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Meta Staffers Accuse Company Of Censoring Pro-Palestinian Content On Its Forums In New Open Letter To Mark Zuckerberg

While the conflict in Gaza does not seem to be coming to an end, anytime soon, tensions are mounting up amongst employees working in top tech organizations.

First, Google and its firing chronicles against peaceful sit-ins were witnessed in the past week and so. Now Meta employees are accusing the company of carrying out censorship on internal and external grounds against pro-Palestinian content displayed across its forums.

Any support shown for the thousands of lives lost in Gaza has been disguised and content displaying the truth has been shunned, as mentioned in the latest open later rolled out in Mark Zuckerberg’s direction.

The news came to light on Wednesday and was soon addressed to the company’s CEO who was recently seen on a public forum apologizing to Palestinian parents over the loss of their children.

The letter, aimed at the entire leadership of the organization, where some members of the workforce added how the massive humanitarian crisis cannot be ignored and action must be taken before it’s too late.

They are loudly displaying to the world how much they care by deleting others’ opinions on the controversial matter and people don’t think that is fair. Workers claim their goal is to better raise awareness and ensure the company takes a responsible role in designing products that are not only safer but also a source of benefit to others.

Zuckerberg was informed about how mentioning Palestine was now considered a crime and removed from Meta forums without any clear-cut reason as to why this was being done, to begin with.

In the same way, links for fundraisers to help those suffering and in dire need of aid were also taken down and experts feel this is just not okay.

On the other hand, the authors have made claims about resource groups getting subject to a lot of censorship where employees were made to believe that they could either exit forums because nothing they did or said was going to assist in building the ever so famous Meta community which once promoted free speech.

Other points worth mentioning in the letter included demands for an overall improvement regarding the effort of Meta and no deletion of internal posts that foster a healthy and inclusive place for all to flourish.

Resources were dedicated to carrying out an investigation for censorship purposes on top platforms including Meta where all people want is peace in the world and a ceasefire to rid the loss of innocent human life.

Business leader says the letter was generated by several in-staff workers from Meta who have even gone as far as to link it on their social media accounts.

Meanwhile, the writers for this letter have gone on to mention how another variant was rolled out internally where close to 450 signatures were attained before the company chose to delete it and they didn’t find that behavior to be okay.

But Meta’s rep has informed media outlets that they just want to have a community where mutual respect is maintained and people respect each other and inclusivity and ensure great work is being carried out.

They reiterated how policies are produced considering various discussions at the workplace. If a worker wishes to raise a concern, there are various channels for doing that in Meta.

What is interesting is how CEO Zuckerberg has responded to the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza in the past. He condemned Hamas’ role in the attacks carried out on October 7. Meanwhile, he reiterated how the company’s leading goal right now was the safety of its workers and their loved ones in Israel and that part of the world. So not seeing any comment for Palestinian support in the last six months is worth a mention.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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