
Google Employees Take Massive Stand Against Company’s Billion-Dollar Cloud Computing Contract With Israel

Workers at Google are no longer taking the silent route when it comes to protests against the firm’s decision to establish greater working relations with Israel.

The news comes after the search engine giant opted to sign a $1.2 billion contract that would ensure Israelis attain undisrupted cloud computing services.

But the massive sit-in featuring hundreds of employees overtaking the organization’s offices in several locations including California and New York City has stunned the masses.

This particular sit-in was rolled out by a top activist group dubbed No Tech for Apartheid and is currently arising in Sunnyvale as we speak.

Image: Notechforapartheid / IG

The move is a massive display of how things have gone from bad to worse in such a short period and it’s resulting in a great escalation of protests and showing how people are feeling about top US firms displaying sympathy for Israel that’s committing crimes including genocide.

The fact that more than hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians have passed away during this period and the country’s defense forces vowing to never put an end to the ordeal is massively concerning for obvious reasons.

One of the firm’s top cloud engineers was also shown the door abruptly for opting to disrupt the company’s MD in Israel during a conference and that led to a widespread wave of backlash around the globe.

Just a few hours into the mass sit-in, many were quick to mention how workers could trespass and even disrupt operations, causing several individuals to leave, and then so many others continued to stay until being forced to exit by security.

But experts claim the message here is loud and clear and that is Google’s role in empowering Israel will no longer be accepted silently. The fact that the curtain has been unveiled over the firm’s Project Nimbus serving as a direct link of support for the IDF is concerning. And now this has really brought to light how strong of a coalition there is between the two.

We similarly saw No Tech for Apartheid roll out a single open letter that featured close to 18 other top firms that demanded tech giants Amazon and Google to cancel contracts and all work related to Project Nimbus. During that moment in time, it attained close to 93k signatories from the public. Additionally, the letter cited more reports about how the Israeli defense forces made use of Google Photos to better capture and identify Palestinians across the West Bank.

For now, Google has yet to generate a response for comments across media outlet WIRED. Let’s not forget how close to 600 individuals rolled out a petition that opposed the firm for sponsoring the entire conference. A few days later, Google’s engineer was fired and its trust and safety worker resigned to oppose the act.

So as you can see, people are sacrificing their jobs at such a prestigious organization because they feel they’ve had and seen enough of the outrageously violent ordeals taking center stage.

On the other hand, it’s interesting to see nearly 300 workers from top tech giant Apple roll out an open letter that showed how they were ready to openly oppose anyone not showing open support for Palestinians in Gaza. They are similarly urging the firm’s leadership to speak up on the matter that is in a dire outcry for displaying public support for those who have lost their voice in the region.

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