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10 Best WordPress Popup Plugins To Skyrocket Leads (2024)

Do you want to add stunning popups to your site that get visitors to take action?

Popups are a great way to grab your visitor’s attention and convince them to become email subscribers, buyers, and returning customers.

At IsItWP, we have tried different ways of creating popups. For example, we have used page builders. But we noticed they added extra CSS and JavaScript to pages, which can slow down your website because of the extra resources needed. On top of this, we could only create basic popups, which did not always meet our needs.

We also built popups with email marketing tools like Mailchimp and ConvertKit. But while we could easily add the leads to our mailing list, there were limited customization options.

After our research, we concluded that the best way to create popups is by using a WordPress plugin. With these, you can create beautiful popups with targeting rules without touching a single line of code.

As a result, we went a step further and tested a wide variety of WordPress popup plugins to see which works best. We also looked at third-party review websites to see what others thought about the plugins. Once we thoroughly tested these plugins, we created this list of the best popup plugins for you.

In this guide, we have listed our findings on the best popup plugins. We discuss the features, pros and cons, pricing, and more for each tool on this list to make it easier for you to decide.

What to Look For in a Popup Plugin?

Popups give you the power to bring the user’s attention to what you want them to do or know. As mentioned, popups can help you increase email subscribers, buyers, and returning customers.

But they can do so much more you can do with them.

  • Gather Feedback: Popups can collect feedback through surveys or forms. This can help you understand user preferences and improve the user experience.
  • Increase Content Visibility: You can direct users to specific pages or content (e.g., blog posts, product pages) by displaying a popup highlighting valuable resources or important updates.
  • Reduce Cart Abandonment: You can trigger a popup when the user is about to leave your page. This can help grab their attention, leading to a conversion.
  • Promote Time-Sensitive Offers: Popups are great at promoting flash sales, limited-time discounts, or event registrations. They grab users’ attention, making them aware of deals they might otherwise miss.
  • Drive Traffic to Specific Pages: You can use popups to direct visitors to optimized landing pages, blog posts, or products. This is particularly useful when seasonal promotions, new content, or product launches need more visibility.
  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: Popups can be used to promote complementary products, bundle offers, or upsell higher-value items to users during their shopping experience, helping to increase the average order value.
  • Improve user experience: You can use popups to display welcome messages to greet new visitors with a welcome popup that introduces them to your site, offers a discount, or highlights popular content.

Best Popup Plugins for WordPress

It’s important to note that popups have been misused and abused over the years, making them annoying. This leads to visitors leaving the website and never returning just out of sheer frustration.

But popups have proven time and time again to work – if done right!

You need to make sure you choose the right popup plugin to give you all the features and tools necessary to create high-converting popups that appear at the right time and place.

When selecting a popup plugin, here’s what you should look for:

  • Easy setup and use so you won’t have to spend hours creating popups
  • Readymade templates and a visual builder to customize designs
  • Multiple campaign types like popups, floating bars, and slide-ins
  • Integration with email marketing services
  • Targeting options to display popups at the best time
  • Analytics to track performance and optimize results

Based on these factors, we’ve selected the plugins in this list to ensure you find a tool that works for you.

Now, if you do not have time to go through the entire list below, don’t worry. We have created a table for you to compare the popup plugins quickly. If you would like to skip to any section of the article, simply click on the plugin’s name in the table below.

Plugin Key Feature Free Plugin Pricing
🥇. OptinMonster Advanced targeting rules Starts from $59.60/ Year.
🥈. TrustPulse Real-time activity tracking Starts from $5/ Month.
🥉. Thrive Leads SmartLinks for personalized popups Starts from $99/ Year.
4. Bloom Detailed reporting and analytics Starting from $89/ Year.
5. HubSpot Built-in CRM integration Starting from $45/ Month.
6. Hello Bar 100+ prebuilt popup themes Starts from $29/ Month.
7. Elementor Pro Advanced display conditions Starts from $59/ Year.
8. Popup Press Embed videos, galleries, forms in popups Starts from $19 for 6 months.
9. BDOW! Traffic source-based popups Starts from $12/ Month.
10. Convert Pro Behavioral trigger options Starts from $89/ Year.

