
Google’s Lack Of Communication Questioned As Most Updates Go Unnoticed

Google is under the radar for not doing enough in terms of the communications front as many critics feel updates are going unnoticed.

When asked to comment on the subject, the company’s head for Google Search says that while the firm does not like to make announcements about minor changes, it does inform the public regarding its broad core algorithms.

These fixed set of remarks were in regards to a comment and query put forward by Glenn Gabe who mentioned how there was a communication gap and it’s slowly becoming a habit for the Android maker.

So more regarding that discussion had to do with how Google does indeed inform users about core changes and upcoming products that are soon going to roll out. However, when it comes down to huge changes, it just seems to be an addition or an extension of the core update getting launched.

It’s really cool how Google ends up decoupling things from a bigger and broader aspect but why not roll it out separately and communicate to the masses about it, right?

The concern might have to be related to website owners that do not expect crazy changes to ensue but in the end, what they get is just that. The impact is usually strong so a little heads-up is always welcomed as mentioned by Gabe in his note.

But Google argues that although it does make changes to its ranking systems across the Search, the process is continuous or ongoing. It’s never stagnant when it comes down to ranking systems. And there are nearly 5000 updates launched each year through various algorithms and departments.

Most of these are just minor changes that tend to go unnoticed and to speak about them frequently is monotonous as they’re minor adjustments.

This is covered on our long-standing page about core updates:

“We’re constantly making updates to our search algorithms, including smaller core updates. We don’t announce all of these because they’re generally not widely noticeable. Still, when released,…

— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) May 9, 2024

To add a little humor on this front, Google explained how changes are made every hour, or sometimes even quicker than that and to bombard users’ screens with these updates is just not the best idea, it added.

On average, the company takes part in 5000 updates every year and they tend to list them all in the firm’s core updates page.

In the same way, they are keen to add updates to search algorithms too, and follow that up with core updates on a smaller scale. And they don’t feel the need to announce that as it’s usually not too noticeable but when it does get released, people assume Google isn’t on talking terms with users but that’s not the case.

On the flip side of the argument, critics argue how the Android maker might take small changes for granted but when combining those tweaks as one, they give rise to huge ranking shifts and traffic which a site requires help to understand. So a little communication in this regard does indeed go a long way.

But other than just changes done to the algorithm, search results could alter thanks to the theme or nature of content online. The company’s ranking systems keep on churning out new information and nothing remains static.

Data continuously gets processed and varies with Google insisting on focus on communication when the change is major, in comparison to when there’s a never-ending alerts stream regarding minor adjustments.

The company further went on to defend its stance in terms of how the updates aren’t even useful to users and creators and there’s nothing they could gain from the update.

To understand how Google Search is a constantly evolving platform which is crucial for a business and respective publishers is pivotal as so many entities place heavy reliance on the likes of search traffic. The company keeps on relaying how strategies focused on SEO in the long term are the way to go forward and give rise to high-quality material and relevant content instead of adding reactions to separate algorithm changes.

But we can understand Google’s perspective here in terms of rolling out updates which can force a business to scramble if they wish to stay up to date with movements in rankings. In that regard, the greater the insights, the more helpful things can get for the stakeholders involved.

Google likes to process different data in addition to changes made to the algorithm. So in this way, people have realistic expectations of what’s really taking place in terms of an update.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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