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Botify Survey: Majority of Shoppers Embrace AI Search for Product Discovery

Botify conducted a survey to find out what shoppers thought of using AI search for finding new products on different platforms. As we know, many search engines including Google have added AI-generated anwers in their search results so Botify saw some potential in discovering new products this way. The results of the survey showed that 44% of the shoppers know what generative AI search is, out of which 58% of Gen-Z and Millennials each knew about it the most while Baby Boomers (74%) didn’t really know about generative search.

The respondents of the survey were asked whether they have used AI search or not, and if they were satisfied with the results. 37% of the respondents answered that they have already used the AI search and found out that they are satisfied with the results. 34% of them said that there is no difference in regular and AI search while 28% said that they feel like they have to explain their query more while making an AI search.

The participants of the survey were also asked if they preferred a result page of AI generated results or traditional results. 54% of them answered that they prefer AI generated results. When asked the reason why they use AI search, 41% of the respondents said that they use AI search for online shopping. 19% of them used it for news while 12% of them used AI search for asking health related questions.

The survey asked the respondents if they believe that AI generated results can make online shopping and discovering new products easier. 55% of the respondents, which were the majority, answered yes. 36% of the respondents in the survey hadn’t used AI search while 25% of them just used it for testing. 17% of the consumers also preferred AI search results over traditional results because it is easier and faster for AI search results to show up.

Read next: Frustrated with Google’s AI Overview in Search Results? Here’s How to Disable It With A Chrome Browser Hack

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