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AI Integration in Israeli Military Operations Under Fire, Critics Warn of Ethical Quagmire

A recent investigation by Jerusalem-based journalists, which appeared in the magazine +972 Magazine, raised serious questions over the application of AI to military operations in Gaza. According to the paper, artificial intelligence (AI) systems that are specifically built to recognize targets have proved invaluable in the process, but there are concerns that they could misidentify targets and cause innocent victims.

The two systems under consideration are “Where’s Daddy?”, a tracking system, and “Lavender,” an AI recommendation system. Lavender selects targets that it recognizes as Hamas agents using algorithms. Before they are attacked, Where’s Daddy? follows these targets to their residences. These technologies are an element of the “kill chain,” a military tactic that seeks to locate, target, destroy, and track.

Despite not being an autonomous weapon, lavender shortens the kill chain and increases the speed and autonomy of target selection and attack. This system gathers information from multiple sources and analyses the massive amount of data that Israeli intelligence has collected from Gaza’s 2.3 million residents. The information is used by the system to generate a profile of the potential appearance of a Hamas operative, and may include factors like age, gender, age bracket, physical appearance, and social network affiliations.

It then attempts, with varied degrees of strictness, to pair this profile with actual people. Certain simple factors, such as being male, have occasionally been used to identify potential militants, which is reminiscent of strategies employed in previous conflicts, such as the US drone wars.

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible to identify targets quickly, which enables swift and frequently unsupervised strikes. Thousands of targets, eligible or not, may have been targeted with minimal human monitoring, according to the report from +972.

This ability to target quickly is comparable to developments in other military AI programs across the globe, which seek to reduce the amount of time between detection and action, thereby enhancing the efficacy and lethality of operations.

Although the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have denied utilizing AI in this way, it is difficult to independently confirm the precise nature and scope of use. The IDF is known for being a highly modern technology organization that was an early adoption of AI, therefore the functions stated make sense.

The issue extends beyond Israeli operations. Armed forces throughout the world are incorporating more AI technologies into their tactics. As an example, Project Maven inside the US Department of Defense has developed from a data analysis programe to an AI-enabled system that assists operators in rapidly validating multiple targets.

The use of AI in military operations has brought to light a number of moral and practical concerns. Reliance on AI may result in biased training data, which could compromise the impartiality and accuracy of target selection. Furthermore, because AI operates so quickly, human operators may be less able to fully consider all options, which could have unforeseen repercussions like an increase in civilian casualties or incorrect targeting.

There are numerous ethical ramifications. Automation bias is a growing risk as AI becomes increasingly involved in making important choices. This implies that without enough oversight, operators may rely too much on AI recommendations. Furthermore, judgements may be pushed towards action rather than caution due to AI’s rapid operation, which may alter how military necessity and collateral damage are viewed and handled.

In sum, the application of AI to military targeting not only changes the way operations are carried out but also has an impact on the ethical environment around battle and decision-making. The Lavender system case study highlights the critical necessity for rigorous evaluation of the deployment of these technologies, the protections that are in place, and the possible effects on both combatants and civilians.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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