
More Delays Expected For The End Of Google’s Third-Party Cookies Across Chrome

Search engine giant Google is again opting to delay the end of its third-party cookies across the Chrome browser.

The company seems to be falling off track in terms of following a timeline that would give rise to this endeavor, which many are now describing to be unsurprising thanks to the countless number of times it’s arisen.

The news was confirmed on Tuesday, just a few moments before the firm’s quarterly reports were announced. Let’s not forget how the ever so watchful regulatory body, CMA is closely observing how the entire event unfolds.

A recently published statement was rolled out by the Android maker in this regard where it mentioned in detail how it’s facing an array of growing challenges linked to the various types of feedback that it continues to receive on this front.

Whether it’s the industry, an entire list of developers, or perhaps regulating bodies – the company seems to be under a lot of pressure but it hopes to continue more in regards to engaging closely with those dealing with this whole ecosystem.

This was rolled out as a post on the firm’s Privacy Sandbox webpage. In the same way, Google shed light on how it’s pivotal for the CMA to get enough time to get evidence reviewed including the likes of results arising from various industry tests.

Considering both of these points, the company mentioned how it was therefore not planning on finishing its cookie depreciation from third-party websites, anytime soon and that includes the second part of Q4.

While many had hoped for the tech giant to provide more specific details about the timetable which it hoped to be working against, that again was not provided, leading to further criticism from experts.

For those who might not be aware, the firm has been delaying the ordeal for the third time now. We first heard about this in the year 2020 and that was when it promised to get rid of the cookies within just a two-year timeframe. The goal was to enhance security measures for those who surfed the internet.

But even since that initiative, we’ve watched Google slam the brakes on that front with plenty of unanswered questions on what the next move would be.

Even at the start of 2024, we saw the firm phase out cookies for 1% of the entire user base which impacted browser traffic. Even then, plenty of queries arose in terms of what new changes could be expected next.

Thanks to this track record in place, we don’t think many would be awfully surprised at Google’s behavior anymore. And if you did happen to be a part of the minority who was caught off-guard, well, it’s time to accept it like the rest of us and move on.

For so many months, we’ve been seeing Google preach to the masses that a major change involving cookies vanishing from the Chrome browser was soon going to take place. And by the end of this year, cookies would not be seen. Clearly, that’s now a far-fetched reality.

Time and time again, Google continues to reassure us about something that just is not happening and people are getting upset for obvious reasons. Let’s not forget how the CMA continues to raise so many worrying concerns including how the company’s alternatives for cookies belonging to third parties have left many things desirable so delay appeared to be inevitable.

So what’s the next call in terms of when we can expect cookies to be removed now? Well, experts at the company predict next year for now but again, no final confirmation of when it’s actually going to get eliminated is on the cards so it seems like we’re just going to wait patiently and watch.

As far as the advertising industry is concerned, they’re not holding its breath. When a new survey was rolled out featuring top-of-the-line marketers and their thoughts about third-party cookies, 39% spoke bout how it would be sometime toward the end of next year. However, some hopeful individuals predicted that the Android maker would be able to get its act together by this year’s end.

The news is actually quite unsurprising, considering what is taking place around the globe and how the CMA continues to be involved. But at the same time, many are frustrated with Google because enough is enough, and if something can’t be done, why speak about it in the first place, right?

That’s the latest update, we’ll keep you informed when and if Google does plan on rolling out the end of third-party cookies soon.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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