With that out of the way, let us get into this list of the best WordPress popup plugins.

1. OptinMonster

OptinMonster is the #1 popup plugin for WordPress. It has powerful features that make creating a popup easy. Plus, there are tons of advanced options to grow your subscriber list and increase conversions.

OptinMonster has over 700 beautiful templates and a drag-and-drop builder, so you can easily create customized popups that match all WordPress themes. What’s more, you get to make different campaign types like Popup, Floating Bars, Slide-in, Fullscreen, and Inline and Gamified.

The best part about OptinMonster is its powerful targeting rules.

These can help you show the popup to your exact target audience and at the best time for them to convert. As a result, OptinMonster popups are less invasive, helping your audience enjoy a good user experience.

Inside the campaign builder, you can add campaign triggers and target rules to control where, when, and to whom your popup appears. The popular rules include:

  • Exit-Intent® Technology: Recover abandoning visitors with a call to action before they leave your site
  • Page-level targeting: Show campaigns on specific pages and posts
  • Geolocation targeting: Customize popups based on the area or country of the user
  • Referral source: Display a popup based on which channel the visitor has come such as Facebook or Google
  • On-Click: Embed popups in buttons and links on your site that appear on click

OptinMonster lets you connect your popup campaign to many popular email service providers like Constant Contact, Aweber, and Mailchimp, so you can choose the one you are most familiar with. This popup plugin makes it simple to connect any of these email marketing tools. Depending on the email marketing tool, you will need the API or your username to connect.

This ensures that all new leads are automatically sent to your email marketing account. This allows you to market and remarket your products to people who are actually interested in a streamlined way.

After you create your popup, OptinMonster gives you many publishing options. For example, there’s a readymade widget you can embed into pages, posts, sidebars, and more. Apart from that, you can publish the popup directly from your OptinMonster account, use a Share Link, an embed code, and more.

Then, you can track performance of your popups and get all the important stats inside your dashboard. You can see how different popups get views, clicks, and conversions. This allows you to see what popups are performing well and which need improvement so you can customize your campaigns better.

Platforms: OptinMonster works on any website, including WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce, and even HTML sites. If you ever decide to migrate your site to a different web platform, OptinMonster seamlessly integrates with any site, so you’ll never lose your popups and marketing progress.

Comparison: OptinMonster is packed with features to create stunning popups that actually bring results. They also have tons of case studies and tutorials to help you make the most of it. It’s used by over 1.2+ million websites across the world. And when compared to other popup plugins, it’s reasonably priced and worth every penny. Check out this comparison article on OptinMonster vs. Thrive Leads for more details.


  • We loved the ease of use, especially with templates and the drag-and-drop builder
  • We could easily integrate Unsplash to access unlimited stock images
  • Advanced campaign triggers and targeting rules
  • Yes/No and 2-step optin popups
  • The custom CTAs and countdown timers allowed us to boost conversions
  • Built-in analytics and A/B testing to optimize results
  • Google Analytics integration for advanced tracking
  • High speed and performance, so it won’t slow down your site


  • OptinMonster doesn’t offer a free version. But, it was nice to learn that there’s a 14-day 100% risk-free moneyback guarantee so you can get started without commitment.

Check out the latest OptinMonster review.

Get started with OptinMonster here!

Pricing: OptinMonster starts from $59.60/ Year.

2. TrustPulse

TrustPulse is the best popup notification tool to increase conversions using social proof. It can help you display these popups when users take certain actions on your site, like subscribing or making a purchase.

TrustPulse social proof popups can drive sales and conversions by building trust and confidence in visitors. It also adds a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) on your site, so visitors will be more likely to take action as they see others doing the same.

When you add TrustPulse to your site, it will automatically track the activity and interests of your visitors. It then creates non-intrusive popups showcasing this activity for other visitors to see. These automated popups help your users trust you more and encourage them to also act.

But TrustPulse does not limit you to what site activities you can display.

With its drag and drop builder, you can pick and customize social proof activities to track and display. For instance, you can showcase recent newsletter signups, sales, webinar/event registrations, link clicks, and more.

