
How to Create Custom 404 Error Page in Google Blogger? – BazzHood

Creating a custom 404 error page on Google Blogger involves a series of steps that will enhance user experience and possibly improve your site’s SEO. Below is an extensive guide to help you through the process, including detailed explanations and examples. While this response may not cover 5000 words in one go, it aims to be comprehensive and thorough.

What is a 404 Error Page?

A 404 error page appears when a user tries to access a webpage that doesn’t exist. This can happen for various reasons, such as broken links, deleted pages, or mistyped URLs. A custom 404 error page can help maintain a positive user experience even when users encounter an error. It can also provide navigation options and maintain the branding of your site.

Why Customize Your 404 Error Page?

User Experience: A custom 404 page can guide users back to relevant content or the homepage, reducing frustration.

Branding: It maintains the look and feel of your website, reinforcing brand identity even on error pages.

SEO Benefits: A well-designed 404 page can minimize the negative impact of broken links on your SEO.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom 404 Error Page in Google Blogger

Step 1: Accessing Your Blogger Dashboard

Log In: Go to Blogger and log in with your Google account.

Select Blog: Choose the blog for which you want to create a custom 404 page.

Step 2: Creating the Custom 404 Page Template

Go to Theme: Navigate to the “Theme” section in the left-hand menu of your Blogger dashboard.

Edit HTML: Click on the “Customize” button and then select “Edit HTML.” This is where you’ll make changes to your blog’s code.

Important Note: Always back up your current theme before making any changes. You can do this by clicking on the “Backup/Restore” button in the “Theme” section.

Step 3: Adding the Custom 404 Page Code

Locate the 404 Error Page Template: In the HTML editor, you need to find where the 404 page template code is located. This is often within a section of code that looks like this:


Copy code




If this section is not already in your template, you’ll need to create it.

Insert Custom Code: Below is a basic example of HTML and CSS code that you can use for your custom 404 page. Copy and paste this code into the 404 error page template section.


Copy code



    Page Not Found








Oops! The page you’re looking for doesn’t exist.

      Back to Home




Explanation of the Code:

HTML Structure: The , , and tags define the basic structure of the page.

CSS Styling: The