
Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai, Responds To Google Search Quality Issues

Home / Google News / Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, Responds To Google Search Quality Issues

Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, was interviewed by Emily Chang at Bloomberg before the big Google I/O event. They talked a lot about a lot of things, but there was 25-second clip where they spoke about core search quality. As you can imagine, he didn’t say much but he did respond.

Emily Chang asked at the 8:10 mark into the video interview:

Some leading computer scientists have said Search is getting worse, more SEO spam, et cetera. Do you see their point?

Sundar Pichai replied:

Anytime there’s a transition, you get an explosion of new content, and AI is going to do that. So for us, we view this as the challenge, and I actually think, you know, there’ll be people who will struggle to do that, right?

So doing that well is what will define a high-quality product, and I think it’s gonna be the heart of what makes Search successful.

Here is the video embed:

You should all probably watch the full interview where he doubles down on:

  • Links to publishers being important in the new version of Google Search (aka SGE)
  • Ads won’t be an issue in SGE, so the stock market should not worry
  • And a lot more about AI and the future of Google

Emily briefly referenced the German study and then some articles about the poor search quality some have seen at Google Search recently.

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