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Google Sends Warning To Employees About ‘New Operating Reality’ With Fewer Resources Amid Search Struggles

Tech giant Google has just sent out a new internal memo to its workforce that speaks about its search struggles amid limited resources and the reality of dealing with new operations in this domain.

The news comes as a host of critics continued to argue about how the company seems to be more inclined toward prioritizing revenue over factors such as quality.

The firm’s search division has a limited number of resources and the fact that competition doesn’t seem to be fading out soon is another major reality check which it’s forced to face.

In the same way, the search engine giant says it has major plans linked to reduced project deadlines that would enhance responsiveness. And now, critics alleging that its leadership needs to act up because search quality is deteriorating is seriously concerning for the organization.

Concerns are rising because Google’s main search service isn’t bringing in as much money as expected. Also, fewer people are using it, which is causing some trouble for the company.

Such news is raising more questions from SEO experts and those in charge of websites in terms of how the company’s changes might affect their strategies as well as their presence online.

The latest memo to Google’s Employees even went on to speak about how things are not the same for Google as they once were in the past. The tech industry continues to shift and we’re seeing the tech giant not attain the same sort of dominance that was once witnessed in the past.

Speaking to a massive gathering featuring close to 25,000 workers, Google says it knows how things are not quite like what they used to be in the past. There’s a lot of change to consider and the fact that competition in AI field has grown means the company is now forced to make decisions and think about the future like never before seen.

This comes with certain considerations made for the ever-evolving regulatory environment where new laws have tried to bring the company and its associated rivals down. There’s an intense amount of pressure that Google feels it must deal with each day thanks to AI too and companies involved in the long list of tools that facilitate this endeavor like Microsoft and OpenAI.

Google says it’s been an industry leader for years and the great trust that people place on it is worth a mention. So it’s more critical now than ever that the company pulls up its socks and gives attention where it’s due.

But critics continue to argue against Google and its host of search struggles that arise from plenty of its own priorities that it feels have misguided individuals. The leading industry expert who goes by the name Edward Zitron painted a new image of what Google’s future might appear.

He feels the firm continued to degrade flagship products to enhance its earnings under the last ad executive. Citing a host of internal emails from the organization, he reported how integral quality enhancements were designed to better engagement and that means boosting websites that were once downranked for promoting spam.

Zitron also strongly condemned the company’s plan of lowering search results quality by letting go of its own respective ethical principles.

For now, the allegations being made are quite intense and the search engine giant is yet to respond to Zitron’s report.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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