Apart from allowing you to display customized site activity, you can create your own personalized message for the popup. This can be used to promote your newsletter, flash sales, products, or any custom campaign.

Plus, you can set up targeting rules to decide which pages the popup will appear, the delay, how long the popup should display, on which devices, and more. The best part is that the popup notifications are clickable, so you can add a link that will take them straight to your signup form, contact form, promotion page, checkout, or any other page you like.

Platforms: TrustPulse works with any website platform. For WordPress sites, you can use the TrustPulse plugin to add and manage your social proof popups easily.

Comparison: TrustPulse is the most affordable social proof popup plugin in the market. It offers the same features at a fraction of the cost compared to its competitors. For more details, check out this article on the best social proof plugins.


  • The first thing we noticed was real-time activity tracker
  • We could quickly set up time delay between popups
  • Track individual as well as group activity
  • Smart targeting to show social proof to the right users
  • Fully customizable popups to match your brand
  • Action messages to display your own custom message
  • Integrates with Zapier to capture third-party activity


  • We noticed that the plugin adds its branding to the popups, though it’s very small and usually doesn’t pose any problem. If you want to remove the branding, you’ll want to subscribe to the Growth plan.

Check out the latest TrustPulse review.

Get started with TrustPulse here!

Pricing: The Basic Plan starts from $5/ Month. Each of these plans includes a 14-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked. For an exclusive discount, use our TrustPulse coupon.

3. Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads, a Thrive Themes product, is one of the best WordPress popup plugins because of its powerful features, user-friendly design, and seamless integration capabilities. It allows you to create beautiful popups using an easy drag-and-drop builder, making it convenient for everyone.

This allows you to design eye-catching popups that quickly grab the attention of website visitors and entice them to subscribe to your email list.

With Thrive Leads, you can create highly targeted campaigns.

You can display the popup based on categories, tags, posts, or pages. This means that visitors see the most relevant offers, significantly increasing the chances of conversions.

It also provides advanced trigger options, giving you control over when and how popups are displayed. You can show them when a user is about to exit your site, after a specified timeframe, when they scroll to a certain part of the page, or when they click a specific link. These strategic triggers help you capture the right leads at the best moment.

Another interesting feature is SmartLinks.

This allows you to show different offers based on whether a visitor is new, a current subscriber, or a potential customer. By showing the popup to people based on their interaction with your site, you can improve user experience and create a more personalized user experience.

Now, with so many display options, it can be confusing to get one that works. That is why Thrive Leads offers A/B testing. This lets you compare different types of popups, design elements, triggers, and even incentives to find the best-performing option. On top of this, Thrive Leads ensures you maximize your email list growth by automatically determining the most effective popup to display.

As mentioned, Thrive Leads is a Thrive Themes product. This means it integrates smoothly with other Thrive Themes products, like Thrive Architect and Thrive Optimize, creating an ecosystem that enhances your website’s functionality and marketing efforts.

Even though Thrive Leads works best with other Thrive Themes products, it’s not limited to them.

It connects effortlessly with various email marketing tools, such as MailChimp, Aweber, and many others. This flexibility means that you can integrate your popups with your preferred email marketing service in just a few clicks.

To add to this, Thrive Leads comes with detailed reports and analytics. It provides insights into your popups’ performance, including conversion rates, list growth, and lead tracking. With this data, you can make informed tweaks to improve the effectiveness of your popups.

Platforms: Thrive vSuite and Thrive Leads works only with WordPress.

Comparison: Thrive Leads lets you create beautiful popups without touching any code. They have a decent amount of targeting options, too. Check out this article on the best lead capture tools for Thrive Leads alternatives.


  • We were able to purchase just Thrive Leads. But you can also purchase the entire Thrive Suite to access all Thrive Themes tools.
  • We enjoyed using the premade templates to create campaigns
  • Intuitive drag-and-drop editor
  • Show/hide popups based on the user’s device
  • Seamless integration with email providers and marketing services
  • Split testing to find what works better


  • There’s a learning curve with this plugin. This means you may find it difficult in the beginning to get used to the dashboard.

Check out the latest Thrive Leads review.

