





‘Steak and Eggs’ Diet An Old-School Diet To Build Muscle, Burn Fat and Boost Testosterone

There are a few things in life that will make a man feel like a man.

Changing a light bulb, lifting heavy weights, receiving a blowjob and eating steak.

Nothing oozes masculinity more than all of the above.

For more than a millennia, man has been eating steak to survive in order to pass on one’s genes and continue the growth of the human race.

Such a food is synonymous with the primitive alpha male, a food source that provides vigor and virility to a man, supercharging one to seize the day.

In particular:

When you’re living through an ice-age with little to no food sources available, it’s unlikely you’ll be eating a ‘powerpunch’ granola breakfast berry mix that you would easily find at a dingy hipster bar on the corner of Shoreditch High Street.

In this article we will be exploring the Steak and Eggs Diet, a controversial, old-school ketogenic diet designed to torch fat, increase muscle growth and boost testosterone.

Can a diet really be responsible for all of these things, or is it a complete fad?

Read on to find out.

What Is The Steak and Eggs Diet?

As the name suggests, the Steak and Eggs Diet consists of eating only steak and eggs.

The beauty of this diet lies in its simplicity because there is no limit on the amount of meat and eggs you can eat throughout the day.

The best part?

You don’t need to count any calories whilst on this diet plan.

However, the diet does prescribe eating a carbohydrate-rich meal every 4 or 5 days to replenish your glycogen levels.

This means your chances of storing fat are practically zero allowing you to eat as much as you reasonably can.

As your diet will consist of high protein, moderate fat and minimal carbohydrates, there is evidence to suggest that a higher protein intake increases thermogenesis (the thermal effect of food) and satiety (the feeling of fullness) compared to diets of lower protein content which will help in fat loss.

History of Steak and Eggs and Vince Gironda’s Influence

Eating steak and eggs was a customary breakfast for Australians during the first half of the 20th century. It would later be picked up US Marine Corps who would frequently eat breakfast with their Australian counterparts during WW2 in the Pacific.

Steak and eggs is also a famous choice of breakfast for NASA Astronauts before a launch.


The Steak and Eggs Diet was first popularised in the health and fitness industry by Vince Gironda during bodybuilding’s ‘Golden Era’ after he experimented it on himself in preparation for the 1962 NABBA Mr. Universe which resulted in him getting into the best shape of his life.

Who was Vince Gironda you might ask?

Vince Gironda was a professional bodybuilder, author and personal trainer who trained amateur bodybuilders and household names such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Larry Scott and Lou Ferrigno in his world famous ‘Vince’s Gym’.

He was also the proponent of many training philosophies including renown training programmes such as 8×8 and 10-8-6-15.

Vince Gironda was the type of person who wouldn’t prescribe a diet or a workout to someone if it didn’t work on himself. In that sense, he was always experimenting (an old-school Jim Stoppani if you will) where his nutritional principles and unorthodox training methods are now only being proven by scientific research some half a century later.

In particular,

In his book ‘Vince Gironda’s Blueprint for the Bodybuilder’, Vince wrote about the success he had following the Steak and Eggs Diet, an early form of the now known ‘ketogenic’ diet which he called the ‘Maximum Definition Diet’.

He writes:

“This has always been a strong man’s favorite meal. No other meal combination produces the feeling of strength and energy (phosphorus in meat). Hamburger does not compete. The process of chopping up the meat destroys enzymes due to oxidation and other nutrients known and unknown.

Beef and eggs sustain blood-sugar levels for six hours making lunch unnecessary. 3/4 pound of steak and 3-4 eggs supply 103 grams of first class protein fast, and is easy to digest.

I personally achieved the best shape of my career on this diet. I used this diet for nine months, taking no supplements and with no adverse effects.

I might add that after nine months of Definition Contest Training I found that I was growing – not just maintaining maximum condition.”

Despite only finishing in second place in the 1962 NABBA Mr. Universe competition, it was Vince’s low body fat, muscle definition and size which garnered widespread interest in his training methods.

Funnily enough, the reason why Vince placed second place in the Mr. Universe competition was because he lost points for being ‘too ripped’.

Vince would go on to tout the benefits of the Steak and Eggs Diet and other forms of ‘ketogenic’ principles which would re-shape the bodybuilding industry.

The Science Behind The Steak and Eggs Diet

The Steak and Eggs Diet is a primordial form of the popular ketogenic diet which continues to gain mainstream adoption.

By its very definition (according to Wikipedia), a ketogenic diet is a:

High fat, adequate protein, low carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used mainly to treat hard-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.

