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Landowner Wouldn’t Allow Them Access To The Property They Inherited, So They Didn’t Allow Him Access To Their Property When He Needed It For A Job

Owning 50 acres of land sounds great but not if you can’t get to it.

In today’s story, one woman inherits 50 acres of land, but there’s no access to it from the road. Getting there requires going through someone else’s property.

Unfortunately, that landowner says no. Eventually, the woman finds the perfect way to get revenge.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

Landlock our land? Disrespect a solemn event in our lives…… Lose A TON of money.

My mother in law inherited approximately 50 acres of land seated by beautiful, well known lake. She recalls memories of camping, fishing, swimming, and having wonderful times with her (now deceased) brother and family.

When she and her brother had children, they continued this tradition and created memories that my husband, to this day, fondly remembers.

Her land was located about 5 miles from the main highway and you have to drive through another property owner’s land to get to the land. They never had a problem going to and from her property when the previous owners owned the land.

The family can no longer access the land.

In 1995, a local family purchased the land that led into the family property. The current land owner (who will now be known as “SOB”) told my husband that they could no longer enter my MIL’s land.

My husband basically begged the land owner for access to the family property. He even volunteered to pay a yearly fee to be able to drive through an easement to get there.

The SOB was adamant. NO.

SOB and OP’s husband still had to be civil and do business together.

My husband’s family owns several ranches and has a cattle business on the side.

The SOB owns the only feed store in our small town, so we had no other choice but to purchase all our feed from his store.

My husband is a business man and doesn’t like to “burn bridges.” He is a non confrontational and kind man….almost to a fault.

Yes, we know that SOB had every right to deny access to my MIL’s land. But keep in mind that my husband’s family is well respected and known in our town……in other words, it’s not like we were going to go in there and steal his cattle or loot his property. Being a rancher, my husband is very careful about properly opening and closing gates….and SOB knew this.

Her MIL’s brother had a dying wish that required access to the family’s land.

Now, even as I type this, I get emotional.

My MIL’s brother passed about twenty years ago. One of his final wishes was for his ashes to be spread on their land at some point in time. The land that brought so much joy and love into his/their heart(s).

His children lived out of state but contacted my MIL to see if they could finally grant their father’s dying wish.

So, AGAIN….my husband goes and basically begs SOB to please allow this happen.

The SOB made an exception.

SOB was VERY hesitant. Told hubby that he needed a few days to think about it. (Really?)

Finally, he relented.

We were ecstatic. The cousins flew in and prepared to go and spread their dad’s ashes along with my MIL and my husband.

Out of respect, I didn’t even go because, IMO, this was something so personal and meaningful, I wanted to give them their space.

SOB waited for them.

As my husband, his cousins and MIL drove up to the gate, SOB was waiting to open it. Fair enough.

As they drove five miles in, they were finally there. The land that they so loved and missed.

Just as they were about to begin their somber and sacred ritual of praying and spreading their loved ones ashes, they turned and saw SOB not twenty yards away at the gate. Not even then could he give our family the dignity and respect that they so greatly deserved by giving them their privacy.

OP’s MIL can finally access her land again.

Fast forward to present day, the land that surrounds SOB’s land goes up for sale. My MIL requested a surveyor to see exactly how the land was positioned.

Almost like a puzzle, my MIL, husband and his siblings were able to find a way to see exactly how they could finally find access to their beloved property. However, she was going to have pay BIG money to purchase the land that was adjacent to SOB’S land.

She finally decided to buy the property. But finally…..we can come and go as we please.

OP also lives on land MIL inherited.

Now, what you all have been waiting for….the REVENGE.

My MIL also inherited other properties scattered throughout the county. My husband and I built our home on one of said properties.

We have no access to a sewerage system so we had to get a septic tank. Then, all of a sudden we see signs (on OUR property) that the commissioner’s court was going to finally provide our area with a sewerage system.

The contractors presented their plan to install this system to the commissioner’s court and the big company that is going to work on this HUGE project.

The project was approved and was given the go ahead.

The project required access through MIL’s property.

Here’s the kicker…..they were going to have to go through OUR property (where my house sits) to be able to run the lines to complete the sewerage system.

EVERYTHING was going to be affected if this went through. Our landscaping was going to be ruined, jackhammering at 6:00 am was sure to be in the foreseeable future. A fun summer for our three boys (swimming, barbecues, get togethers) was basically over for the summer. It was going to look like a junk yard for at least 9-12 months.

Even though our home sits on this property, it is still under MIL’s name. Being from a small town, Lord knows why they approved this project without her consent/signature. I guess these people thought…..”ahhhh….this is a small town where everyone knows everyone……we’re sure we can do this and she won’t give us a hard time.”

MIL was not okay with the plan.

Well….guess who the main contractor was? That’s right…SOB.

When I found out, I called my MIL and told her. I don’t think I have to tell you where our revenge lies.

My MIL went to commissioner’s court and demanded to know why this project was approved without her consent.

They couldn’t come up with an even half a**ed answer.

SOB lost the job.

As it turns out, they had to have an emergency meeting and the proposal was DENIED. They had to rearrange the logistics to be able to complete this job in any way they could but it definitely wasn’t going to take place anywhere near her/our property.

From what we understand, the county and the big company was LIVID with SOB for presenting this without her signature. I’m not even sure how in the world this was overlooked and approved without her consent.

I’m sorry for our county but it cost them THOUSANDS of dollars to reconfigure the mapping of the project and they chose to go with another contractor.


Revenge completed.

This seems like a good example of karma coming into play. However, even if SOB had given the family access to the land the MIL inherited, I wouldn’t want my property to look like a junk yard for 9 months.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

OP’s family could’ve gotten revenge another way.

This reader expected the story to play out differently.

Another reader thinks SOB’s land had to have been part of MIL’s land at one point.

This reader wants to know if MIL would’ve reacted differently in the end if SOB had been nice.

I don’t think I’d want anyone going through my property to get to their property.

Surely there has to be a better way.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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