Get started with Thrive Leads here! Or Purchase the entire Thrive Suite here.

Pricing: Thrive Leads starts from $99/ Year. Thrive Suite costs $149 per quarter to make it more affordable. You can also opt for annual payments at $299 per year.

4. Bloom

Bloom is a WordPress popup plugin built by Elegant Themes. It allows you to create beautiful popup forms right from your WordPress dashboard.

Bloom comes with 100+ premade popup templates and 6 display options to create customized popups. Although, on closer inspection, most of the templates are look-alikes with a few minor changes.

Next, Bloom integrates with popular email services so you can sync your email account with your lead generation popups.

Added to that, the popup designs are mobile-friendly so they’ll look great for mobile users as well.

Platforms: Works on WordPress sites.

Comparison: Bloom is a good option if you already use Elegant Themes. But the popup builder is not as feature-rich as other plugins like OptinMonster. It only has fundamental targeting options, which may not be enough after a while. For more details, check out this article on Bloom Alternatives.


  • Built-in templates so we did not have to build a popup from scratch
  • We found that it offered detailed reports about our Bloom accounts, lists, optins, conversion rates, and data
  • Split testing to find the most effective popups
  • Responsive designs that look good on all devices


  • Bloom is not a standalone popup plugin. Instead, it’s bundled along with an Elegant Themes subscription. If you don’t renew your license for the bundle, you’ll lose access to your popups as well.
  • Added to that, Bloom’s popup builder isn’t a visual one. We need to click the preview button to view the changes we make to your form.
  • We needed to monitor our site’s performance, as the plugin can slow it down.

Check out the latest Bloom review here.

Get started with Bloom here.

Pricing: Bloom is available as part of the Elegant Themes bundle, starting at $89 per year or $249 for lifetime access. There’s no trial period available. To test Bloom before purchasing it, try the live plugin demo site.

5. HubSpot

HubSpot has a free WordPress popup plugin that makes it easy to add simple popups to your website. 

HubSpot’s popup builder has a user-friendly interface, and it comes with many pre-built templates you can use. You can create multiple different types of popups, including drop-down banners, slide-in boxes, and more.

You can also customize how your popups look, when they appear, and who sees them. 

Plus, whenever someone fills out your popup form, their information will automatically be added to the built-in CRM. This makes it easy to manage your contacts, segment them into lists, and keep track of every interaction they’ve had with your site. 

Platforms: HubSpot has a WordPress plugin as well as an online popup builder that works on any site. 

Comparison: If you’re on a budget and need a free all-in-one marketing plugin to create popups, send emails, and more, HubSpot is a great choice. Check out this article on the best CRM software for HubSpot alternatives.


  • Easy popup builder, no coding required
  • Mobile-optimized popups that look great on any device
  • Analytics to see how your popups are performing
  • Includes other free tools like email marketing, live chat, CRM, and more


  • We noticed that the popup builder is not as feature-rich as some of the other plugins on this list, and paid plans are expensive. If you want to create eCommerce popups and overlays, you’ll get more functionality and advanced targeting with a tool like OptinMonster.
  • The free plan also includes the HubSpot branding on your forms and popups. You’ll have to upgrade to a premium plan to get rid of it. 

Get started with HubSpot here.

Pricing: The HubSpot WordPress plugin is free and includes popups, forms, live chat, email marketing, CRM, and more. Paid plans are available starting at $45 per month. 

6. Hello Bar

Hello Bar is a popup builder that lets you create popup bars, modals, alerts, sliders, and more. You can customize every popup element to match your WordPress website style.

There are 100+ prebuilt popup themes you can choose from. And a design assistant automatically detects your site design and matches colors, fonts, and styling. This makes things a whole lot easier, especially for beginners.

Platforms: Hello Bar works on all platforms.

Comparison: Hello Bar is a great option for those looking for a free plan for small websites. But as your site grows, you’ll need to create more campaigns and get more pageviews.


  • Basic targeting options
  • We love that we can make custom reporting and data analytics
  • A/B testing to find better campaigns
  • Custom thank you page


  • The free plan limits you to 10 popups and 5,000 views per month.
  • We found the Hello Bar branding on our popups. If you want to remove the branding, you’ll need to upgrade to a premium plan.
  • It doesn’t offer as many targeting features and designs as we expected for this price.

