
Heart in computer

Hey istly i welcome u to my blog
Ya today’s topic is humourous but truth.  So lets start

1) UK doctors have stored 1600 beating human Hearts in digital form on a computer to better understand the relationship between people genes and heart disease.

2) scientists of the Medical Research Council clinical Sciences centre ,hammersmith hospital are still scanning many type of detailed 3D videos of the hearts of 1600 heart patients and are collecting all genetic information from each heart problem patient.

3) there is a really complicated relationship between peoples genes and heart disease, and we are still trying to undivil what that is set doctor declan O regon who is involved in the heart study.

4) but by getting the full real,  clear 3D images of the heart they hope to be able to get a better understanding of the causes and effects of heart diseases and give the right patients the accurate and fast treatment at the right time said by Doctor declan o regan.

5) the idea of storing so much information on so many hearts to compare them and to see what the common factors are that lead to illness.

6) there are often subtle signs of early disease that are really difficult to pick up even if you know what to look for. A computer is very sensitive to picking up Sapkal science of a disease before they become a problem said by doctor declan o regon.

7) the study is among a wave of new ventures that are transforming the way in which research is carried out, BBC news reported.

8) computers at the European Bioinformatics institute in Cambridge store the entire genetic code of tens of thousands of different plants and animals. The information occupies the equivalent of more than 5000 laptops devices having more than 1 tb as a internal storage.

9) to find out how the human mind works, researchers at the institute of Neuro imaging and Informatics at the University of Southern California showing 30,000 detailed 3D brains scans, requiring the space equivalent to 10000 laptops.

10) the square kilometre array, a radio telescope being built in Africa and Australia will collect data in one year that is 150 times the current total annual global internet traffic.

The tecnology is develiping so must develop ourself to be the part of it.


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