
Break Out of That Content Rut: 8 Simple Ways to Revitalize Your Brand’s Approach to Blogging – Blog

Are you here because your blog has hit a bit of a dull patch? You’re not alone. Keeping your content marketing strategy fresh and engaging is a tough gig, and let’s be honest, it can sometimes get pretty stale. It’s a common hurdle for many businesses, but hey, there’s always a silver lining – giving your blog a new lease on life is totally within reach!

And don’t worry; we’re not suggesting that you should start from scratch. We’ve got some smart, contemporary tactics up our sleeves that’ll add that much-needed zing to your content. This way, it becomes a treat not just for your readers but also for you as a creator.

Join us as we guide you through eight simple yet impactful strategies to rejuvenate your brand’s blog. By the end of this article, you’ll be itching to get back to your keyboard, buzzing with excitement and loaded with cool, fresh ideas. Let’s get started!

1. Convert Reference Posts into Interactive Content

In the past, reference posts were the bedrock of content marketing – packed with information, they were the go-to resource. But even the most well-intentioned informative post can feel like a lecture.

The truth is, static posts often fall short. They’re like reading a textbook when you could be doing a lab experiment.

Interactive content is like a breath of fresh air. It transforms the passive experience of reading into an engaging journey. Imagine calculators, quizzes, interactive infographics, and data visualizations. They not only tell but involve and engage.

This approach increases the time spent on your site and enhances information retention. It happens because you allow your audience to learn by observation – readers consume your content, and, more importantly, they interact with it, leading to a deeper understanding and connection.

Here’s How to Do It Right:

  • Start with posts that are already popular but are heavy on data or instructions. These are ripe for transformation.
  • Depending on the content, decide whether a calculator, quiz, or infographic would be most engaging.
  • Ensure that the interactive element is easy to use, visually appealing, and adds real value.
  • Once live, promote your interactive content across all platforms and analyze user interaction to refine and improve.


Let’s take eTraining, a company offering online workplace safety training. Instead of just blogging about their courses, they created an interactive course demo as a hands-on preview.

That way, users don’t just read about the course – they experience a part of it. They navigate through the content, engage with elements of the course, and get a real feel for what eTraining offers.


This approach is great for educating and informing while immersing potential customers in the product, making them more likely to enroll.

2. Audit Your Content for Readability

Remember those days when blogs were like digital encyclopedias? Long paragraphs, complex sentences, and jargon-packed phrases – quite a marathon for any reader. While detailed content has its place, the online world today is about quick, easy-to-digest information. Walls of text intimidate and repel readers.

Readability is about using simpler words and creating an inviting reading experience. Short paragraphs, clear headings, and a conversational tone are the new norm. This approach caters to the modern reader – someone who skims, scans, and wants information fast.

Here’s How to Do It Right:

  • Aim for 2-3 sentences per paragraph. It makes the text less daunting and easier to skim.
  • Break your content into sections with clear, descriptive subheadings. It helps readers navigate and find what they need.
  • Avoid jargon and complex vocabulary. If a middle schooler would struggle, it’s too complicated.
  • Incorporate bullet points and numbered lists. These are great for summarizing information or breaking down steps.
  • Use tools like the Hemingway Editor or Grammarly, which can help identify areas where your content could be more reader-friendly.


Buffer has mastered the art of readable content. Take a stroll through this popular social media marketing platform’s blog, and you’ll notice how they’ve turned readability into an art form.

For instance, let’s take a look at their article on how to start a newsletter. The content is packed with short, snappy paragraphs, clever subheadings, and lots of bullet points and lists. Even when covering complex topics, they manage to keep their writing accessible and enjoyable.


This approach makes their content more approachable and encourages longer site visits and sharing, boosting overall engagement.

It all serves to prove that, by auditing and enhancing the readability of your content, you’re not dumbing it down. In fact, you’re opening it up to a wider, more engaged audience.

3. Cater For Commercial Search Intent

Traditionally, content marketing focused heavily on attracting eyeballs. More views, more success, right? Well, not quite. It’s crucial to remember that some of your readers are potential buyers, actively searching with the intent to purchase. Ignoring this commercial intent is like having a store with great foot traffic but no sales counter.

Catering to commercial search intent is about seamlessly integrating opportunities for readers to make a purchase within your content. This doesn’t mean turning every blog post into a sales pitch. It’s about striking the right balance – providing valuable information while subtly guiding readers toward a purchase if they’re so inclined.

