HOW TO INVEST BITCOIN IN INDIA | Today’s the latest good news for Indian now the time came to buy/sell bitcoin in India on a trusted cryptocurrency platform from 2023. So let’s go to learn legally with a live demo.



If you don’t know how to buy and sell bitcoins in India then let’s go to learn I will teach you completely by using Indias number 1 trusted cryptocurrencies application  trading platform without paying commission fees totally free online in 2023.



Even you are a beginner in the cryptocurrency field don’t worry it’s a totally 100% safe and trusted application it is. So let’s go to learn full review with live buying bitcoin and live online selling bitcoins in India. Now you can buy/sell bitcoins simply by using your smartphone so let’s go to know more.

Bitcoin cryptocurrency is a digital currency, as we know better that has given more than 270%, returns this year, which is much higher than the returns of gold and any currency in the stock market.

cryptocurrencies are becoming the first choice of investors due to high returns. while the price of 1 bitcoin was around rs / -700000 in march 2020, the price of one bitcoin has crossed rs / -2000000 today*.

That means if you used to do a bitcoin purchase at that time, you would have earned a profit of more than Rs/- 13 lakh today.

There is no rocket science to make money from bitcoin all you have to do is purchase bitcoins and you have to wait as its price increases, you can earn profit by selling bitcoin. You invest in big cryptocurrencies such as jack Dorsey ceo twitter, elon musk ceo tesla, sarina williams, mike tyson, Amazon, Facebook, and so on.

There are companies that invest in cryptocurrencies. There are a lot of applications available in the market to invest in bitcoin, but the best application among them is COIN SWITCH to increment because in any application you can invest in any cryptocurrency by completing  KYC within 5 minutes.

who deposited money in a switch sending money to any cryptocurrency is quite simple.

In this article, I am going to show you the complete process of investing in bitcoins safely, so let’s start.


Download from the play store or click here from the direct  link

  • After this, you have to enter your mobile number on which an OTP will be sent. After this, you have to set 1 day.
  • You must click on the profile before loading.
  • You have to do KYC for which you will click on profile. For KYC, you will click here on user verification. In this, we will click on basic verification.
  • Here you have entered your full name date of birth and email id. After this, we will click on verify. An OTP message will be sent to your mail-id.
  • You will put that tip here. Basic verification is complete.
  • After this, you will have to verify your pan card, for which you will click on the pan card verification.
  • You have to click a photo of your pan card.
  • You can see the guidelines here.
  • You have to click the photo of the original pan card.
  • You have to click a photo of your pan card here. In this way, you have to click a photo of the pan card.
  • After this my document is redeemable, click on it.
  • In this way, you will click on the photo and click on my document.
  • After this, we will submit for verification.
  • Now here it has been submitted for verification.
  • Now verify your id card
  • You will have to come for which you will click on identity card verification.
  • Aadhaar card can be given in passport or voter id card.
  • Let us check the aadhaar card.
  • In this also you will have to upload aadhaar card.
  • You have to click the photo of the original aadhaar card.
  • After this, your selfie has to be taken.
  • You will continue here to take a selfie.
  • You have to take your selfie in this circle.
  • We will click after this. After this, we will submit for verification.
  • KYC will take two to 5 minutes.
  • You have to wait for verification to be complete.
  • In this, you also have to add bank details.
  • When you sell a bitcoin, you can block the amount in this bank.
  • To add bank details, you will click on bank details here. In this, you have to prove the account number by entering its code. An OTP will be sent to your mail-id. For information, you will confirm by putting OTP here. Your bank details will be successfully added.
  • You can check the status of your KYC by clicking on the user verification. Hundred percent has completed. Once the pin is complete, you can buy it.
  • First, you have to deposit the amount here.
  • You will put an amount as much as you want to deposit. For example, I want to deposit rs / -200.
  • Deposit of UPI can start neft, rtgs imps, then click on UPI here. If you want, you can select your application like Paytm on your phone on google or you can enter UPI id here. Let us select on the phone here.
  • You can see it on the phone. Depositing rs / -200. Sand will then enter his UPI pin and rs / -200 has been successfully deposited here. You can also look here.
  • Rs / -200 successfully deposited. The amount has arrived in the application. Now here we can invoke bitcoin or anyone.
  • Like we have to do bitcoin the brother then click on bitcoin but you can see the bitcoin current price and see the chart of office here below.
  •  You can see the chart of 1 year one week and one day in it. You would also see a market cap in it.
  • For buying bitcoin in India click on the buy button.
  • You have to put an amount in this here. As much as you have to buy like we put here. Rs / -200 will then click on preview buy will come before you anyway.
  • We are buying bitcoins worth Rs / -200. Click here on the buy now option, you can see the order has successfully completed.
  • You can see any coin purchases you have done in the portfolio here.
  • You can see if you click on the portfolio. How many Indian rupees do you have and how many bitcoins you have purchased.
  • After this, whenever you have to sell bitcoin, you will come into the portfolio and click on bitcoin here. In this, you will click on the sell here. How much bitcoin you have to sell you will put that here.
  • Above you can see how many bitcoins you have available, then you will put here as much as you have to sell like we have to sell total bitcoin, then we will put the total here and still on that l will click will come before you anyway.
  • After this, your order gets successfully completed. The money will come in your switch wallet as soon as it is sold, which you can see here to oppose you will click on it and you can drop whatever amount you have here,
  • For which you have to click on the withdrawal button. Whatever amount you want to withdrawal. You will put that here. After this, they will click on withdrawal.