Normally carbohydrates in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and plays a vital role in fuelling brain function (a process called glycolysis).

However, if little to no carbohydrates are present in the diet, the liver will convert fat into fatty acids and ketones, with ketones passing into the brain and replacing glucose as the primary energy source (a process known as ketosis). 

Going back to the Steak and Eggs Diet itself, undoubtedly there are valid concerns over the high amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats in this diet and the effect this will have on your overall health.

Vince Gironda was quick to address these concerns in his book: ‘Blueprint for the Bodybuilder’.

“At this point, I can hear some of you complaining that this is not a balanced diet, and what about cholesterol in the eggs and the fat.

Well, I found this diet balanced for me. And according to ‘Not by Bread Alone‘ by Steffanson who lived 18 years with the Eskimos on meat and fat only – the most important part of their meat and fat diet was the fat. They would track a Caribou for two weeks just to get the fat.

The meat alone did not sustain them (fat is the best energy source known). Fat sustains blood sugar for six hours, carbohydrates only 1 1/2 hours. Those of you who are afraid of fats, fat is a lipotropic (fat emulsifier) as is oil.

According to the National Egg Council findings, the body produces far more cholesterol than you eat. And if you ingest cholesterol your body cuts back and produces less, so you always have a natural, balanced level. Stress is the major cause of cholesterol because stress readies the body for action (fight or flight).

Cholesterol protects the body in case of injury because it acts as a glue to stop bleeding of cuts (we still react as our primitive ancestors did to stress).

In actual fact, cholesterol is not the culprit at all, but triglycerides (a form of fat). The real secret of this diet is the compatibility of the steak and eggs.

Consuming cholesterol isn’t as black and white as you might think.

When your dietary intake of cholesterol goes down, your body will naturally make more. However, when you eat greater amounts of cholesterol, your body will produce less.

Because of this, foods high in dietary cholesterol have very little impact on blood cholesterol levels in most people. Of course, the caveat here is ‘most people’.

According to this study published in PubMed, it is estimated that 30% of the population are sensitive to dietary cholesterol whereas 70% are resistant to plasma cholesterol changes. Thus, the majority of people will experience little to no change in LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol whilst others might be ‘hyper-responders’ to increased dietary cholesterol and see their markers go up slightly.

So, whilst Gironda wasn’t entirely inaccurate in what he preached about cholesterol (which has been backed up by adequate research), it is a rather ‘general’ approach nonetheless.

Going back to the overall ketogenic diet itself, in order to build muscle and burn fat, it is important you become ‘fat adapted’ otherwise known as fat adaptation.

This means after following the Steak and Eggs Diet for some time (usually up to 2 months), you will begin to become more efficient at using fat as a primary energy source.

In this study published in the Journal of Human Kinetics, it showed that long-term adaptation to low carbohydrate, high fat diets produces greater metabolic benefits, including a higher rate of fat oxidation and lower rates of carbohydrate oxidation.

Once you become fat adapted, all the muscle tissue in your body will begin to be fuelled by fat (most notably the brain).

It gets better:

Your body also begins to become more efficient at using carbohydrates, known as metabolic flexibility.

Now you might be wondering, how? I’m hardly eating any carbohydrates?

In this study published in the Journal of Human Kinetics, endurance athletes who followed a low carbohydrate, high fat diet for 4 weeks displayed lower resting muscle glycogen levels. However, the post-exercise level of muscle glycogen was similar to that before following such a diet in the first place.

Your body is able to produce carbohydrates from the protein and fat that you are consuming rather than taking it from your muscles (provided you are eating enough). Your body gets an efficient use of carbohydrates because you’re not eating them all of the time.

Generally speaking,

Carbohydrates are a luxury energy source in its very nature and when you have little to no carbohydrates present in your diet, your body has to become more efficient at using them, especially if it’s only able to make a very limited amount every day.


The Steak and Eggs Diet cannot be called a strict keotgenic diet following the inclusion of a high carbohydrate meal every 4 or 5 days.

In that sense, this diet is referred to as a ‘cyclical ketogenic diet’.

Like many bodybuilders including Vince Gironda himself, following a strict ketogenic diet for a prolonged period of time can begin to cause adverse effects on the body that will effect performance in and out of the gym.

Thus, the inclusion of a carbohydrate-rich meal every few days will ensure your body is getting the macronutrients it needs to curb cravings and maintain/improve physical performance.

