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Concerned Employee Heard Bad Things About The New Store Manager, So He Arranged To Have A High Ranking Person In The Company Call Before He Quit

It seems that managers too often feel the need to make changes when they start managing a new to them location.

In today’s story, a new store manager comes in and tries to shake things up.

In the end, she’s the one who gets shaken out of the company, but there’s a whole plot of revenge that leads up to her fateful day.

Let’s see how the story unfolds…

Try to fire me? You’re gone even faster…

When I was in undergrad and looking for a job a family friend told me about a position at a large store that was looking for dock workers.

The store sells clothing, furniture, makeup, etc, it’s a large chain and I’m sure most people have heard of it.

So the job works great for me, good hours that work for school, good pay, and good coworkers.

About 6 months after I got there the dock supervisor (my direct manager) leaves and I’m asked if I’d like the job.

I tell the Store Manager and Operations Managers (the 2 top positions at the stores) that I’m willing to do it as long as we make it work with my school schedule.

They’re fine with it because they both like me, know the other guys like me and know there won’t be any issues.

There’s going to be a new store manager.

About 2 years go by and the Store Manager gets promoted to a job at corporate.

I start to hear about the woman taking his place and it makes me a little uneasy.

I call the dock manager where the new boss had previously been a department manager and he gives me the rundown, everything I’d heard about her being two faced, back stabber, ladder climber is confirmed.

So I let all my dock guys know if there’s ever any issues let me know.

Scary arrives…

We do lots of support for the store, floor moves, running out merchandise, etc, but certain departments thought we only worked for them and I’d had issues with these managers in the past.

I wasn’t afraid because I was fighting for my guys, but I knew the Store and Operations managers had my back because they saw how hard we worked.

So the new Store manager, let’s call her Scary, comes in and from the first meeting starts trying to run things differently than the company says.

A few days later she wants a meeting with me to go over new “operations”.

Scary implements a new dress code.

Now at work my guys wear jeans, running shoes, and polo shirts, we’re on our feet all day unloading trucks, doing moves, all the physical stuff most people don’t see.

Scary tells me that there’s a new dress code, my guys will be wearing cheap tshirts with the company logo on them that they have to pay for.

I started to laugh and didn’t share my amusement. I go to our Operations manager and he says he’ll take care of it.

OP decides to quit.

Fast forward 6 months and Scary is on a roll, trying to make my guys come in at night to do inventory (something the sales staff does), trying to cut my hours every quarter, taking shots at my workers in meetings and making us give priority to the departments she considers important.

At this point I’ve got 1 semester of school left and I let my guys know how I’m going to quit.

At the beginning of the year I take both my weeks of paid vacation. During this time I had told my guys if they were going to quit, put in their 2 weeks while I was gone, of the 5 that worked for me, 3 put in theirs.

I also find out that my Operations manager is leaving for a better job, he was the buffer zone that kept us safe so I know I’m doing the right thing.

Scary decided to try to get OP fired.

The day I get back, I have a meeting with Scary and put in my 2 weeks, predictably she flips out.

At this point she’s losing the majority of the people who do all the hard work and with me and the Operations manager leaving she has to interview all the new hires.

I start hearing rumors from some of the managers I’m friends with that she’s going to try to get me fired so they wouldn’t have to pay me my back sick pay. So i decided to add a little something extra to my exit interview.

The day before I’m supposed to quit she calls me into her office and loses it on me, goes off for about 30 minutes about how I’m worthless and so are my guys, she’s trying to get me to quit early so I wouldn’t get my sick pay, that doesn’t work.

So the next day I go in for my exit interview and I spring the surprise on her.

OP has a friend high up in the company.

The family friend at the beginning of the story who told me about the job just happens to be the 3rd highest ranking person in the company, the two people above him are the kids of the founder.

I had let him know when I put in my 2 weeks and told him why, he wasn’t familiar with the new store manager but said he’d look into her.

I called him right after she tried to get get my to quit/fire me on my second to last day and told him what happened. That combined with what he’d heard from others about Scary helped him make a declension.

He told me to text him 5 min before I went for my exit interview and told me he’d be calling her during the interview so I could give my side of the story.

I send the text and go in and Scary starts putting me down, personally insulting me, doing all the things someone like her does, until her phone rings.

Scary is forced to answer the phone and doesn’t like what she hears.

She ignores it the first 2 times until her secretary comes in and says it’s an emergency.

She picks up the phone, and I wish I had a framed picture of her face when the color drained from her face and her jaw dropped.

She puts the phone on speaker and I start to have a conversation with my friend, he’s asking me why I’m leaving and why the Operations Manager is leaving, I also tell him several of my guys have also left, turns out she hasn’t informed anyone of this.

For about 20 minutes he asks me questions about whats going on at the store, why there’s so much turnover, etc, and I tell him Scary shouldn’t be in position.

Scary got demoted and eventually fired.

She is turning red with rage and biting her lip so she won’t go off on one of the highest ranking people in the company.

I tell him I think we’re done with my exit interview, and he tells Scary to expect a call tomorrow and hangs up.

She then calls security to escort me out (the security guard tells me that was the first time that had ever happened haha) and I go home.

I find out later that she had been demoted from Store Manager to sales associate at a low performing store which means she had to start paying for her health insurance, her car, and had to pay for all her own moving expenses.

I looked her up on facebook the other day to see she’s gained about 80lbs and just got fired for not meeting her numbers.

She deserved that revenge. She really should’ve just left everyone alone and let them do their jobs instead of trying to make so many unnecessary changes.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader is surprised Scary didn’t look for a different management job.

This reader is also surprised the stayed at the company.

Here’s a fact of life…

This reader loved the story.

You never know who someone knows. It’s best to be nice to everyone.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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