
Charting Crypto's Path: Countries at the Forefront of Digital Asset Adoption

Crypto payment gateway, Triple-A, ranked the top countries with highest cryptocurrency ownership rates. The data is as of 2023 and highlights the major countries with highest cryptocurrency ownership rates as well as how many people own cryptocurrency in these countries. The top country with highest rates of crypto ownership is the United Arab Emirates (UAE). 30.4% people in UAE own cryptocurrency and there are a total 3 million crypto owners.

Followed by UAE is Vietnam with 21.2% of its population owning cryptocurrency. Vietnam has 21 million people who own crypto and has the second highest crypto rates overall. The US is third with 53 million or 15.6% cryptocurrency owners. With 13.5% of its population owning crypto, Iran is fourth with 12 million crypto owners. The Philippines and Brazil have 13.4% and 12% of the population owning crypto.

11.4% of the total population in Saudi Arabia owns crypto with 4 million people having ownership of cryptocurrency. Singapore has 11.1% who own crypto while the total number of these owners is 665K. 10.6% in Ukraine own crypto which makes about 4 million people with crypto ownership. Venezuela has 10.3% of the population who owns crypto and there are 3 million crypto owners.

If we rank the countries according to their actual population, India would come first with 93 million people, China second with 59 million people and the US would rank third with 52 million people. UAE has the highest rates of crypto ownership in the world while Vietnam is leading Southeast Asia in terms of cryptocurrency ownership rates.

Country Number of Crypto Owners Percentage of Population Who Own Crypto
United Arab Emirates 3M 30.40%
Vietnam 21M 21.20%
U.S. 53M 15.60%
Iran 12M 13.50%
Philippines 16M 13.40%
Brazil 26M 12%
Saudi Arabia 4M 11.40%
Singapore 0.665 million 11.10%
Ukraine 4M 10.60%
Venezuela 3M 10.30%

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