Today, this is commonly known as ‘carb-cycling’ which can have a variety of benefits including:

  • Satisfies cravings in order to make a ketogenic diet more sustainable
  • Regulates hormones from excessive dieting for better immune function
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Improves body composition and muscle gain

Going full ketosis isn’t for everyone, but consumption of carbohydrates throughout the week such as pasta, rice and potatoes will ensure your brain, body and joint health are in good nick.

Basic Rules Of The Steak and Eggs Diet

Whilst the amount of steak and eggs during this diet is limitless, there are a few rules to adhere to when following this nutritional plan to ensure you’re fuelling your body the right way.

This includes:

  • Animal protein to only be consumed.
  • Eating carbohydrates every day is not allowed (including fruit and vegetables).
  • Eating dairy-based products are not allowed (with the exception of butter and cream).
  • Carbohydrates to be consumed every 4 or 5 days.

You might have read the above and thought ‘how can you not eat at least a portion-controlled carbohydrate source a day?’

In Vince Gironda’s publication: ‘Definition’, he writes about carbohydrates in the diet and the role they play in building your physique:

“To begin with, all carbohydrates must be removed from a maximum definition diet. This means – all fruit, all vegetables, all salad greens, and all milk products. The only milk products that can be used are butter and cream.

Any kind of meat, fish, or fowl and eggs are the only foods permissible. You must, however, eat some carbohydrates every four or five days because you will find that you will smooth out and veins and cuts will disappear. You will find also that you are not getting the pump you should and your strength will decrease. This is because a zero carbohydrate diet drains all the stored glycogen from the liver, and only carbohydrates will replenish it.

But don’t try to eat a small amount of carbohydrates each day. You will only find that you are smoothing out”.

Whilst he wrote the above between the 60’s and 70’s, science today proves this to be correct.

For instance,

In a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, one female and five male subjects were placed on a 2-day carbohydrate restriction programme and were required to perform three sets of squats, an isoinertial exercise, at 80% of their 1RM (one rep max).

The study showed that performing this exercise on a carb-restricted diet significantly decreased strength levels by way of the number of repetitions being reduced.

With that said:

Whilst the rules for the Steak and Eggs Diet are succinct, they are still a bit vague.

In Vince’s publication ‘Definition’, the menu he prescribed for the Steak and Eggs Diet was the following:

  • Breakfast: meat and eggs (no limit)
  • Lunch: same as breakfast
  • Dinner: same as lunch

In this first mention of the diet, Vince never addressed how many carbohydrates you were allowed to consume on your re-feed day.

This, as well as a more restricted menu, are described in his second mention of the Steak and Eggs Diet in his publication ‘Blueprint for the Bodybuilder’:

  • Breakfast: 375g steak with 3-4 eggs
  • Dinner: same as breakfast
  • Every 72 hours have a meal of spaghetti with sauce only

Vince went on to state that:

Protein and carbohydrate are not compatible… This is the reason I advise a spaghetti dinner (with tomato sauce only) every 72 hours on my Maximum Definition Diet”

Vince shared many controversial nutritional principles in his day, and the idea of not combining protein and carbohydrates with a meal was one of them.

However, he did share his view as to why it was important to have a high carbohydrate meal on the Steak and Eggs Diet every 72 hours and why you shouldn’t combine protein with carbohydrates for the purpose of losing weight on this cyclic ketogenic diet as quoted from his book ‘The Wild Physique’:

“When dieting to lose weight, it is important to include one carbohydrate meal every 72-96 hours (no protein) to restore carbohydrates to the system and glycogen to the muscle.

This promotes recovery and a better pump from your workouts. If you eat carbohydrates after 3-4 days on a high protein/high-fat diet, it causes a diuretic action, releasing water from the tissues.

People often report a lower bodyweight of several pounds when using this method”.

It’s important to remember that this diet was mainly used for pre-contest cutting and so the primary goal is to lose fat and build muscle as effectively as possible.

Vince believed that if you were following a high protein diet for a prolonged period of time you would throw-off your body’s natural acid-alkaline balance and so the consumption of carbohydrates would ensure that you body is using the protein you’re digesting more efficiently as well as correcting this imbalance.

According to this study published in PubMed, ten healthy people participated in a metabolic study where they consumed their usual diet, then a severely carbohydrate-restricted diet for 2 weeks, followed by a moderately carbohydrate-restricted maintenance diet for 4 weeks.

The study found that consuming a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet for 6 weeks delivers a marked acid increase to the kidneys, increased the risk for stone formation and decreased estimated calcium balance which increased the risk for bone loss.

