
“Chill Bro, It's Just Ranch, Not A Family Heirloom” – 17 Ridiculous Things People Have Gotten Unnecessarily Angry At

We all get angry at times. But occasionally, people see red at the smallest of things. Well, u/hologramkits recently asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the most ridiculous reason you’ve seen someone get angry?” And we thought we’d share some of the most popular responses:

1. “Years back one of my friends worked at McDonald’s, he accidentally short changed some guy by a penny. Guy came back in shouting at him for being a ‘useless piece of shit thief’.”


2. “I accidentally shorted a guy a penny and he furiously shrieks: ‘What if I was one cent away from paying my mortgage!? You would’ve made me homeless you useless sack of shit! GET ME YOUR MANAGER’. Manager yeeted a penny at him and the guy yelled that he didn’t want that penny, it was the ‘principle of the situation’, he was told to either leave willingly or in cuffs from the police.”


3. “I have an aunt who stopped speaking to me because I don’t believe people shape-shift into reptilians.”


4. “My aunt stopped talking to my mother for years because one year my mother didn’t send her a Christmas card. At the time, my mother had been dealing with cancer of the jaw for eight years with numerous surgeries. She also had six children, including a five-month-old and an eighteen-month-old. When my mom died about six years later, my aunt had still not spoken to her.”


5. “I once worked for this guy. One time he bought all the staff lottery scratch cards and passed them out at lunch. No one won anything over like £10. He got so mad that he took them back to the supermarket and demanded his money back. Lottery scratch cards.”


6. “My son got mad at me when I put apple chunks in his oatmeal after he asked for apple chunks in his oatmeal.”


7. “Their DND character got arrested for a murder that said character did in fact commit. Despite getting multiple options to handle it, they talked to fantasy police without a make believe lawyer and got in more and more trouble. They got so mad they (in their 20s) called their mother to tell everyone off.”


8. “Had a lady scream at me once because I didn’t ask her why she was in town. Lady, I don’t even know you. How am I supposed to know you aren’t from here? I don’t miss retail. I hope she left town.”


9. “Had a roommate that sent me a picture of a paper towel on the ground in the kitchen angrily accusing me of purposely leaving it there. I said it wasn’t there that morning and asked if the window was still open. She then said that she wasn’t used to living without air conditioning yet and the breeze blowing things around was new for her.”


10. “I know someone who temporarily kicked their son out of their house for eating all the Doritos.”


11. “My ex got mad (yelling, followed by a weekend’s worth of sulking silent treatment) during a road trip because I didn’t know where the movie theatre was or how to get there in the city we stopped in for the night. A city in which I had never been.”


12. “My wife occasionally wakes up mad at me based on something I did to piss her off in her dreams.”


13. “Saw a dude flip over a table because the waiter forgot his extra ranch. Like, chill bro, it’s just ranch, not a family heirloom.”


14. “When I worked at Walgreens, an older lady threatened to blow up the store because I told her we couldn’t take expired coupons. It was for 15 cents off…”


15. “I had a colleague who always prided himself on his punctuality. One day, he arrived exactly on time for a team meeting, only to find everyone already there and the meeting well underway. Furious, he demanded to know why they started early. The team explained that the clocks had been moved forward an hour the night before. He wasn’t angry because he missed the memo — he was angry because now he couldn’t use his favourite excuse to criticise everyone else for being late. He sat quietly, seething, wishing for the days when he could still look down on everyone else’s incompetence.”


16. “I blended her Frappuccino for 20 seconds instead of 10 seconds twice. Ended up with her husband coming to the store to invite me outside for a fist fight.”


17. “During a family meeting, an uncle refused to pass the salt shaker to another and all hell broke loose. Like flipping tables, chairs, and fistfights and shit.”


When have you seen someone get unnecessarily angry? Let us know in the comments below!

Thumbnail credits: NBC, Warner Bros. Pictures, Syndication, CBBC, Warner Bros. Pictures, NBC, Sony Pictures Releasing

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