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Meta Accused Of More Unfair EU Data Practices As Users Complain Of Data Breaches For Training AI

Tech giant Meta is in the hot seat again as a fresh wave of complaints from users based in the EU took center stage recently.

Facebook’s parent firm is accused of breaching users’ data again for the sake of training its AI models. The news comes after a leading privacy group by the name of NOYB mentioned through a series of complaints being filed how the latest privacy policy changes of the company can no longer be accepted.

This complaint is related to a privacy policy that is scheduled to come into play by the end of this month. As per the updates, Facebook’s parent firm says it hopes to use this content to train different AI models.

Such material might entail personal details linked to users via public data. Moreover, the latest policy change would also go about breaking the regulations enlisted in the GDPR and that is why the privacy advocacy wants authorities in this part of the world to step in and carry out an investigation so such changes are barred from taking place.

Instead of forcing such users to ask for respective content, Meta says it would argue how it’s doing whatever it can for users’ best interest. The whole endeavor related to collecting and processing data would ensure personalized ad policies, it added but not everyone seems to be on the same page here.

Noyb added how this time around, Meta hopes to be more aggressive and utilize people’s data for AI training on a larger scale and that without any legal limits, it has no bounds.

For now, Meta is yet to unveil what purposes such data is going to be used for. It could be linked to chatbots aggressive advertising or killer drones. In the same way, the firm raised eyebrows by adding how data might be available to third parties which means anyone located anywhere in the world would get access.

Meta has made a lot of references to different third parties that it shares information with like advertisers, service providers, and whatnot. Others would use this for the sake of carrying out research as they could generate requests to the firm for data sharing.

Meanwhile, the company has opted to reject all claims made by the privacy advocacy group, adding how it only makes use of user data available publicly on different products and services.

But what it failed to mention is how the privacy notes that data could be processed on different people even if they’re not using the company’s goods was not mentioned by the tech giant.

The complaints against Meta do not end there. There is much talk about how Meta’s subscription model is based on unfair grounds that force people to pay or have their personal data tracked for ad purposes. Therefore, opponents of Meta see this as a means to justify data collection.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: Adobe Faces Serious Backlash After New Policy Accused Of Stealing Users’ Unfinished Content For AI Training Purposes

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