Therefore, this proves Vince Gironda’s theories were correct and why he recommends only consuming a carbohydrate-rich meal without protein every 72 hours.

Benefits Of The Steak and Eggs Diet

Nutrient Density

Steak and eggs are complete, whole foods.

Whilst containing adequate amounts of protein and fat, they’re also rich in vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. All important building blocks for developing new muscle tissue and for the maintenance of your overall health.

Below is an overview of what a typical 375g sirloin steak contains (taken from Nutrient Optimiser) with the % of daily values in an average 2,000 calorie diet:


  • Vitamin K – 7.5µg (3.7% DV)
  • Vitamin D – 34IU (7.5% DV)
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) – 3.8mg (42% DV)
  • Choline – 375mg (71% DV)
  • Vitamin B6 – 3.8mg (161% DV)
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – 26mg (169% DV)
  • Vitamin B12 – 7.5µg (247%)


  • Calcium – 75mg (7.5% DV)
  • Sodium – 210mg (15% DV)
  • Magnesium – 83mg (19% DV)
  • Potassium – 1275mg (33% DV)
  • Iron – 7.5mg (37% DV)
  • Phosphorus – 788mg (79% DV)
  • Zinc – 19mg (132% DV)
  • Selenium – 109µg (199%)

Essential Amino Acids

  • Valine – 3.8g (258% DV)
  • Leucine – 7.5g (274% DV)
  • Isoleucine – 3.8g (307% DV)
  • Methionine – 3.8g (337% DV)
  • Tyrosine – 3.8g (345% DV)
  • Threonine – 3.8g (360% DV)
  • Lysine – 7.5g (375% DV)
  • Phenylalanine – 3.8g (412% DV)
  • Histidine – 3.8g (450% DV)


Below is an overview of what 4 raw, medium-sized eggs contains (taken from Nutrient Optimiser) with the % of daily values in an average 2,000 calorie diet:


  • Vitamin E – 2.2mg (12% DV)
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.4mg (23% DV)
  • Vitamin D – 145IU (25% DV)
  • Vitamin A – 953IU (32% DV)
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) – 2.9mg (55% DV)
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – 0.7mg (62% DV)
  • Vitamin B12 – 1.5µg (65% DV)
  • Choline – 516mg (91% DV)


  • Magnesium – 21mg (5.1% DV)
  • Potassium – 244mg (7.3% DV)
  • Calcium – 102mg (7.3% DV)
  • Zinc – 2.5mg (16% DV)
  • Sodium – 247mg (16% DV)
  • Iron – 3.3mg (17% DV)
  • Phosphorus – 349mg (35% DV)
  • Selenium – 55µg (102% DV)

Essential Amino Acids

  • Leucine – 2.2g (65% DV)
  • Lysine – 1.5g (73% DV)
  • Histidine – 0.4g (73% DV)
  • Valine – 1.5g (76% DV)
  • Isoleucine – 1.1g (80% DV)
  • Methionine – 0.7g (87% DV)
  • Threonine – 1.1g (87% DV)
  • Tyrosine – 0.7g (91% DV)
  • Tryptophan – 0.4g (102% DV)
  • Phenylalanine – 1.1g (127% DV)
  • Cystine – 0.4g (156% DV)

As you can see from the above, eating steak and eggs provides a host of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids allowing you to meet the daily requirements needed to support muscle growth and to maintain the normal function of many metabolic processes.

However, this diet is far from complete and is void of a few vital nutrients (namely vitamin C and omega-3) which we will touch on later.

Supports Muscle Growth

As described earlier, following a low carbohydrate, high fat diet such as steak and eggs, over time, leads to lower resting muscle glycogen levels.

This means that anabolic (muscle-building) hormones like insulin are suppressed which will slowly effect the level of muscle growth you will experience.

Insulin is an important hormone because it helps promote muscle hypertrophy by allowing glucose and essential amino acids to enter into the muscle cells, increasing protein synthesis and decreasing the amount of protein breakdown in the muscle tissue.

Because the Steak and Eggs Diet allows for a high carbohydrate meal every 4/5 days, you’ll be able to use the anabolic effects of insulin to promote muscle growth compared to to simply follow a rigid ketogenic diet void of any carbohydrates.

Improves Fat Loss

Following a ketogenic diet such as steak and eggs is an efficient method in promoting weight loss that has numerous supporting evidence showing its effectiveness.

In particular:

Eating steak and eggs is very satiating which usually doesn’t require any calorie counting. The main reason for the weight loss experienced on this diet is due to the restricted calories you’ll be consuming in total.

