
Electric vehicles -An electrifying thought

1) according to a study by the tata energy Research Institute, pollution in India good rise to alarming levels by the middle of the century unless urgent action is taken. The group estimates that under current conditions, the suspended particulate matter load in air would rise to 52 million tonnes by 2047 up from 17 million in 1997. Methane release from landfills would increase from 7 million to 39 million tonnes during the same period. The study cities industrial production motor vehicles and fossil fuels as the highest potential contributors. All this world contribute to global warming and acute respiratory problems.

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2) one solution to the problem is the increased use of electric vehicles, short for electrically powered vehicles is EV,s. An electric vehicle is an environment friendly vehicle which runs on an electric motor powered by rechargeable battery. It is nearly noiseless and emit no harmful exhaust. An average car in India emits 4 gram per kilometre of carbon monoxide and to gram per kilometre of Nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. If there were even 40000 electric vehicles on the road with an annual driving distance of 12000 kilometre per vehicle we would reduce 3000 tons of pollutants electric vehicles would also help free the Indian government of sum of its departments and deficits.

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50% off all our oil requirement for transportation is imported, which is numbers accounts for a whopping savings in foreign exchange over dollar 24 million on patrol alone . the petroleum ministry has estimated that every $1 increase in international oil prices translate into rupees 3000 crore increase in our oil imports bill annually.

3) electronic vehicles are easier to service and maintain, and are ideal for stop and start in all driving condition. The absence of gear and clutch make them extremely reliable and easy to drive and manoeuvre on congested roads. Electronic vehicles with a top speed of 50 to 70 km per hour and a range of 70 to 200 km meet over 90% of city mobility requirements.

4) the government needs to push EV sales by providing separate metres for charging electronic vehicles and by implementing reasonable rates of 50% tariff for night charging. Reserved and free parking areas for electronic vehicles with charging facility and making charging facilities for electronic vehicles mandatory in parking lots of all multi-storey buildings and commercial buildings is a must. Some state governments have been trying to push the the cause by exempting them from speed. 

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