Here’s How to Do It Right:

  • Look for posts where readers might be closer to a buying decision, such as in-depth reviews or comparisons.
  • Include calls-to-action (CTAs) that feel like a natural part of the content flow, not abrupt sales plugs.
  • Ensure the products linked in your content are directly related to the content itself.
  • Use attractive buttons or links that are visually integrated into the content, making the transition from reading to shopping smooth.


JennAir is a luxury kitchen appliances brand that leverages this tactic to the fullest. In their blog post showcasing high-end kitchen appliances, JennAir goes beyond mere product description. They include quick and prominent CTAs to related products, making it effortless for readers to transition from learning about an appliance to considering a purchase.


Another example that utilizes the same approach is Lick. This paint and wallpaper seller takes the strategy to a higher level.

In their article on the best bedroom colors, Lick doesn’t stop at only including links to their products within the text. They also add interactive buttons on visuals depicting the paints the text refers to. These buttons allow readers to shop the collection instantly.


4. Publish New Knowledge and Insights

The internet is awash with content that simply rehashes existing information. It’s easy to fall into the trap of regurgitating what’s already out there. But, readers are savvy. They’re searching for fresh perspectives, not a reworded version of the same old story.

Original content that offers new knowledge, insights, or research sets your brand apart and establishes you as a thought leader in your field. According to Demand Metric, 70% of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads. That’s a massive audience looking for original content!

Here’s How to Do It Right:

  • Conduct original research. Use your resources to gather new data. Surveys, user behavior analysis, or case studies can provide valuable insights.
  • Share unique perspectives. Encourage your team to write about their experiences and opinions. Authenticity resonates with readers.
  • Stay current and relevant. Keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in your industry. Offer your take on these topics.
  • Involve your audience. Engage with your readers to understand what they want to learn about. This can guide your content creation process.


Take Shopify’s blog, for example. Besides providing valuable ecommerce advice, this online store-builder delves deep into emerging trends, backed by data and comprehensive analysis. 

For instance, their SaaS Commerce Platforms Report presents original research on leadership strategies for cloud-based enterprises, offering fresh insights into this lucrative sector.


5. Involve External Experts to Generate Brand Credibility

With so much content clutter around, only those with enough credibility get to truly stand out. Bringing external experts into your content fold is a fantastic way to build a solid reputation. It’s all about showing your audience that you’re not the only one who believes in what you’re saying – respected authorities in your industry do, too.

Inviting industry experts to contribute to your content takes more than simple name-dropping. You ought to enrich your content with diverse, authoritative perspectives. Be it through podcasts, video interviews, or guest blog posts, these collaborations can add depth and authenticity to your content strategy.

Here’s How to Do It Right:

  • Identify relevant experts. Look for thought leaders in your industry whose expertise aligns with your brand values and content goals.
  • Diversify the publishing formats. Consider various formats like podcasts, video interviews, or written guest posts to keep the content dynamic.
  • Prepare engaging topics. Ensure the topics discussed are both relevant and engaging and provide value to your audience.
  • Promote collaboratively. Leverage the expert’s network as well by advertising the content through their channels.


Digestive Warrior, a brand specializing in supplements for digestive health, tackles this tactic brilliantly. On their homepage, they feature a video interview with a reputable medical professional discussing topics relevant to their niche.


This instance is not a case of yet another superficial endorsement. Instead, it’s an in-depth exploration of issues central to the company’s products and audience. Such content educates the viewer while enhancing the brand’s credibility by associating with a recognized authority in the field.

6. Get Hyper-Specific About Your Audience’s Pain Points

Broad, general content is everywhere, and it’s not something readers are enthusiastic to dive into. What really hooks the audience is content that speaks directly to their specific needs and challenges.

According to a Redpoint Global study, 80% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand that understands their pain points. This speaks volumes about the power of targeted content.

Getting hyper-specific about pain points means diving deep into the nitty-gritty issues your audience faces. It’s about moving beyond surface-level topics to address the very specific challenges that your customers encounter daily.

Here’s How to Do It Right:

  • Use surveys, social media interactions, and customer feedback to identify specific pain points.
  • Create content that identifies these pain points and offers practical, actionable solutions.
  • Incorporate keywords that your audience might use when searching for solutions to these specific problems.
  • Continuously analyze the engagement on your content to refine and adjust your approach.


Our first example comes from a brand from the B2B sector – Lanteria, an HR management platform. They certainly know how to leverage their blog to dig deep into their clients’ needs.

