
How Much Do Tech Workers Earn? Here’s How It Varies From City to City

The tech industry is well known for providing exceptional salaries to the people working in its various corporations and concerns. In spite of the fact that this is the case, the type of salary that a tech worker can command is largely contingent on where they are living at this current point in time. Business Name Generator recently did an analysis to figure out where they can earn the most cash.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Doha, Qatar came out on top with an average of $160,000 per tech employee. One might think that the top ranking city would be American, but Qatar has done a good job of attracting tech investment into the area. Data scientists working in the city can earn upwards of $450,000 per year with all things having been considered and taken into account.

Of course, American cities were undoubtedly going to make an appearance. San Francisco is ranked second with an average tech salary of $135,500, which makes sense considering this is where Silicon Valley happens to be. Los Angeles and New York weren’t far behind with $117,00 on average, followed by DC with $110,000, Chicago with $103,000 and Las Vegas with $100,000.

On the other end of the spectrum, tech workers in Rome only manage to early a paltry $36,000. Italy actually offers some of the lowest tech salaries in the world, with Milan offering $40,000. The same trend can be seen across Europe, with Madrid’s average tech salary hovering at around $40,000, and Barcelona, Budapest and Paris all staying within $40,000 to $50,000.

However, it bears mentioning that cost of living plays a role here as well. $117,000 in New York doesn’t go as far as $160,000 in Doha, mostly due to the latter’s far lower cost of living. It costs just over $32,000 to live a decent life in Doha, whereas people in New York need to spend $64,000 at the very least. Either way, tech workers can still save a decent chunk of change every year.

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