
Coffee, Eggs and White Rice Linked To Higher Levels of PFAS in Human Body – Slashdot

Posted by msmash from the new-scare-unlocked dept.

New research aimed at identifying foods that contain higher levels of PFAS found people who eat more white rice, coffee, eggs and seafood typically showed more of the toxic chemicals in their plasma and breast milk. The Guardian adds: The study checked samples from 3,000 pregnant mothers, and is among the first research to suggest coffee and white rice may be contaminated at higher rates than other foods. It also identified an association between red meat consumption and levels of PFOS, one of the most common and dangerous PFAS compounds. The authors said the findings highlight the chemicals’ ubiquity and the many ways they can end up in the food supply.

“Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?” “Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment.”


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