Eating twice a day from the same food sources (namely protein and fat), will naturally put you in a calorie deficit leading to fat loss as this is a form of intermittent fasting.

In a review of 13 subjects, it was found that following a very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet (LCVD) was more effective for weight loss (long-term) than following a low fat diet. For the test group that followed the former, they lost on average 0.9kg more than those who followed the latter.

In addition to this, the group who followed the LCVD also experienced reductions in overall blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

Increased Testosterone

As eating steak and eggs twice a day will normally lead to being in a calorie deficit for most people, studies have shown that in overweight individuals, calorie restriction and associated fat loss can lead to improved testosterone levels and improved health markers that run alongside fat loss.

This includes things such as increased insulin sensitivity, reduced urinary tract symptoms and increased plasma testosterone.

Additionally, other studies have shown that eating a ketogenic diet such as steak and eggs in comparison to a traditional western diet can lead to increased testosterone levels.

In this study which compared the effects of a ketogenic diet and a normal western diet to changes in body composition, performance, blood lipids, and hormonal profiles in resistance-trained athletes found that total testosterone levels increased significantly from weeks 0 to 11 in those on the ketogenic diet compared to the group on the western diet.

It also concluded that a ketogenic diet can be used in combination with resistance training to cause favorable changes in body composition, performance and hormonal profiles in resistance-trained men.

It’s important to note that such studies were completed in a short amount of time (usually up to 12 weeks), so the effects of testosterone levels past this time-horizon remains to be seen.

Thus, the Steak and Eggs Diet should be used a short-term fat loss protocol to ensure your health markers and hormones are kept at an optimal, healthy level.

Time Efficient

As the Steak and Eggs Diet only requires you to eat twice a day (skipping lunch all together), naturally you’ll be saving a heck of a lot of time in the kitchen thinking about what to eat.

No more lengthy shopping lists, stacks of tupperware containers to fill and a mountain of washing up to do thereafter.

Steak and eggs are the menu of the day everyday so you know what you’re getting into.

It’s quick and easy prepare and does the job in satiating you for a good few hours so there’s no real need to plan ahead.

Drawbacks Of The Steak and Eggs Diet

As with all good things in life, there are downfalls that exist, and unfortunately eating steak and eggs every day is no exception.

Below are a few cons to consider before embarking on this diet:

Lack of Essential Vitamins and Fatty Acids

As mentioned earlier, the Steak and Eggs Diet prescribed by Vince Gironda lacks sufficient levels of vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids are considered ‘essential’ as the body is unable to produce these on it’s own. Thus, this must be extracted from the food you eat in order for your body to utilise the benefits of these organic compounds.

The lack of carbohydrates and variety of fat sources on the Steak and Eggs Diet are the main culprits for this deficiency, so if this is of concern to you, consider the following options instead:

  • Take a vitamin C and omega-3 fish oil supplement
  • Substitute cooking in butter with extra virgin olive oil instead
  • Consume small amounts of fish and citrus fruits throughout or on re-feed days

The above should help to prevent you becoming deficient in these essential compounds and maintain optimal health and performance in the gym.


During re-feed days it is very easy to over consume carbohydrates as a result of glycogen depletion (that will often create a sugar craving) which can reverse the fat loss benefits of the Steak and Eggs Diet.

In particular, studies have shown that for every gram of carbohydrate that is stored by the body, an additional 3 grams of water will be stored simultaneously.

So if you’re not careful and assume you can eat an infinite amount of pizzas, doughnuts and cakes during your re-feed day, gaining weight is a high possibility if you’re not actively watching how you refuel your glycogen stores.

Inconclusive Research

Whilst being on a cyclical keto diet is designed to reduce the symptoms of suffering from ‘keto flu’ (such as fatigue, headache and brain fog) as well as boosting athletic performance and promoting muscle growth, the research on its effectiveness is inconclusive.

There is limited research into the possible side effects of a cyclical keto diet and most of which exists is mostly anecdotal from people’s experience.


Are steak and eggs healthy?

Steak and eggs contain a good amount of protein and fat that play an important role in protein synthesis and keeping you satiated.

They’re also rich in vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids that are important building blocks for developing new muscle tissue, regulating your hormones and maintaining your overall health.

Is it healthy to eat steak and eggs for breakfast?

Steak and eggs for breakfast is a healthy choice.

In particular, lean cuts of steak are generally healthier than having bacon, sausages or other cereals loaded with sugar which have gone through high levels of processing containing carcinogenic chemicals.

