified and compelling brand narrative.

But always remember, it’s about your users. 

The best strategy?

Well, it is the one that aligns with the specific goals, resources, and customer expectations of the SaaS business.

In SaaS marketing, being flexible and listening to your audience is key. Therefore, make the choice that aligns with your goals and grows with you.

This blog post was written by our guest post Lucy Manole

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