
Grounded Series: 4 Steps To Staying Grounded In Your Identity · Faithful Workouts

The most common challenge women are dealing with is feeling “grounded” in their identity. I often hear from people who say they struggle with feeling worthy, they feel they need to prove themselves, and they aren’t measuring up. They are missing out on all that God has for them because they don’t believe they are fully loved as they are.

Too many are believing the lies about their identity and I know these lies are holding them back from living the full life that God has for them. That is why I designed this “Grounded” series. 

In this document, you will find 4 Steps To Staying Grounded In Your Identity In Christ. I pray it blesses you!

Step 1: Read Child Of The King

The topic of identity is very near and dear to my heart. Through these weekly messages, I pray you will:

  1. believe you are a much-loved child of God
  2. step into your day from love and not for love
  3. hear the truth from your Heavenly Father rather than the noise of others
  4. grasp that your identity is received and not achieved
  5. realize that you don’t need to please everyone all the time

I am passionate about sharing this with you because I have heard from too many women, all across the world, who struggle to see the beauty of their unique identity. I’ve heard them use words like “unworthy, unlovable, less than..” to describe themselves.  Please hear me – this is exactly the lie that satan wants you to believe.  

I don’t want you to miss out on all that God has for you and that’s why I REALLY want you to engage with all that we send to you. You have a choice to read what we’re sending you today – or not.  You have a choice to listen to the songs & podcasts we will send in future weeks – or not. You have a choice to speak out the prayers we will send out the final week – or not. 

I want you to ask yourself – “What if I choose to open my heart and believe that with God’s help, I can become who Christ saved me to be. What if I allowed God to change my thoughts so I  would stop the negative self-talk, stop the comparison, and then walk into each day filled with love and joy.”  

 I want you to print (or download it so you can easily access it each day) the Child Of The King and then do the following:

  1. Start each day by reading Child Of The King
  2. As you read it, make it more personal by inserting your name 
  3. pick 1-2 of the statements that really touch your heart, write them down and put them someplace you will see it daily like your mirror.  
  4. journal about how reading this makes you feel. Are you feeling more grounded and connected to your Heavenly Father? Do you feel less anxious and more at peace?

I Am A Child Of The King

Step 2: Songs To Listen To

One of the biggest challenges of being grounded in our true identity is blocking out the noise of others. So many people have opinions on who we should be and how we should live. 

The best way to be able to block out the noise of others is by learning how to hear the voice of the Spirit that lives in you and speaks nothing but Truth.

If we want to hear the voice of Truth in the loudness of the world we have to practice hearing His voice in our quiet time.

If I was in a loud crowded room and I heard my husband call my name, I’d know it was him because I’ve heard him say my name and speak to me in the quiet of our home.

Today, spend time tuning into the voice of God so when the world tries to shout that you’re not enough or that you have to prove your value, you will know that the lies aren’t coming from the One who created you and lives in you.  

To help you be more grounded in your identity this week we are sending you some of my favorite songs. Each day, this week, I’d love for you to listen to one of these songs. Please pay attention to the lyrics. The words used in these songs are Truth that needs to get into your heart.

One thing I love about Christian music is how I continue to hear the uplifting lyrics in my head as I go about my day. A powerful worship song can turn my entire day around! 

Grounded in Who You Say I am;

You Say – Lauren Daigle 

Grounded in God’s Grace:

Flawless – Mercy Me

Grounded in Being Fully Known:

Wonderfully Made – Ellie Holcolm

Grounded in Freedom:

Who You Say I am – Hillsong 

Grounded in My Worth:

Man Of Your Word – Maverick City 

(pay close attention from 5:00 – 6:00 into the song, I’ll share next week about this section) 

Grounded in Truth over Lies:

Perfectly Loved – Rachael Lampa, Toby Mac 

Grounded in His Unconditional Love:

Child of Love – We The Kingdom

Put these songs on repeat, play them when you feel negative thoughts trying to creep in and add them to your favorite playlist.

Step 3: Podcasts To Think About

Here are 4 podcasts I would love for you to listen to. When you are Grounded in your identity, I truly believe it will change your life and I think each of these podcasts carries a message that will help you to be even more Grounded. 

1. Christine Caine “When You’re Unsure Of Who You Are

Here is a FREE Reflection Guide you can download too that goes along with this podcast. 

2. Being The Beloved by Henri Nouwen

3. Priscilla Shirer “Identity In Christ”

4. John Mark Comer “Discovering Your Identity & Calling

I pray these teachings help you solidify that your identity can only be found in Jesus!

Step 4: Prayers To Speak

We are so bombarded with the expectations of the world and others that if we aren’t careful it can drown out our Father’s voice. Statements like, “you will be loved only when you look and act a certain way, you aren’t worthy unless you prove it by doing ___________” These lies can overwhelm us to the point that we struggle to even recognize lies from the Truth.  Please hear me –  If we want freedom from the noise of the world we have to stay connected to God. 

One of the best ways for us to be connected to our Father is through prayer. Prayer is our lifeline to God.  God wants to communicate with you in a very personal way.

I am excited to bring you these daily prayers from my friend Annemarie Sunderhuse from Breakthrough 180 Prayer! We made it available the daily prayers available in a  printable format. I recommend printing them so you can make sure you read them each day.  I pray they bless you and remind you of how loved you truly are! 

(If you would like to schedule a free online prayer session, you can do that here


To wrap up this Series I have a final message to share with you.

Live Teaching From October 17th.

I pray you enjoyed this Grounded series and that you will continue your journey to live every day more Grounded in your God-given identity!


Founder Of Faithful Workouts

A Non-Profit Ministry teaching women to be more physically and spiritually strong. Learn More at

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