
Most Advance Aliens Technology Part 1

Friends when we talk about space we start thinking of world which is black and full of mysterious things as we see in space are curiosity increases with distance and there are many questions in our mind and we try to solve them ourself

One such mystery is Aliens 👽 

When we talk about aliens then we think about a Civilization which is very advanced from human Civilization. They will have high scientific  Technology . they might have no limits to explore Universe. Scientist believe that if there are aliens then they may have developed technology which would be very advanced for humans. these Technologies will not only be advanced but are more above than our scientific and architectural limits.

You would surely be thinking of what are these Technologies so let’s discuss about this Technologies..

Planet earth which revolves around Sun
Can you expect to make a ring which can rotate around the earth habitatl zone and we can live inside the surface. Its orbital speed will be e more than earth by which it can make an artificial Gravity and develop such environment in which all the required gases are present. This imagining picture was first discovered by American writer Larry Niven in his book published in 2017.

In this book Lewis boo and his friends researched on ring Worlds which is a alien networking Space Station the diameter of this is more than 24 crore kilometre this ring is known as nivens ring because it was imagined by Larry Niven. Scientists believe that if aliens are there there might be any ring world where they are living.

What you thought when you first listened that we can go to moon. Well, I thought that there might be any elevator or stair to go to moon.
Well it was my previous mind but if we talk in science…..

Can it become truth???? 

1 Russian scientist konstantin imagined to make a tower which is as long as to touch the orbit that can be around 36000 km long Tower.

In year 1998 – a new thought stride the researchers mind to make a space elevator

In this project they thought to tie a strong cable from equator to a geostationary satellite or any other machinery. It is tied on equator because it has more gravitational force and there is very high centripetal force in space which will stable the cable and we can use it for transporting special vehicles from earth surface to space without use of rockets.

If u like info than get email subscription for part 2

Till than BYE….. 

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