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Neighbor’s Rude Kid Didn’t Care That His Parties Were Out Of Hand, So They Manipulated Him Into Talking To His Family And He Ended Up Failed Out Of College And Cut Off From His Parents

It can be tough to live next to neighbors who come from a totally different background from your own.

When a snotty kid who has been living it up while his parents are on an extended leave of absence states he doesn’t care about your baby’s health, though, parents tend to get a little huffy.

In this case, a noise war came out in the poster’s favor.

Check out all of the details below.

neighbors sons life ruined after messing with my maniacal father

we are from the south, and now when they first moved in we used to shoot guns a lot just for fun and had little games like “who had the better shot” and stuff like that

well, they were from cali so they had never shot, or knew anything about guns and it startled them

they asked us to not shoot during the evening if that was possible because they host dinner parties quite frequently for their clients whom are from cali as well and last time they said they were all “scared to death”..

so we stopped since they asked politely

His dad even agreed to do them a favor and keep an eye on their kid.

we stopped at around 2-3PM before the evening, then they said they were leaving town for a few months

their son would be their so if possible, they would like my dad to keep an eye on him and check up on him..

well, he partied.. a lot, my dad didn’t say anything about it really since he was 21 and it wasn’t any of his business if he got drunk, smoked, ect.

but he looked out for potentially harmful things like doing something stupid like drunk driving and stuff like that.

At first, they tried to be understanding.

And then the almost NIGHTLY raves started about 2 weeks in, and at first we didn’t care..

their property, their business, but then it got louder as they built a party area not but about 50ft away from our house on heir property line..

we then just asked nicely to keep it down a little since they came closer and we had a baby(the second of my 4 little sisters) in the house that was losing a LOT of sleep over this and he acted all smug, and said “its the country baby, no noise violations out here!”

But when the kid dismissed the importance of their baby’s health, it was on.

and went on to even saying things like “thats on you bro for having a kid” and before anyone says anything, i kid you not the little prick ACTUALLY said something that stupid..

then proceeded to say “your kids health is not my problem guy” now, my dad is not a violent person at ALL, my dad is quite the pacifist and believe’s we can solve more with words that fist..

but don’t literally say, “im gonna ruin your child’s health because im a jack” and then act surprised when he starts moving towards you to beat you,

needless to say he (like most wimps) didn’t try to fight but had his friends jump in front of him whilst he talked crap..

my mom talked my dad down as he had his can opener ready to open a can of whoopass and we went back… well … my dad had enough..

His dad came up with a diabolical plan that only looked simple on the surface.

so he did what he always does when he would think… he lit a cigarette and sat outside and watched nature..he then, with a skin crawling, gut bubbling, devilish smile..

turned to me and said “son, go get our guns.. and bring out the targets.. also, get the cheap ammo.. we are gonna burn through it..”

so, being in a southern state and juuussst right outta city limits, we shot our guns with extra cheap ammo, all. night. long… for about 3 weeks.. 50 foot from them at targets and ignored them as they pleaded with us to stop…

they called the sheriff so much, they started ignoring them and never sent another car and even threatened them to stop calling as what we were doing was very legal

my dad said the last time they came out and told them we are within our rights to do this he said “its the country baby, no noise violations out here!”..

Phase 2 began when the kid threatened to tattle to his parents.

and thats true, its all community regulated, if our nice neighbors asked us to keep it down, we did.. that’s what you do, you be be polite to your neighbor

but this clown was the opposite of “neighborly” and i doubt couldn’t even spell “polite” so we continued until he fell into stage two of my satanic fathers trickery..

he told his parents… “Mwuhahahaha!” is the mental sound my father made with his big, jokers grin as he ran to get his house phone and call them to tell him that we were “scaring them with our big bad shotguns and hunting rifles whaaaa” … while the party. was. still. going. on.

and that…. THAT was PRECISELY the plan for my dad..

The parents were predictably more upset with their child than the neighbors.

you see, my dad played chess.. not checkers, and just like a pawn, he moved and manipulated him into thinking it was his idea to call his parents but it was my dad leading him in that direction all along…

my dad you see… he is.. a bit manipulative against people he doesn’t like and as a person that has done a combination of sales and hard labor..

he know show to read and play on train of thought and emotion.. he could manipulate them into doing whatever he wanted..

well, EL Dumbo and his big ears fell for it, you see his parents didn’t want him partying.. or drinking, and as Christians they REALLY didn’t want him doing illicit substances,

so when they talked to him they heard the music and knew immediately that there was a party, my dad very loudly said “young man I need to speak with your parents about this, i smell marijuana, you reek of alcohol and these parties are getting out of hand”

They came home and promptly took care of the poster’s problem for him.

his parents heard him say that and ordered him to put my dad on the phone, he then told them everything but made it sound like the son wouldn’t give him the number to their hotel (before the mass popularity of everyone having cellphones + they were older people like in their late 50’s).

Which was true BUT he technically never asked further after the first time that he did, he then told them about the state of their and our property because of this and.. anyway they were back in only 7 hours via flight(they were coming back that day and that was a part of the plan as well).

They found the place trashed.. they not only apologized but offered us a vacation, they owned some hotel in LA (i don’t remember which one, it was like a 3 star) and gave us a 2 week pass, free food ect.

It was fun, didn’t lose anything in LA (which is a very nice southern way of saying i would NEVER live there even if you paid me) but was fun nonetheless.

They didn’t mess around, either.

heard they kicked him out too after that since he refused to look for a job and refused to work for the family business.

Best part is, since his parents were honest people, they told the dean of his collage he was attending that they will no longer be paying his tuition, so if he doesn’t get you the money, to drop his butt..

And that’s what they did, future ruined, now working at the local McDonald’s and lives in a run down part of town instead of his families really nice 6 bedroom, 4 bath house lmao

Patience pays off in the end.

Let’s find out if Reddit loves this story, too.

This person is scared of the poster’s dad, too.

Some people had grammar quibbles.

Pretty sure that’s on purpose.

Dad’s opponent certainly wasn’t bright.

This kid really thought he would get away with the parties.

What a dork.

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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