Finally, any bank details you have given will appear before you proceed. You will confirm after this, you will have to enter a pin for verification finally and an OTP message will be sent to your mail-id. If you confirm that tip by putting it here, you can see easily you have withdrawn your bitcoin currency into rupees in your bank account successfully.

To understand how to invest in bitcoin. If you liked the article then share it with your friend and if there is any confusion in your mind then you ask me by commenting.



Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which neither the government nor any authority has any control.

When Bitcoin was made in an unknown group in 2009, its value was so low. It was so low that a man had to pay a lot of bitcoins to get a pizza.

But in today’s date, the value of one bitcoin is $46636.60 equals 33,96,825.73 Indian Rupee in which you can buy thousands of pizzas.

 The special thing about bitcoin is that it is a very safe currency. Neither it can be hacked nor the performance of bitcoins can be tracked in a bitcoin transaction. For example, when you transfer money from your bank to someone or someone sends money to your bank, the bank, which is an authority, keeps track.

The bank knows who has transferred how much money to whom, but this does not happen in bitcoins. The bitcoins to which bitcoins are sent cannot be traced. Because bitcoin transactions are stalls on thousands of computers in the world rather than store on a single computer. So it is impossible to track this hack. The price of bitcoin keeps going up and down very fast.

It works on only one rule. The more people supply demand, the more its price will increase and the more people send it, the more its price will fall.

Because the bitcoin price rises very rapidly and falls quite rapidly. Therefore, people can earn and earn millions of rupees in a very short time. In 2016, the price of bitcoin went from  400000 INR to 1300000 INR.

In just 2 months, at that time people had made a lot of money from bitcoin, so today in which video, I am going to show you in detail how the transaction of bitcoin is done.

How you can buy bitcoins on your mobile phone. This video will look complete because after watching this video you need to watch another video. If not, then let’s start.


You have to download the chat from the play store. You will find its link in the video description.

On opening, you will get this kind of user interface. You can see its highlight here. In this, first, you will have to create an account for which you will click here on line 3.

After this, you have to click on Let’s Go here.