Get started with Hello Bar here!

Pricing: Hello Bar offers a forever-free plan for up to 5,000 monthly sessions. The pro version starts at $29 per month.

7. Elementor Pro

Elementor Pro is the best drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress. It is loved by millions of website owners worldwide, mainly because of its feature-rich free plan.

If you’re already using Elementor Pro on your website, then you can create popups at no extra cost.

Elementor lets you build different types of popups, including email subscriptions, login forms, promotions and sale banners, welcome mats, and more.

Added to that, you can add effects like fly-in, full screen, help bar, bottom bar, slide-in, and more.

Platforms: Elementor is a WordPress page builder.

Comparison: Elementor Pro is mainly a drag-and-drop page builder and the best. It’s incredibly easy to use and a great choice for popups if you already use Elementor Pro. To start building, you can check out this article on the best free and premium Elementor themes and templates.


  • Get access to 100+ beautiful responsive templates
  • Create unlimited popups
  • Use triggers, display conditions, and advanced settings
  • Add custom forms to popups
  • Integrate with marketing and CRM tools


  • We discovered that you need to buy the Elementor page builder to get access to the popup builder.

Check out the latest Elementor review here.

Get started with Elementor Pro here!

Pricing: Elementor Pro starts at $59 per year.

Popup Press lets you create elegant popups for your WordPress site. It goes beyond lead generation and lets you create any popup you like.

For instance, you can showcase custom messages, disclaimers, forms, ads, products, and more. Popup Press lets you embed any content you want, including image galleries and videos.

It’s a great choice for beginners, too, because it comes with a popup builder that’s easy to use and allows you to build your website popups fast.

Popup Press offers 4 targeting rules to show popups on click, hover, page-load, or exit. This means you’ll have plenty of options to display the popup to your users at the right time.

Platforms: Popup Press works only with WordPress.

Comparison: Popup Press is useful if you want to add content inside popups to improve user experience and engagement on your site. If you want to use popups to grow your subscriber list and drive sales, then we suggest looking for an alternative popup builder.


  • Easy to use
  • Slider and lightbox effects
  • Compatible with HTML, audio, image, video, iframe, forms, and PDF
  • Works with shortcodes as well


  • Popup Press is built to create generic popups. It won’t be of much help in increasing leads and conversions.
  • There’s also no free version or trial period to test the plugin. You can check out the demo available to see how Popup Press works.

Get started with Popup Press here!

Pricing: Popup Press costs $19 for 6 months of support (not including taxes). You can extend your license to 12 months at $5.25 extra.

9. BDOW!

BDOW!, formerly Sumo, is a WordPress plugin that lets you create popups with a focus on growing your email list.

The plugin is designed to help you build your email list and easily engage with these subscribers. You can use BDOW!  to set up autoresponder emails to connect with users as soon as they sign up.

You can also add share buttons on your website so visitors can easily share your content and products on social media.

BDOW!  will then show you the return on investment for every subscriber or sale through the popup.

You’ll also be able to show custom popups based on the traffic sources of your website visitors. For instance, if you get a lot of traffic from Facebook, you can create customized popups just for them. This feature is a part of the premium version.

The pricing of BDOW!  depends on the traffic your site attracts. With the free plugin, popups do not always appear if your site attracts tons of traffic.

Platforms: Works on WordPress.

Comparison: The free app offers very limited features. Plus, it creates a blue menu bar on the side of your wp-admin panel. If you want to remove it, you’ll need to buy the premium version.


  • We were able to set up the popups in minutes
  • The Reduce Cart Abandonment feature was impressive
  • Integrate with email services and marketing platforms
  • Export list of subscribers


  • There are limited customization options. For advanced customization options, you’ll need to use CSS.
  • Keep in mind that BDOW!  is a broad product with a narrow focus on growing your email list. Compared to other popup plugins, it lacks several basic and advanced features. Plus, it doesn’t have many targeting options.

Get started with BDOW! here.

Pricing: There’s a free version with basic features. The pro plan costs $12/ Month.

