
DARPA Wants to Automatically Transpile C Code Into Rust – Using AI – Slashdot

Posted by EditorDavid from the Rust-never-sleeps dept.

America’s Defense Department has launched a project “that aims to develop machine-learning tools that can automate the conversion of legacy C code into Rust,” reports the Register — with an online event already scheduled later this month for those planning to submit proposals: The reason to do so is memory safety. Memory safety bugs, such buffer overflows, account for the majority of major vulnerabilities in large codebases. And DARPA’s hope [that’s the Defense Department’s R&D agency] is that AI models can help with the programming language translation, in order to make software more secure. “You can go to any of the LLM websites, start chatting with one of the AI chatbots, and all you need to say is ‘here’s some C code, please translate it to safe idiomatic Rust code,’ cut, paste, and something comes out, and it’s often very good, but not always,” said Dan Wallach, DARPA program manager for TRACTOR, in a statement. “The research challenge is to dramatically improve the automated translation from C to Rust, particularly for program constructs with the most relevance….”

DARPA’s characterization of the situation suggests the verdict on C and C++ has already been rendered. “After more than two decades of grappling with memory safety issues in C and C++, the software engineering community has reached a consensus,” the research agency said, pointing to the Office of the National Cyber Director’s call to do more to make software more secure. “Relying on bug-finding tools is not enough….”

Peter Morales, CEO of Code Metal, a company that just raised $16.5 million to focus on transpiling code for edge hardware, told The Register the DARPA project is promising and well-timed. “I think [TRACTOR] is very sound in terms of the viability of getting there and I think it will have a pretty big impact in the cybersecurity space where memory safety is already a pretty big conversation,” he said.

DARPA’s statement had an ambitious headline: “Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities Once and For All.”

“Rust forces the programmer to get things right,” said DARPA project manager Wallach. “It can feel constraining to deal with all the rules it forces, but when you acclimate to them, the rules give you freedom. They’re like guardrails; once you realize they’re there to protect you, you’ll become free to focus on more important things.”

Code Metal’s Morales called the project “a DARPA-hard problem,” noting the daunting number of edge cases that might come up. And even DARPA’s program manager conceded to the Register that “some things like the Linux kernel are explicitly out of scope, because they’ve got technical issues where Rust wouldn’t fit.”

Thanks to long-time Slashdot reader RoccamOccam for sharing the news.

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