
Google Search Results Slide Right To Next Page On New Query

Home / Google News / Google Tests Search Results Sliding Right To Next Page On New Query

Google seems to be testing (or maybe it is a bug) having the search results page slide over right to the next page (visually at least) when you enter a new query. It seems like some new animation when you change your query from the Google Search results page.

Here is a GIF of this in action from Shameem Adhikarath on X:

I personally cannot replicate this but it is an interesting look.

Do you think this is a feature or a bug?

Here is the video source:

Barry, @rustybrick look at these effects on Google Search. I don’t know whether it’s a bug or if they are actually implementing something new.

— Shameem Adhikarath (@shemiadhikarath) June 27, 2024

Forum discussion at X.


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