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Elon Musk’s Grok AI Under Fire For Promoting Lies About Global Events And Making 'Dumb' Errors

It’s not the news that tech entrepreneur Elon Musk would want to hear but there’s plenty of criticism stemming up against his Grok AI despite the billionaire raving about its greatness.

And we are talking not small errors but some very dumb one, not to mention the AI chatbot taking part in promoting misinformation on a serious level about leading global events.

The latest on this front has to be a hilarious yet shocking ordeal where it went as far as to promote fake news about India’s election winner when the elections are yet to take center stage in the nation.

Grok dared to state the current PM lost against his opponent, giving rise to serious conflict in India’s already tense political landscape.

The matter was just baffling to some who failed to understand what exactly was going on here and how something as major as this was being promoted so openly without anyone putting an end. But wait, there’s more.

The news made headlines in the country whose tech sector is already booming, as many criticized Musk for another job that was not done well. Did we mention how it generated plenty of reactions from many around the globe too who again had trouble understanding what was happening?

The elections are set to take place starting April 19 and will extend into the first week of June this year. And as per reports, these would be the biggest ones in the country’s democratic history where close to a billion voters would take part thanks to their eligibility.

The misinformation from Grok was seen in the form of news reports across users’ feeds including one prominent politician who was the first to notice and publicly shame the tool and X app for not being a source of credibility in today’s modern times.

For a while, Musk has been seen taking part in long and painstaking feuds with experts in the world of press and media. He has called out reports as propaganda and to have his own AI tool do the same is just hilarious, to say the least.

Musk added that Twitter is the best for news as it’s fresh, instant, and reliable. He also mentioned how it’s never filtered nor does it have some kind of agenda behind it that happens to be so old.

He even went as far as to boast about citizen journalism as the best alternative here.

But some Grok fans did argue how it was an error and that they shouldn’t be so harsh, further speaking on how such ordeals are never intentional. And we agree because AI can end up doing some silly things on some occasions.

However, we’re talking about something very serious here and as explained by experts, wrong must be called out and the respective authorities in charge must do something before things get out of hand.

We saw how such an incident is quite like that witnessed when the AI chatbot generated reports about Iran striking Tel Aviv with giant missiles. Soon, it was published in the app’s trending news tab as per reports from Mashable. This was serious business too.

It was accusing Iran of striking as a source of retaliation for Iranians killed in Israel’s attack on the embassy in Syria, adding how it was a ‘plausible occurrence’ but that again was deemed fake.

And if that was not enough, Musk was seen promoting Grok as the next best thing, advertising it as revolutionary for its capabilities where 181 million followers tune in each day to attain their daily dose of info.

Musk shed light on the latest variant of Grok AI that debuted this week called 1.5 Vision and it’s said to go head to head against OpenAI’s GPT-4 Vision. The former could better interpret documents, charts, pictures, and even screengrabs.

In other news, Grok is not getting much love from X fans either after making some ‘dumb errors’ that people are finding so hard to forgive. A simple gaffe made by the chatbot got people talking when Grok rolled out a trending news report.

This was in regards to NBA star Klay Thompson who had a rough time performing at a game where he was said to be shooting bricks. Clearly, Grok failed to realize that shooting bricks in basketball is not the equivalent of throwing bricks at people’s homes.

But here, Grok was quick to call out the sportsman for taking part in vandalism, leaving people baffled while others were just amused at the sarcasm on display.

Memes were released worldwide that delineated how the poor AI chatbot couldn’t tell the difference in a simple error and that perhaps it’s not so reliable after all. What do you think?

Image: DIW-AIgen

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