
Microsoft Accused Of Pedaling Malware-Like Popup Banners To Promote Its Bing Search Engine

Software giant Microsoft seems to be back to its old tactics of harassing users in an attempt to force them to switch to its computing services.

We’ve seen plenty of times in the past how the company used malware-like banners that would pop up requesting Chrome users to make Bing their default search engine. This would be in exchange for getting free access to the GPT-4.

We agree that this concept is not new and one that we’ve witnessed over the years, including 2023 as well. Microsoft marketed both its Bing Search Engine as well as its Rewards through similar means. But with time, it pulled it out shortly after making claims that this was not intentional. Now, we’re seeing the same tactic employed amongst a lot of dismayed users who are bombarded with popups.

Seeing it return has really left people wondering about how it was always intentional, to begin with, with no excuses whatsoever.

Image: DIW-AIgen

Adware such as these kinds are quite popular and common across Windows. This is one main reason why customers impacted by this worry so much because their PCs get exposed to this malware.

A statement rolled out by The Verge says the banner is very real and that it’s actually a one-time alert that gives users the chance to make Bing their default search engine across Chrome devices.

The software firm’s head of communication mentioned how the organization is working round the clock to give rise to values that provide clients with choices across the board so that’s why they always have the option to dismiss it.

But that justification is not cutting it this time and people are having their say.

We’ve all seen Microsoft make one constant assurance to many about how it values users and gives their feedback so much importance. But the software giant vows not to display any more signs linked to the willingness to take one step back.

Microsoft Edge injects huge banners across the Chrome official website and was caught stealing once too, red-handed from Chrome’s user data banks. But the company brushed off those accusations as a bug that they fixed later on as time went on, as declared in the next update for Edge.

The company continues to invest in what is known as billions of dollars across its partnership with ChatGPT maker OpenAI as well as the development of its Copilot feature. This is why marketing strategies are going strong in terms of making it more difficult for clients to use.

Other than the usual Copilot Pro advertisements as mentioned on lock screens, you can see the firm experimenting with questionable practices such as opening up the Copilot when systems begin or when the user’s cursor hovers to reach its Copilot icon.

But this kind of behavior of forcing popups to make Bing your default search engine should certainly be reconsidered. What do you think?

Image: Reddit/TheDyslexicCow

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