For instance, they published an article listing tips for conducting a successful probation review meeting – a specific challenge regularly faced by HR professionals.


This topic is quite relevant to the target audience and laser-focused on a particular aspect of that audience’s professional life, making it incredibly valuable and relatable.

On the consumer side, let’s examine the example of Sokisahtel, an apparel brand. They published an article titled “What to Do With Old or Single Socks?”.


This topic cleverly addresses a common, everyday problem related to their products. It’s a perfect example of understanding and addressing a very specific and practical issue their customers face.

7. Get Serious About SEO (Again)

If you think SEO is just about sprinkling keywords throughout your content, think again. The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, and what worked a few years ago might not cut it today.

It’s time to revisit and revitalize your SEO tactics, moving beyond the basics to embrace newer, more sophisticated strategies.

Here’s How to Do It Right:

  1. Focus on search intent.
    Understand why people are searching for a particular term – are they looking to buy, to learn, or to find a specific website? Tailor your content to match this intent.
  1. Embrace topic clustering.
    Instead of isolated keywords, think in terms of topic clusters. Create a series of interlinked content pieces around a central theme to build topical authority.
  1. Optimize for featured snippets.
    Aim to provide clear, concise answers to commonly asked questions in your field. This can increase your chances of appearing in the greatly-desired “position zero” in search results.
  1. Improve user experience (UX).
    Google’s algorithms increasingly prioritize sites with good UX, including mobile-friendliness, fast loading times, and intuitive navigation.
  1. Leverage structured data.
    Use schema markup to help search engines better understand and display your content.
  1. Keep an eye on E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness).
    Ensure your content is high-quality, accurate, and provides value, as these factors are crucial for ranking.
  1. Stay updated with algorithm changes.
    You can’t deal with SEO once and then forget about it. Regularly update your knowledge and adjust your strategy in line with the latest algorithm updates and industry trends.

By adopting these advanced tactics, you’ll start ranking higher sooner than you think. What matters most is that you’re striving to provide a better, more relevant, and more authoritative resource for your audience. That enhances the overall value and credibility of your content tenfold.

8. Look Beyond Google for Traffic

Relying solely on Google for blog traffic is like fishing in the same pond every day. Sure, you might catch something, but there’s a whole ocean out there. Diversifying your traffic sources can enhance your blog’s reach and provide a buffer against changes in search engine algorithms.

1. Backlinks from Peer Blogs

Backlinks are a seal of approval from one website to another. And not only from an SEO perspective but as a direct line to new audiences.

Here’s how to score big when looking to create backlinks

  • Engage with other bloggers or websites in your niche. Comment on their posts, share their content, and build relationships.
  • Offer to write high-quality guest posts for relevant blogs in exchange for a link back to your site.
  • Develop content that’s so useful, insightful, or unique that other sites can’t help but link to it.

2. Email Marketing

Your email list is a goldmine for driving traffic. These are people who’ve already shown interest in what you have to say.

You can cater to your audience through email marketing by regularly sending out newsletters with snippets and links to your latest blog posts.

Additionally, tailor your email content to different segments of your audience for more personalized and relevant email content.

3. Internal Linking

Take advantage of the traffic you’ve already generated by proactively directing blog visitors to other posts in your blog.

A shining example here is Key One Realty Group, a Dubai-based real estate agency. Their blog post “Top 10 Real Estate Companies in Dubai” reflects internal linking done right.


Here’s what the post includes that you should incorporate in your own content:

  • Contextual links within the body of the post seamlessly guide readers to related content.
  • Sidebar links to blog categories and trending posts make navigation to additional content easy.
  • A dedicated section to related articles at the end of the post keeps readers engaged and on the site longer.

4. Social Media

With everyone addicted to their social media feeds, this is an opportunity you’d be crazy to miss. The simple trick is to publish very prominent links to your blog content on social media channels where the audience would be interested in reading that content. 

For instance, Mixpanel, an event analytics service, uses their social media platforms masterfully to drive traffic to their blog.


Their approach involves crafting catchy headlines and captions to captivate the audience. The compelling visuals that grab attention are also a given with this strategy.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to content marketing, your goal is to attract eyes, but more importantly, you want to engage minds and hearts.

Each of the strategies included above will help you bring a unique flavor to your blogging recipe. By implementing them, you’ll be able to refresh your blog and rekindle the connection with your audience.

So, take these ideas, tailor them to your brand’s voice and audience, and drive the results you want to see.


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