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Apple Maps Listing Permanently Closed Due To Missing Business Hours & Address

Home / SEO Copywriting / Local Search / Apple Maps Listing Permanently Closed Over Missing Business Hours & Address

Did you know that Apple can mark a business listing within Appel Maps / Apple Business Connect, as permanently closed if that business listing is missing the business hours and business address and/or if the business hours and address do not match what is on the business’s website or other local listings (like on Yelp, Google Maps, etc)?

Elizabeth Rule, a local SEO, shared an email on X that she received in response to an Apple Maps listing being marked as closed. The email said that the specific “location was closed due to the absence of address and business hours information on your official website.” It added, “To ensure visibility for Maps users, we advise adding your location’s full address and business hours. Additionally, ensure that your hours are consistent across your official website, professional social media pages, and third-party content providers like Yelp.” “This will help enhance the user experience and ensure accurate representation of your business on,” it added.

Here is a screenshot of the email:

I am not sure if this is a policy across the board that is enforced by Apple or if Apple received complaints about this specific business and took action. But it seems like if the address and maybe business hours do not match what is on the website, it can lead to Apple delisting the business within Apple Maps.

Forum discussion at Local Search Forum and X.


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