
Artificial intelligence A. I. ( Danger or safe ) Part – 1

Artificial intelligence (AI) – in Computer Science, artificial intelligence is called as machines intelligence.(intelligence of Machines)

Year 2017 was one of the most mysterious and dangerous your technological life because this year in the month of July and August one of the Facebook experiments created panic in scientist’s and researchers. Yes friends facebook, what happened here is is that Facebook engineers were trying to create intelligent chatbot. Chatbots are are the softwares which use human thoughts and skills to talk with humans but Facebook was creating a smart chatbot which can talk, cry, show anger, laugh, use emojis and has human voice but during that experiment one of the Facebook developers thought the Idea to make those chatbots talk with each other but not with humans.

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The developers kept two names of the chatbots bob and alice and the bots started talking fluently and what they talk:-
*BOB – I can I can everything else
*ALICE – balls have zero to me to me to me to me Ro me to
*BOB – you i everything else
*ALICE – balls have a a balls to me To me To me To me………………..

All the Facebook engineers and software developers was shocked and were not able to understand what the boats are Saying. After a inspection of 4 weeks the scientist research that this is a language that artificial intelligence is developing without any human information. They use to talk like this so that humans could not understand what they are discussing.

This was a sign of extra intelligence as it is not easy to make a language for even humans easily.
Actually this was impossible in world of programming and Technology but it happened. Scientists told that the computers are using artificial neural network to develop them without human interference after this accident international news reported that Facebook closed this artificial intelligent bots which were able to make the language after a huge experiment performed on AI programming.

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What could happen if they haven’t close the program ?

They closed this program because some of the engineers confidentially told that computers are becoming more smart by their own and going about then there boundations.

This was one of the most horror artificial intelligence year.

What could happen if artificial intelligence become more smart then humans will they rule the world. Artificial intelligence here means a computer program that can work on their own and do such duties which humans can’t expect.

You will be thinking this type of artificial intelligence is very far from us no dear you are wrong artificial intelligence has started ruling on us indirectly. Most of us will not be knowing the speed of artificial intelligence by which it is developing whether we know about it or not but we are using at everyday everytime and every single second for examples we use Alexa, Apple Siri and most common google assistant.
They are not else but artificial intelligence.

You know some more artificial intelligence Technologies like Amazon coma YouTube and many more these are very helpful but we are talking about dangerous artificial intelligence.

There is one law called MOORE’S law
This law states that every year all the transistors used in A. I. Convert themselves into twice and this is coming truth from first computer onward.

Dangerous artificial intelligence is still not developed but researches tend to say that it will definitely come to us buy 2030 to 2035.

To know more get email subscription from down page and wait for Artificial Intelligence part 2

Till than BYE…..
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