  • You have to enter a mobile number in it.
  • Have to accept trance and click on 2 seat security.
  • An OTP will be sent to your mobile number.
  • You will be verified by putting that TP here. After this, you have to set 1 day.
  • Click on Settings and here you will enter whatever you want to set.
  • If you want, you can also set the fingerprint here.
  • Okay after this you will have to verify your email address, for which you will click on the verified email address here.
  • Here you have to click on the Google icon and the account through which you want to log in, you will suck that email id here.
  • After this, you will have to update the KYC for which you are here.
  • Click on KYC.
  • In this, you will select nationality here.
  • India will select here, after this, click on the content here, and will continue.
  • For KYC, you have to provide an ID proof address proof, and a declaration.
  • You will continue
  • In ID proof, you will click on the flat document here and use the PAN card.
  • Here you have to upload the front side of the PAN card.
  • By clicking on the plus icon, you will upload the PAN card here.
  • If you want, you can click the photo of the direct PAN card from the camera and if you want, you can also upload it from your gallery here.
  • Will continue
  • After this, we will click on the + icon.
  • If you want to click the photo, you will suck the camera.
  • Otherwise, you will suck the gallery.
  • PAN card has been uploaded here.
  • After this, you will continue.
  • After this, you will have to give address proof.
  • If you click on the select the document, the documents in front of you.
  • Will come
  • In this, we use the Aadhaar card.
  • Now here you have to upload both the front side and the backside of the Aadhaar card, first you will click on the plus icon here and click the photo of the print side of the Aadhaar card.
  • After this, you have to give the declaration in which you will suck first.
  • Source of fund
  • If you have done the course of your fund, then here we select.
  • Personal selling is followed by an operation.
  • In what you do, you will choose as we suck self-employed.
  • After this, the continuous process is successful and soon your KYC will be completed.
  •  After KYC, you will have to add your bank account here, by which you will deposit money here and you will also be able to revolt in the same bank account.
  • So here you will have to hold the account, re-enter the bank account number and the account number here. After confirming, we will put the IFSC code here.
  • After this, you will upload a cancellation check here and if you want, of the bank.
  • Can also upload a media passbook. This is just for verification. After this, we will continue.
  • Now look here at your KYC process.
  • By clicking Update KYC, you can check the status, such as declaration has been accepted and ID address proof will also be done soon, then your KYC will be completed.
  • Once KYC is completed, you can deposit money here. Bitcoin can be purchased. By sealing bitcoins you can also revolt the money in your bank account.
  • The portfolio on the dashboard will show how much bitcoin you have purchased and how much value it has.
  • You can add money by clicking private deposit here. In order to purchase bitcoin in a wallet on your pocket, you have been given three options like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. You will click here to deposit money. An account will come in front of you.
  • You will add through such beneficial internet banking. In the bank and whenever you want to add money, you will transfer money on it, then it will be added to your wallet here.
  • But if you want to add money without having to leave without essentializing, then you can also add through internet banking UPI here. For example, if I add through the UPI, then I will click on UPI. How much money you have to add, you will put here, I add  1000 INRhere. In this, here the option of GoCash free will choose and click on the same tow deposit.
  • Which UPI application you use, you will suck here and put its ID here and click on Verify & Pay.
  • A notification will be sent in your same application as you can see.
  • The notification has come, then you will pay by clicking here.
  • You will have to make a payment from the same bank which is linked to you.
  • We will click on send.
  • OK by entering your UPI PIN. Successfully 1000 INR has been spent after that.
  •  If you come in a pay wallet, you can see it here too. Payment has been successful.
  • If you add UPI through money then it takes 15 minutes.
  • Here it is after being added to your wallet.
  • Now you can revolt money directly in your bank account by clicking on bitcoins and clicking on drops.

After this, by clicking on this history, you can see how much money you have deposited and how many meters, but you will get a lot of desire, but in the wallet, you can sell not only bitcoins but also more coins. if we have to sell bitcoin then you can see here.

This is bitcoin, if you click on it, then its price will come in front of you. There is a buying price and a selling price.

The price of 1 bitcoin is currently 3405406.53* INR while the selling price is  3405506.53* INR which means if you purchase bitcoin.

You will get 1 bitcoin for 3405406.53* INR whereas if you sell it, you can sell it for 3405506.53* INR.

Here you will find a mani. By clicking on the trade, you can buy bitcoins from here, and by clicking on my order here, you can see how many orders you have placed. By clicking on the book here, you can see your trade book, and by clicking on history here below, you can see the history of the price of bitcoin at what time the value of bitcoin was.