What kind of results can I expect on the Steak and Eggs Diet?

Provided you are exercising regularly and have been following the Steak and Eggs for at least 12 weeks you can expect the following results:

  • Reduced % of body fat
  • Improved body composition and muscle growth
  • Increased insulin sensitivity and plasma testosterone
  • Improved sleep, stable energy levels and increased focus

Is the Steak and Eggs Diet suitable for females?


Women will also experience the same benefits as men following this diet such as increased fat loss, improved body composition and an increase in overall health markers.

Does the Steak and Eggs Diet work?

All diets centered around weight loss share a common theme of being in a calorie deficit and the Steak and Eggs Diet is no exception.

As you’re only required to eat twice a day, you’re naturally restricting the amount of calories you will consume, thereby improving your overall weight loss results if done consistently over a sustained period of time.

Is the Steak and Eggs Diet appropriate for bodybuilding?

If your goal is to put on as much muscle mass as possible, this diet isn’t recommended following the lack of carbohydrates.

If, however, your goal is to cut down on fat but still maintain and/or build lean muscle mass, then the Steak and Eggs Diet is appropriate.

As Vince Gironda stated, a three quarter pound steak with 3-4 eggs will provide over 100 grams of protein to the muscles, with protein being the essential building block for repairing damaged muscle tissue for muscle growth.


As the Steak and Eggs Diet consists of adequate amounts of saturated fat, your body will be able to produce more testosterone (as saturated fat is a precursor for many of the body’s natural hormone production, including testosterone) which will lead to increased muscle mass.

Will eating a lot fat make me fat?

In short, no.

Excessive calorie consumption (above and beyond your maintenance level) will lead to weight gain, not the individual consumption of macronutrients such as fat.

How to do the Steak and Eggs Diet?

Animal protein is to only be consumed and carbohydrates are to be eaten every 4 or 5 days. Dairy is also to be completed eliminated from your diet with exception of butter and cream.

Where possible, ensure you shop for grass-fed local beef and free-range eggs from your local butcher and/or fresh market.

Purchasing your steak and eggs organically/locally rather than from a supermarket will give you the confidence that your steak and eggs contain the highest amount of vitamins and minerals to produce more optimal results.

How long should you follow the Steak and Eggs Diet?

Despite being followed by Vince Gironda for nine months, the Steak and Eggs Diet is generally a short-term diet to lose stubborn fat.

Therefore, it is recommended not to follow this diet for no longer than 12 weeks at the most due to its restrictive nature.

How much weight can I expect to lose on the Steak and Eggs Diet?

If you have been eating carbohydrates primarily before starting the Steak and Eggs Diet, you will mostly lose water weight in the first few days.

It’s likely your weight will begin to stabilise thereafter, but as this diet requires elements of fasting throughout the day (due to skipping lunch), a healthy amount of weight you can expect to lose is between 1lb (0.45kg) to 2lbs (0.90kg) a week.

What can I drink on Steak and Eggs Diet?

Water, black coffee and herbal teas (such as green tea) are permitted. Alcohol, soft drinks and fruit juices are not to be consumed on this diet.

Bringing It All Together


Eating steak and eggs is a low maintenance and cost-efficient way of building muscle and burning fat.

Both foods contain an abundance of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids that complements any bodybuilding goal.

If that wasn’t enough,

When the Steak and Eggs Diet is used in combination with lifting weights, it has been shown to cause a favorable increase in plasma testosterone, making you feel like Alexander The Great amongst the beta-males possessing small dick energy who frequently flock to the gym.


The Steak and Eggs Diet doesn’t come without it’s flaws.

For starters, it is an extreme and restrictive way to lose weight where there are other diets you could follow that don’t require the elimination of one food group to help you manage your weight or build muscle. 

Also, if you’re someone who enjoys the variety of vegetables, fruits and salads, you might struggle on this diet which could lead to an unhealthy relationship with food in the long-run if you don’t properly reign it in.

Either way, as with any diet, finding what is sustainable for you is the key to achieving whatever result(s) you’re after.

Although Vince Gironda boasted being on this diet for 9 months, it is a good idea not to follow suit as this diet should be used as a short-term protocol to build muscle, burn fat and improve health markers.

A minimum of 14 or 21 days is enough for you to start seeing results but I wouldn’t go any further than 12 weeks as there is no data supporting it’s effectiveness past this point.

What Do You Think?

Have you tried the Steak and Eggs Diet?

Thinking of giving it a go?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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