
Bruce Bastian, WordPerfect Co-Creator, Dies At 76 – Slashdot

Posted by BeauHD from the rest-in-peace dept.

Longtime Slashdot reader regoli shares an obituary from the Wall Street Journal: When Alan Ashton was a computer-science professor at Brigham Young University in the mid-1970s, the director of the school’s marching band knocked on his door and said he wanted to use a computer to choreograph the band’s halftime shows. Ashton was easily persuaded; he was a trumpet player whose Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Utah was “Electronics, music and computers.” Bruce Bastian, the graduate student who was working as BYU’s marching-band director, turned out to be a quick learner. “He was very conscientious, very thorough,” Ashton said in an interview, “and just absolutely brilliant.” Within a few years, the two were at work on a program that would turn them into two of the richest people in the nation, founders of the company that made WordPerfect, the dominant word-processing software in the 1980s and early ’90s and one of the first pieces of software many Americans bought when they brought home their first PCs.

But behind the hundreds of millions of dollars and blockbuster success, Bastian’s personal life, he later said, was in “free fall.” Between the time he and Ashton released what would later be known as WordPerfect to the public in 1980 and when they sold the company for $1.4 billion in 1994, Bastian told his wife, four sons and his Mormon community that he was gay and leaving both his marriage and the church. When he died, June 16, at the age of 76 from complications associated with pulmonary fibrosis, he had been living a different life: A longtime advocate for LGBTQ rights, Bastian was married to a man, and had found a way to maintain relationships with his family, who remained dedicated members of the church that rejected his sexual orientation. “I kind of have three parts of my life,” he said in 2010 during one of several extensive interviews he gave to the Mormon Stories podcast, “the pre-WordPerfect life, the WordPerfect years, and now the LGBT years.”

Other publications remembering Bruce Bastian include: The New York Times, The Salt Lake Tribune, University of Utah, and Human Rights Campaign.

The best book on programming for the layman is “Alice in Wonderland”; but that’s because it’s the best book on anything for the layman.


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