10. Convert Pro

Convert Pro is a powerful email opt-in and lead-generation plugin for WordPress. You can use it to increase conversions and grow your subscriber list.

The plugin comes with a drag-and-drop editor that easily lets you create popups and other lead-generation forms. Then, you can add targeting rules to display the form at the right time when visitors will be more likely to convert.

And the best part is that every form is mobile-friendly and optimized for speed.

Platforms: Works on WordPress.

Comparison: Convert Pro offers its full-featured plan for much cheaper than plugins like OptinMonster. But you need to keep in mind that when you compare the two, Convert Pro’s full-featured plan doesn’t offer as much as OptinMonster’s full-featured plan.


  • We liked the large library of templates
  • Responsive designs
  • Behavioral trigger options
  • Advanced email integrations


  • There are limited targeting rules.

Get started with Convert Pro here.

Pricing: Starts at $89 per year. There’s a lifetime bundle that starts at $349.

That’s our list of the top popup plugins for WordPress. For more options, check out Icegram and Ninja Popups. If you’re wondering which is the best of the lot, we will give you our verdict next.

Our Pick: Which is the Best Popup Plugin for WordPress?

If you want to use popups to drive conversions on your site, then OptinMonster is the best choice by far. Its performance, customization, and results are unmatched by other popup plugins.

OptinMonster is packed with features and powerful targeting options at an affordable rate. You can choose from a wide range of display rules like exit-intent popups, user devices, geo-targeting, date and time, and more.

It’s also been proven to work; in fact, you can check out case studies of OptinMonster’s success with its customers.

A friendly and professional support team also backs the plugin. And, with any OptinMonster plan, you get access to OptinMonster University. It’s full of cheat sheets, templates, courses, and training on digital marketing, email marketing, and more.

So overall, it’s a good long-term investment.

To create your first popup with OptinMonster, see our guide: How to a Popup in WordPress (Step by Step).

If building popups is time-consuming and you want to hand off the work, the OptinMonster team will create done-for-you popup campaigns. You’ll save time and get professional high-converting popups for your site.

Now, if you have any more questions, check out the commonly asked questions below.

FAQs: Best WordPress Popup Plugins To Skyrocket Leads

Why are popups often misused?

Popups are often misused because they can interrupt the user experience and become more of a nuisance than a helpful tool. Many website owners make the mistake of displaying popups too frequently or at inappropriate times, such as immediately when a visitor lands on a page. This disrupts browsing and can lead to frustration, causing visitors to leave the site. A good way to ensure you use popups more effectively is by using OptinMonster. This tool helps you display your popups at the right time and to the right person through targeting rules. You can also use its drag and drop builder to create beautiful popups that merge with your site and do not distract your users.

Which is the best free popup plugin?

TrustPulse is the best free popup plugin that can boost website conversions. Unlike traditional popups, TrustPulse uses social proof to automatically show real-time notifications of recent customer activity, such as purchases or sign-ups. This approach uses FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to encourage visitors to take action, making it highly effective for building trust and increasing conversions.

What features are a must for a high-converting popup?

A high-converting popup should include targeted display rules, a great design, and clear calls to action. Targeted display rules, like exit-intent or scroll-based triggers, ensure popups appear at the right moment to engage visitors. A great design with eye-catching visuals and good copy can grab attention. While a clear call-to-action guides users toward conversion. You can use Tools like OptinMonster, Thrive Leads, and TrustPulse to help create popups that meet all these conditions.

Are popups the best way to grow a mailing list?

Popups can be one of the most effective ways to grow a mailing list when used strategically, such as tools like the OptinMonster show. OptinMonster provides various popup forms, such as lightbox popups, slide-ins, and exit-intent popups, all designed to capture visitor interest at the right time. With its advanced targeting options, you can display popups based on user behavior, location, or page views, making them highly relevant and less intrusive.

We hope this list helped you find the best WordPress popup plugin for your site. For your next steps, you’ll find these resources helpful:

The first article teaches you how to grow your email list with social proof notifications. The next post shows you how to build a WordPress squeeze page. While the last article lists the best email marketing tools for small businesses.

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