Also by clicking on the chart here, you can also see the chart of bitcoin that is the chart of bitcoin. If you see, the price of bitcoin was just a few days ago.

700000 * INR and reached it in 2 days only.

At 900000* INR, you who would have bought a bitcoin would have gained 200000* in two-three days.

After this, you can see that the price of bitcoin remained very high and low.

It has come down a lot now. This is the risk. Whose price rises very fast, whose exam you can see here that in a single day reached from 700000 INR to 900000 INR and only then falls are also very fast which you can see here. The 1000 INR that I have added, has come in the wallet which you can see here, so now we do a bitcoin purchase of 1000/- INR here, it is not necessary that you do a whole bit coin purchase but you can do some bitcoin Part can also buy, which is called Satoshi, for which you will click on bitcoin here.

Here you will get two options. Limit and stop like when we buy shares, there are a limit and staff option. Likewise, there is an option of limit and stop in purchasing bitcoins.

Like in the limit here you can set a limit that you do not have to purchase a big coin at a higher price and put it on the exam here. I want to purchase bitcoin worth 900/- INR.

Then click on buy. After this confirmation, bitcoins will be successfully purchased here, which you can see here.

The order has been placed. This is the way it is here. Cell, you can also set a limit that I do not have to sell at a lower price. When you place an order, your order will be executive whenever the price goes above this. You will have your bitcoin sale. They will not be sold at a lower price than this. Now that we have done bitcoin and purchase of 900/- INR., the amount has increased in our portfolio here. If you want to sell bitcoin, you will click on bitcoin here.

This time you will choose the option of a cell. How much amount of bitcoin do you have to sell? Here you will put so that I will put. Sir 200/- INR.will then click on the cell here. The confirmed sale will place your order and you will get as many bitcoin sales. You can see it in the wallet. Rs / –1300 INR has been added as we have sold bitcoin.

After selling bitcoin, if you want to draw money in your account also, then you will click on withdrawal here. We will then click here. Whatever balance you have in your wallet will be shown here, whatever you want to disavow from it, you will put it here like I put it in the For Exams.

1200 / – INR then click on withdrawal. Will be in this bank account. After this, you will have to enter the PIN whatever bank you have set.

At the time of creating an account, your translation will be successful as soon as you enter these, and you can see that a request of 1200 / – INR has been sent and the money will come to your bank account within 12 to 24 hours.


Now it comes to how you can send and receive bitcoins. If you click on the address here, your bitcoin address will appear in front of you. You can see This is a scancode and I have been given an address here. You can send this address to anyone by copying it. From here you can send anyone by clicking on it. If you want, you can share this Kumar court with anyone. He can also send you bitcoins by scanning this and if you want to send a bitcoin to someone, you will click on send here. Here you can see a lot of addresses, which I have sent bitcoins before.

If you want to send an address, you will click on Add New Address. Ok, after this you will put his name here.

Whichever you want to send bitcoin and here you will add its address and if you want you can also scan its barcode.

We will then click on it. Bitcoin will be from the address, then you will click on it and whatever bitcoin you want to send, you will enter the quantity here.

After clicking on send, bitcoin will be sent. How many bitcoins have you sent and received? To see its history, if you click on history, then the whole history will come in front of you.

We have now Quality 1200 INR was sent, you can see. Within a few minutes, our bank accounts have been credited. It has been credited INR 1100/- as INR 10/- has been charged. The right way you can do bitcoin transactions and you can also do bitcoin by sale.

We have learned the complete step by step process how to buy or invest in bitcoin in India easily and full safely by using trusted zebpay bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange application without deducting commission fees live demo online free even you are a beginner you can access this zebpay bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange application easily in India.

ConcludeHere we have learned very easily how to invest bitcoin in India on a trusted platform free without any commission fees and also we have learned how to easily buy and sell bitcoins online live example in 2023 for Indians.

Tags – How to invest in bitcoin in India 2023, for how to invest in bitcoin in India, near how to invest in bitcoin in India, how to invest in bitcoin in India Zerodha, buy bitcoin in india.

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