
Google Send A Link To This Page When You Take A Screenshot

Home / Google News / Google Search App “Send A Link To This Page” When You Take A Screenshot

One of my pet peeves is when people send me screenshots of pages they want me to read and do not include the URL to that page. Well, the Google Search app is trying to solve that issue by telling the person who took a screenshot to “Send a link to this page” by clicking a big blue “Share” button.

This was spotted by Radu Oncescu on X and seems to be an iOS Google Search app feature only. When you take a screenshot the app will pop up this box that says “Share this page?”

Here is a screenshot of this in action (yes, I had to take the screenshot twice):

I hope more people realize that sending screenshots without a URL can be troublesome. 🙂

Forum discussion at X.

Note: This was pre-written and scheduled to be posted today, I am currently offline for Passover.


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